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Everything posted by Alpha7

  1. Well, fulmer says he will try and "help them find a good match" or something to that nature. I wonder if this means that the board of directors is about to crap can hamilton and get fulmer for ad and calhoun as coach?
  2. Hmmmm okay, Our history books were wrong. That dont surprise me.
  3. So NB forrest said that quote? I thought he was the founder of the KKK.
  4. I heard that. He was a machine for sure.
  5. Doubtful, I would say troy calhoun will bring his own staff which to me is stupid when you can go after the best of the best right now at what TN is willing to pay.
  6. Nope, According to the article on muschamp they will try and go after cutcliffe. I think that is stupid because they need a new face it is time for a change in knoxville. I would pick troy calhoun over cutcliffe any day.
  7. If I had my druthers I would carry a gun with a 5.5 trigger pull (4.5 with combat action job) from the factory than carry one that had a 10 pound trigger pull from the factory (sig).
  8. I have to agree. Some people hate taurus to no end but I like the 85 model.
  9. LOL he is to much of a panzy, hed be walkin on the side line and say his foot was hurting and would go back to the locker room. If the kid cant play with a shoulder stinger in the biggest game of his schools career what makes him think he can cut it in the NFL?
  10. Muschamp Apparently is stayin in Texas Tennessee Volunteers' search focused on David Cutcliffe, sources say - ESPN Troy Calhoun maybe?
  11. Hell I could care who the coach is so long as they are winning. Hell get some back woods redneck in there that aint never coached before and give him a chance he might just win anything would be better than kiffin.
  12. Right at which time mccoy got hurt. Then after he left they started getting beaten.
  13. All you got to do is wait until the permit is issued and then if you move just go onto the dmv website with the state and update your address. This automatically updates it with the state. At which time that the Police or whoever run your id it will show your address as your new address and you will not be penalized. At least this is what I did per the states instructions. You can get a duplicate in the mail for 5.00 with the new address after it is updated if you so choose. I didnt though cuz I will probably be moving again soon.
  14. I had heard here recently that Mark Richt maybe fard at GA I reckon that might be a good har for TN
  15. Only reason texas lost was because colt mccoy got hurt and that kid they had to back him up wasnt worth a crap. Up until that point the only thing being dominated was ALABAMA
  16. I got fired from a gas station in college because some lady stole gas and drove off. Protocol stated to call the cops and file a police report and contact the manager. I did all three of those things. The cops located her and she came back to the store. The next day I got canned at work because the lady in question was the owners sister.
  17. Alpha7

    S&W M&P headache...

    Why not do what was suggested before and either send it here (smith and wesson pays shipping both ways) to have it fixed or get the parts from him and fix it yourself? LSG, Mfg|Gun Parts|Warranty|Gunsmithing Frank Smith 10059 Highway 1476 Comanche, TX 76442 325-885-2700 franks@hughes.net
  18. Why so he can have tons of problems with it?
  19. I have been encouraged to move to a revolver for Spring and Summer. (1) What are your thoughts concerning this suggestion? Personally, I say carry whatever you want to carry year round. (2) If you agree with it, what would you suggest for a revolver? I agree to with it to a certain extent. In all honesty and I know I may catch hell over this but I like the Taurus Model 85 in stainless. (3) If you disagree with the suggestion, what would be your recommendation? Continue to carry what you have or get a Springfield XD SC Thanks for all the input. This is a great place to come and find help.
  20. Personally, I think he had known for sometime that the USC job would come open and was just "biding his time" at UT cuz he needed a job to cover laylas whorish or i mean lavish lifestyle.
  21. LMFAO +97
  22. Gunbroker.com like the ebay of guns?
  23. If fondling guns was a crime id be a registered gun molester.
  24. Dont get me wrong I enjoyed the sigma while I had it and even used it to qualify with my hcp. Anyone who ever said sigmas arent accurate apparently dont know how to shoot correctly.
  25. Precisely why I said that "Wild Man" Mike Leach is the man for the job


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