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Everything posted by RobertNashville
Peace is a wonderful thing and I agree, it's certainly less expensive than waging a war or rebuilding after a war - the problem is that we have enemies that either don't agree or don't care (or one reason or another).
I guess I do; or at the very least, I believe him to be honest and trustworthy. I suppose I do so because the Morman's I've known (and I've known quite a few over the years), are, as a group, the most moral, honest and trustworthy people I have ever known. Obviously, ascribing traits of a group to one individual is risky but I've seen nothing in Mit to cause me to think he isn't an honest and trustworthy person; that alone is more than enough for me to vote for him over the current communist in office.
Which means what, exactly??? Two very different people with two very different philosophical bases. I found what Mit had to say encouraging because of the content which is about a different from what Obama has said and done as night is from day.
Obama is a communist...his mentor was a communist...he pastor, aside from being a nutcase, is at least a socialist and a racist. Whether he can turn the nation into a communist/socialist state is another matter but I don't think people are saying he can. What he CAN do is push a communist/socialist-based agenda (as he has been) and, if he can't get his way, there are areas where he can ignore and/or bypass the Constitution (as he has already done). In other words, he can do a LOT of damage and the more the Dems control Congress the more damage he can do (as we saw in his first two years in office). More troubling, in a second term he will likely get to nominate two or more supreme court justices which could change the balance of the court for decades and do more damage to our freedoms than a sane man would even wants to imagine. Doing away with the IRS/income tax is a great idea (personally I like the idea of a VAT or the fair tax). However, while a President can push for that or stand in the way of it, such a huge change in how the federal government is funded would take a LARGE majority of the Congress AND the will of the people and I don't see that happening for a long time and likely never.
I've had the "what's foreign and what's domestic" discussion many times on many forums. Having retired from a major auto manufacturer I know the line between "foreign and domestic" is extremely nebulous at best. There used to be a true and demonstrable difference between a "domestic" vs a "foreign" car but the majority of the difference today resides in the memories of those who think that how it was is how it is today. "Domestic" auto makers have no one to blame for their troubles except for the people they see when they look in the mirror...much of the government intervention into the auto industry happened at the behest of (or at least with the tacit approval of) the auto makers/the UAW and only served to ultimately make their underlying problems worse. Much of Detroit's problems stem from the city's dependence on one manufacturing base.
He may not bring us back to Constitutional principles and he may not be a friend of the 2A or gun owners but I don't believe he'll actively try to undercut or ignore the Constitution nor actively try to curtail our 2A rights. I heard him speak at the NRA convention; perhaps I'm too trusting but I believed what he had to say and I found what he had to say encouraging.
We don't have the option of moving to another, largely unsettled continent as did the early settlers (perhaps space travel will, in the future, offer such an option) and there are larger differences than just population size and reasonableness of men. An armed rebellion would have us fighting against and killing not some huge military power from across the Atlantic but against brothers and sisters and friends and neighbors (that's already happened once on our soil and it didn't end well). We have an election process and a Constitution precisely so that the use of arms is unnecessary - it would be foolish to hasten the use of force while there is any chance to avoid it and still accomplish the same thing. I'd rather have history tell a story of rational thought and peaceful transition than one of of American's fighting and killing American's. That said, supporting candidates for office who can not and will not win is not a position of rational thought.
The Elephants and Donkeys deserve the BIRD
RobertNashville replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Because supporting someone who can not and will not win election against a liberal communist dictator-want-a-be doesn't provide a "u-turn" at all; it only supports continuing down the same road and likely at a faster pace than would happen if we elected the Republican candidate. -
It might come to that but I think it would be a bad decision to allow it to happen if we have a chance to avoid it.
No...you can buy it. Lately, I've been buying most of my ammo from AmmunitionToGo; they have 500 rounds 62 grain green tip penetrator (not in an ammo can) for $198.95 ($0.40/round compared to WalMart's $0.39/per) so I'll probably stick with them. I do need to buy some too as I'm taking the Fighting Rifle course from Tactical Response in a few weeks.
I agree, supporting a RINO doesn't bring the country back to a Constitutional Republic but it may halt additional movement away from that republic as a RINO is more likely to make a good/right decision for the country than a liberal and I'm too much of a pragmatist to support someone who cannot win and/or would only serve to elect a liberal (or in the case of this November, a communist who truly seems to hate America). I truly believe that this country will not survive two terms of BHO. As such, I WILL vote for the candidate who has the best chance of defeating him, RINO or not.
Shopping at Wal-Mart is against my religion. It's also too dangerous as it seems as if somebody it getting shot in a Wal-Mart parking lot almost every time you turn around.
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see how does supporting candidates with little (actually I'd say no) chance to be President can bring the country back to a Constitutional Republic.
I call total Bovine Scatoloty on this. I don't care what this guy wants, says or believes; the President doesn't have that power to begin with(and if this guy thinks the President does then it automatically disqualifies him from office because he clearly doesn't understand the powers of the Presidency) and the chance of getting Congress to do away with the IRS is such a non-starter that there are no adequate words to express how much of a non-starter it is.
Tn State Troopers went from .40 to .357: Why ?
RobertNashville replied to Tenifer17's topic in Handguns
That change happened at least a few yeas ago and I suspect their reasons were the similar to why I carry 357 Sig; I think it's simply a better round. Dick Metcalf said it this way... -
Viability is what it is...there were only two viable options in 2000 and in 2004 just as there are only two in 2012 - beating one's head against that brick wall about it won't change that; it will only make our head bloody. It isn't fond memories of GWB that causes me say I would rather he be president than Obummer nor that causes me to say that GWB was a better President than Kerry or Gore would could have ever been; it's observation, logic and pragmatism. Warts and all, including the Patriot Act, GWB was clearly a better choice against his two opponents and I do not and never will regret voting for him...were it possible and he were running today against Obummer I'd gladly vote for him again. That's why I miss that guy.
There was no other viable candidates running and voting for anyone other than Bush would only have served to put Mr. Tree or Catsup man in office.It isn't a matter of attitude; it's a matter of math.No one here and certainly I'm not saying GWB was perfect or even close to it but do I miss him compared to the socialist dictator-want-a-be we currently have in office (which is the point of the thread)? HELL YES.
I'm not sure why you say that but I don't agree and I think it's somewhat immaterial to my point in any case. My point being that GWB, while far from perfect and Patriot Act nothwithstanding, was a far better President than Obama, Kerry and/or Gore could ever be or would have ever been. Given the choice of GWB and/or any of the three stooges I just mentioned, I'd vote for GWB this November too.
The patriot act...I don't like it...I don't like it a lot; but I don't like Mr. Tree and John "I voted for it before I voted against it" Kerry MUCH more and would still vote for GWB over either of them any day of the week and twice on Sunday even knowing he would put the patriot act through.
Haslam is no conservative nor is he a friend of firearm owners (although he'll claim he is both).
I'm not afraid of "religion", Islam or any other. I do detest, rebuke and will actively oppose any religion or philosophy, that promotes the death and destruction of any who don't practice their particular brand of religion/philosophy.
Fresh crop of "zombie-proof" houses on Yahoo
RobertNashville replied to monkeylizard's topic in General Chat
I like the luxury home inside a missile silo. There was a "Doomsday Preppers" episode this season where a couple had done just that (don't know how luxurious it was) and for surviving a Zombie (or any other kind of) apocalypse it seemed like a good place. -
WHAT???? Them are almost fight'n words.