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Everything posted by RobertNashville
Very good answer!
Considering that fact that they are still in business and appear to be doing well, I'd say their prices are exactly correct for their location and their clientele.
Local TN Reps Against Voter ID Law
RobertNashville replied to mcurrier's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I believe there are two "reason" for why Democrats/Liberals/etc are against these laws. There are many well intentioned folks who truly believe the arguments made by others (typically Democratic politicians) that these laws are am unreasonable "burden" on certain groups such as those that don't have an ID and/or can't get an ID and/or are too old or too poor, etc. I will admit that there may be some very tiny percentage pf people left in the U.S. who, for some reason, are U.S. citizens but haven't gotten and perhaps can't get a govt. issued I.D. However, the percentage would have to be so tiny as to be inconsequential (assuming those people actually do/will vote anyway!). I can also believe that some "groups" will be reluctant to vote if they have to show an ID; not because they don't have an ID but, for whatever reason, they are "afraid" to do so. One has to wonder what these people are truly worried about or if they will even vote??? Bottom line is, I don't think that any of these "excuses" can actually stand up to the light of reason but many of the people who believe the reasons never really think it through. The other, and I'd submit more disgusting reason is that certain political types (i.e. Democrat politicians) truly DO want folks like illegal aliens and the like to be able to vote and/or vote more than once...they actually DO want voter fraud to occur because those who are willing to commit voter fraud typically vote for the Democratic ticket. -
I know there are some stupid people out there, but sheesh.
RobertNashville replied to mav's topic in General Chat
Robbers aren't going to know or care what size bills are in the register. The only reason businesses don't like large bills IS because of the problem of making change (especially at night when you can't just run down to the back to get change), That said, not taking a hundred dollar bill on an $80 dollar sale is pretty damn stupid IMAHO. -
FEMA Document (Pulled!) on the Coming Lockdown
RobertNashville replied to mcurrier's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Honest to God guys (and girls) I've been hearing pretty much the stuff since I was a teenager back in the late 60s and were my father still with us he could probably go back another 50 years; it's really difficult to take any of this stuff seriously. Am I concerned about some of we known truly is going on? Absolutely FEMA camps and complete government takeovers of the country/dictatorship? I'm more than a little skeptical! -
I know there are some stupid people out there, but sheesh.
RobertNashville replied to mav's topic in General Chat
Can someone explain to me what's actually different about having $80 more dollars in your register paid for with a $100 bill vs having an additional $80 from a sale paid for with four $20s? Is a robber only going to rob the place if it has $1,000 in $100 dollar bills and not if the station has the same $1,000 in $20s??? -
I know there are some stupid people out there, but sheesh.
RobertNashville replied to mav's topic in General Chat
If this guy is truly as stupid as he appears at first glance; we should hope he shows up on the Darwin Awards soon so his DNA is eliminated from the gene pool. -
I often think that America has already beaten the odds by surviving this long as a (relatively) free country; perhaps a testament to the wisdom of our founders that is has taken this long for the power mongers/communists/socialists and the outright greedy/corrupt of society to tear down the republic the founders gave us...perhaps a testament to God that he isn't quite done with us yet...maybe a testament to both? I've spent much of my adult life (about 40 years now) studying and re-studying Biblical prophecy; it's been a natural interest for me. Yet, all I can really say is that I do believe the end is coming and that God is in control - all else is pretty much conjecture and opinion. I don't know "where" the United States will be in all of this or even if the country will exist as a country...I've always assumed, however, that as a country, the U.S. will not have any major part to play (but "we" the people may!). For those who don't believe in God (or at lest not the God of the Bible), that's your decision and you are free to hold that opinion; I just don't happen to agree with it. I have tried to prepare for difficult times ahead; I'm a lot further along than I was a couple of years ago; further along than this time last year...I've still more to go. Although I think very troubled times are coming; I hope they don't or at least that they don't before I check out...I'd like to see something akin to the world envisioned by Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek) which is one of the few "positive" futuristic looks at the human condition...but I don't expect we'll get there. Whether the "end" is near or far or never, I do know that we still have tornadoes and floods and earthquakes and man-made disasters to contend with; they may not happen this month or this year or this decade to THIS area but you can rest assured they will happen (just as they have in the past) so being prepared for them is not an "extreme" position or a paranoid one; being prepared is just a thoughtful, well-reasoned thing to do.
Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law
RobertNashville replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
AMEN!!!!! -
Very True! True "end of the world" stuff is not something you prepare for (except based on your religions views); all you can do when things are that bad is to accept the end with dignity. I plan for emergencies...natural or man-made; short to mediem term in length. That said, I"m interesting in "living"; not just surviving.
Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law
RobertNashville replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
The problem I have with this kind of stuff (the videos and those on radio, TV, etc) who pump out this kind of stuff is not that laws like this isn't serous or doesn't deserve attention; is that these talking heads seem to always forget that for any law passed and for any policy put in place; they can (at least almost) always be UNDONE and/or OVERTURNED by the next President or the next Congress. That is one of the strengths of our republic. It is also, of course, one of the weaknesses since anything 'good" done by one President/Congress can always be undone by the next. Hence the quote: "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." -Thomas Paine -
I think many confuse "libertarianism" and "conservatism". Both Libertarians/libertarians and conservatives tend to find a "home" with the Republican party because the Republican platform has been much closer to both philosophies about government than the Democratic party; especially today's Democratic party given its current make-up. I believe many "Christians" of any flavor also find a home in the Republican party because in general, Christians tend to have conservative stands on most issues. I would suggest that a "hands off" philosophy is not "traditional" nor what our founders gave us or wanted us to have...while I believe that our founders wanted as small a government as possible, they still wanted one and recognized the need for one with enough power to address what individual states (or individuals) can not or should not. I thin Beck sees major problems with Gingrich for the same reasons I do - he IS a big-government Republican; certainly not either a conservative or a libertarian. While he or Ron Paul would almost certainly govern better than Obummer has or would in a second term; neither is, in my opinion, worthy of primary support. EDIT: Frankly, I'd have a lot more respect for Ron Paul if he would run AS a Libertarian on the Libertarian ticket because that is what he is; he's using the Republican primary because of its structure and the recognition/exposure it affords...I also t think that's why he has steadfastly refused to rule out running as a third choice...I believe he knows that this is his last chance and is willing to prostitute himself to have a real shot at the Presidency.
Took the words right out of my mouth!
A moment of silent reflection please for our bovine brothers...
RobertNashville replied to leroy's topic in General Chat
Thank the good Lord for groups like PETA...without them, identifying the kooks and weirdos among us would be so much more difficult than it is now!!! I do abhor cruelty to animals and don't like that way most "factory farms" treat them; it just isn't like it was when my grandfather and father farmed. That said, some of these groups are just so over the top that you can't help but wonder how their members got that way. -
I made some resolutions last year that I actually made progress following (unlike most years) and intend to keep on with those. 1. Losing weight is a perennial one for me but I did lose 23lbs last year and plan to continue through 2012 as well. 2. While I've usually done pretty well with my fiannces, I was never good at keepign records until last year so I'll continue that as well this coming year and resovle to not only make a realistic budget but keep to it! 3. I also resolved last year to take steps toward real emergency prepardness and I've done that with a lot more to do...same thing with better security for my home...I'll continue both this year. 4. Finally, I resolved last year to spend some significant time and money in more advanced firearms training; I completed the two day "Fighting Pistol" course at Tactical Response last year and took a one day "Fighting Pistol" and one day "Fighting Carbine" course from "Sealed Mindset" (a two day event in Atlanta sponsered by Armed American Radio). I'm not sure what courses I'll be taking this year but I want to accomplish at least a much this coming year as I did last year. Of course, goals or resolutins are pretty meaningless without a action plan to make them happen so THAT action plan is what I plan to work on and have done by the January 8th.
Man shoots 3 kids when they try to steal motorcycle
RobertNashville replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I will never rejoice when someone has to die; at the same time, I also know killing another is both necessary and warranted. -
Humm...I guess I too need to look at the original post before adding my $0.02 don't I?
I say shoot as much as you can afford so Lon as you are doing it safely. That said, courtesy about you neighbors and their peace and quiet is not a bad thing!
Tennessean writing about CCW reciprocity laws
RobertNashville replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I couldn't agree more...the primary problem with carry laws is that we have them at all...the meaning of the Second Amendment to the Constitution is obvious to any except those who simply refuse to understand its simple meaning and if all states were required to fully abide by that amendment, firearm preciosity issues would not exist. We should no more have to have a "permit" to carry a weapon on our person than we should have a permit to take a breath. Robert Armentrout Murfreesboro, TN -
The only "obsticle" that Tennessee has in enacting similar legislation is the challenge of big $$$ being pumped into legislator's re-election coffer by businesses like FedEx, Nissan, and others who don't want employees to be able to leave a firearm in their vehicle while the vehicle is parked in their parking lots. Those dollars are the real enemy to thos of us who would like to see such a bill passed.
No one is forgetting anything and to be precise, I believe you'll find that the U.S. has formally declared war five times, and each time it was at the request of the sitting President. There is nothing "wrong" with the question - it is totally legitimate to ask. In the situation presented by the question, it's appropriate to ask what RP would do as President because, as in times past, it would almost certainly be the President who initiated the declaration - no one is usurping the power of Congress of suggesting that he should. This kind of answer from Ron Paul is one of the reasons why he will NEVER be President and why he NEVER SHOULD BE President. It also shows why Libertarians never get any significant traction because once you peel back the veneer of "Conservatism" you see just how ludicrous some (not all but some) of their philosophy really is. I'm all for some significant change in how we handle our foreign policy but NOT the kind of change RP wants.