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Everything posted by Alpha7

  1. Um dude, that is the one he posted LOL
  2. Id put it to em like this. Tell em if you or yours get killed while waiting on the renewal and you are not able to carry because of the renewal paperwork not having gone through then you will hold them legally (financially wrongful death lawsuit) responsible. I did that with my regular permit and it magically went to the print farm that day.
  3. Interesting concept so who do you call basically?
  4. Damned right pretty cut and dry.
  5. So according to that you dont even need a permit to carry in your vehicle.
  6. I reckon he was right. Mississippi Law Sec. 97-37-1 (2) states "It shall not be a violation of this section for any person over the age of eighteen (18) to carry a firearm or deadly weapon concealed in whole or in part within the confines of his own home or his place of business, or any real property associated with his home or business or within any motor vehicle".
  7. According to my buddy that lives in Wiggins (near gulfport) MS haily barber the governor is pretty lenient and he told me that haily allows them to carry loaded firearms in their trucks without a permit. Of course he works for the state so that could have something to do with it.
  8. Hope they didnt have spyware and mal ware in em. Most of the downloads on download.com do.
  9. I am sorry unless it was a hyabusa I have to call bs on this. Most regular bikes will top out at 160. The busa will top out close to 200.
  10. Weird man weird. That is like the space ship house in chattanooga an oddity in and of itself.
  11. Alpha7

    Good cops?!

    The THP had some good cops down there in middle TN. My dad and I were coming back from nashville last february driving my mom's suv as my dad's sebring was in the shop for something. Anyways, the fuel pump went out on my mom's Cherokee Overland and so it left us stranded on the side of the interstate. Dad called THP and they sent some officers out. They made us get in their vehicles so we could stay warm and were politely carrying on convos with us the whole time. They found us a wrecker that would carry us all the way back to dayton. The tow bill was 300.00 but chrysler reimbursed us after dad threatened a law suit. The thp officers were very professional and seemed to care about our well being.
  12. Dont ya know it had a lazer and flash light on it with a ghost trigger and 30 round magazines.
  13. Alpha7

    Good cops?!

  14. I had a story similar to this. Back in 1999-2001 I was going to school at TTC in Athens TN and lived across the road in some apartments. I had a 12 gauge pump at the time remington 870. Normally, when the maintenance man was to come the management would leave notes on everyone's doors letting us know or they would call. Well, they never called and never left a note. I was taking a shower and had the shotty in the bedroom with the bedroom door closed. I heard someone "moving around" in the den. I got out of the shower, wrapped a towell around me got the shotty and opened the bedroom door. There was a guy in the den that had his back to me. I said who the F are you and what the f are you doing in my apartment? He turned around saw the gun and his eyes got as big as quarters and I think he peed himself. Anyways, he said I am the maintenance man here to change the filter in your heating and air unit. I said do you have some id? He gave me some id that said he was a maintenance man but that wasnt good enough. I held him at gun point and called management. They confirmed he was their guy and had been sent to change that filter. I advised them to let me know ahead of time about this because I just pulled a gun on him. From then on I never had a problem with not knowing they were coming to do maintenance.
  15. Alpha7

    Good cops?!

    Wow, No offense leos on here but I do not think I have ever run into a cop smart enough to know the story of Oedipus the King. LOL
  16. Ive been unemployed for the same length of time. Nothing as of yet. Pretty soon I will be this guy.
  17. Back when I was a younger whipper snapper of about 17 I got clocked going 120 in a 70 on the interstate. I pulled over once I saw the blue lights. It took what seemed like forever for the cop to get there. He said do you realize I had to chase you for four miles before I finally caught you? I said yes sir this car is fast and had I not pulled over you would have never caught me. (was 20 feet from the athens exit as long as it took him to get there I could have shot down the athens exit and he would have never seen me cuz he was to far back) I remember having to go to driving school over that one.
  18. Talkin to my parents is like talking to a brick wall. They are in their 60's and think they know everything so I dont even bother anymore.
  19. Yeah once one of em gets beaten or killed in a robbery or home invasion they will change their ways. Until then dont bet on it.
  20. Yeah, Right out of the box with 12 in the mag and one in the chamber the magazine would lock up in the gun. You could hit the mag release and push it in real hard and nothing. You could push up on the magazine and hit the mag release still locked up. I was having to eject the round from the chamber and then eject the mag. It was pissing me off so while I was sending it to get the combat trigger job with over travel adjustment and the barrel refitting I had it go to the repair shop first so they could fix the magazine issue. I get it back today and we shall see if it is indeed "fixed"
  21. If you consider them better than an xd you are smoking crack my friend LOL
  22. Damned right since clips are what you use to hold stuff in place and the magazines are for handguns.
  23. Alpha7

    Good cops?!

    My dad is good friends with the sheriff here in rhea county. In fact we buy hay from him every year. He has made more than a few tickets "go away" for me.


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