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Everything posted by Alpha7

  1. Oi chico, I reckon your tony montana now huh? http://www.imfdb.org/index.php?title=Scarface#Beretta_Cheetah Are ya gonna start wearing those LOUD colored suits to and talking with a cubano accent?
  2. Yeah sometimes on stuff that he should have fired in the military he acts like such an amateur.
  3. Exactly why here in dayton we have charter cable and in Oak Ridge I had comcast. Never had to worry about snow or rain taking it out. We had direct tv at one time and at&T phone service. Every time it rained the phone was fubard as was the sattelite. So we switched to charter for cable, telephone, and internet and have never been as happy. No service interruptions for weather to date. Only trouble we have had was the cat got in the rafters down in the basement and was playing around with the wires plugged into the phone adapter. I simply went down there and hooked the wires back up and reset everything and we were back up in nothing flat. Best of all with the phone, internet, and cable through charter it is about 50 dollars cheaper per month than what we were paying with at&t and direct tv.
  4. HUH! Well, I reckon some coverage is better than none.
  5. So your tellin me a lawyer that has been practicing over 40 years is wrong? Okay, I think I believe him over you. Also, my attorney is best friends with my dad so it dont cost us anything to sue some body.
  6. According to my calculations at 165.00 a year for 100,000 dollars of coverage that comes to 13.75 a month. Pretty good in my opinion. I may just sign up for it.
  7. NRA Endorsed Insurance Programs - Self Defense Application
  8. Whoever told you the nra didnt offer it didnt know their arse from a hole in the ground.
  9. NRA Endorsed Insurance - Excess Personal Liability
  10. NRA NRA Endorsed Insurance - Self Defense Coverage
  11. No where online can you find a study guide that I have found. Dude they let you use the book. They will help her in the class if she needs help with being cross dominant or not cross dominant and they will explain it all. I recommend if you can to find a class like the one at Austin's TN Firearms in Oak Ridge where they offer the NRA basic pistol practicum and test along with the state written and shooting test. The NRA Basic Pistol Practicum will teach her everything she needs to know from shooting positions like Weaver, etc to how to load and clean a firearm. All this will help her immensely when it comes time to shoot in the class. Granted the NRA Basic pistol practicum plus the state test class is more but you learn everything you need to know for the state test and it would be great for beginners.
  12. Tactical rolls? I assume you are in the military from your post. If not you sure are a mall ninja for sure.
  13. The sigma never had that problem and it was junk compared to springfield. When I talked to springfield about they told me it was a "known" issue with some off them. I am also a member of gun directory.com and several people on there have claimed theirs did the same thing as mine. I could carry a full mag and one in the pipe in the sigma and could eject the mag all day long like it was nothing even loaded to capacity. One thing i did notice and I do not know if this had an affect on it or not but that mag springs were hard as heck to push down. I initially had trouble loading it without the speed loader I had to really fight it and in the sigma I never had to fight it so I dont know if they tighter springs in the springfield have anything to do with it or not.
  14. My mom went to the store about 1 pm today. Said noone was there hardly. Plenty of milk and bread. We already had milk and bread so she bought some diet sodas. LOL
  15. Best advice, That is what I did.
  16. I wonder how much snow we will get between now and tomorrow afternoon. The lake sure looks purty with all the snow around it.
  17. I need one of these http://www.pepperball.com/pdf/PTILETAC700Q205.pdf
  18. Almost you have to be a leo or own your own "security company" according to the pepperball website. At least it was like that when it first came out. I wanted to purchase one to have at the farm to shoot my neighbors bull when he threatened me through the fence. I was going to light his face up and nuts up with pepper balls.
  19. Verifying dates of employments is all they are legally allowed to do or divulge. Again according to my attorney.
  20. My attorney advised me not to sign it as it just gives them ammo and documented proof you did wrong. Also, he said it would be against the law for them to fire you for not signing something like that and you could sue them.
  21. They will never tell you who did it. They cannot due to privacy laws. Just show your bank statement and let whatever happens happens and then if they screw you over you can sue em if you lose your job. If they give you a letter of reprimand (which I have gotten unjustly in the past) i would write on there that you disagree with it, refuse to sign it and explain why and that you only did what "company protocol" (your supervisor) stated and would have been insubordinate if you had not. If they threaten to fire you for not signing it advise them you will sue them for an unjust firing (this is what I did) and it worked. But then we all got laid off due to the economy. I made sure I had the ammo though before I went to threatening people. DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT dates, times, hours, anything of importance and keep it hidden away and only produce it at the right time. This is what I did.
  22. Cool beans
  23. No pepper ball guns there is a difference. Same principal just shoots pepper balls.
  24. YouTube - kari byron mythbuster
  25. Here are a couple other good ones


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