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Everything posted by fastbs

  1. fastbs

    20 MOA bases?

    With the mentioned scope you should be good with a 20 moa base. Even if you never need the extra elevation adjustment it will be there and 20 moa bases normally cost the same as a 0 moa. As the old saying goes "better to have and not need than to need and not have" Not really a reason to not get the 20 moa base unless your scope will not zero at 100 which is RARE. Zeroing at 100 gives you a good place to base your scope adjustments off of.
  2. fastbs

    Glock Gen 4

    I'm a gen4 fan. Had a gen3 17 which I sold a long time ago, should have kept it. now a gen 4 22, flawless with the old rsa and new. Heard the problem seemed to occur when u hang something on the rail which I've never tried. Looking to swap my gen3 27 for a gen4 now. Wasn't. Big on the rtf2 grip texture but I think they got it right on the gen4 models.
  3. this has been posted around the net a lot but seemed appropriate.
  4. After trying some of the more expensive designs. My personal preference is a design like the Comptac Infidel or Galco Triton. Comptac Inside Waistband Holsters - products new home - The Infidel Holster Galco Galco holsters; Holsters; Gun holster, pistol holsters, western holsters, shoulder holsters, leather holster and Glock holsters Easy to remove Stays in place during draw and heavy activiy keeps sweat from getting though to the gun (leather sucks up sweet) there other side of holster goes the length of the gun. adjustable retention belt attachment assortment
  5. fastbs

    The next gun...

    The simplicity of the glocks hooked me. I've been carrying a g27 for 3 years and recently found a steal on a gen4 g22. The grip on the gen4 g26 & g27 is sweet and will probably trade my gen3 g27 for the 4 soon. Like mentioned earlier in the price range check out the big 3 xd, glock, and m&p. Fondle them all and see which tickles you the most.
  6. Many of the local shops in my area have banded together refusing Buds and CDNN. Usually 2 of them will get darn close to Buds plus fees if you mention it. If it is an unobtanium product they will still do it.
  7. 234
  8. fastbs

    Today's Purchase

    glocks aren't really designed to drop the slide using the lever. put the mag in and pull back on the slide then release.
  9. that's all i took. he only brought the barrel in. The interesting part to me is that the print "LONDON FINE TWIST" is in an old english looking lettering intead of what i've ran into searching the web. In the shape it's in it can't be worth much but from what i've found if it were in good shape it could be worth a lot. Looks like i'll have to get him to bring in the rest of it to look at. Like mentioned earlier it's just a dust collector but a neat one at that.
  10. i found that these are Birmingham UK proof marks. Hard to see in the pic but in this link UK the marks B3, B2, & B1 in the chart are left to right in the pic. this dates it somewhere from 1855-1874. still have no idea who made it. under the far right mark in the pic, the word ROSE is stamped in it and i can find nothing on rose.
  11. fella at work has peaked my interest about this old gun so i'm trying to find some info on it. After scouring the net a little i have came up with nothing. It is way beyond it's prime and he is just going to hang it up on a wall. on the top vent rib it says London Fine Twist in an old english lettering. this pic is the bottom. if anyone knows where i might can find info or has info it would be greatly appreciated.
  12. The specops stock is much nicer than the ati styles. As for other parts such as mag extension go nordic components. Nc stuff a little higher priced but there is a reason for it.
  13. i'm a small guy too and can hide a full size but the barrel will usually dig into what ever i sit on. End up selling every full size hand gun i get. You've done your home work and know what you want. i suggest the 30SF.
  14. If i had to pick one of the two it would be the pt145. The PF9 is much easier to carry but pt145 is easier on you to shoot. Really depends on what else you have in the collection cause the choices fill 2 different holes for me.
  15. search on you tube. there is a video somewhere that shows holding the gun with strong arm against the body just above the waist at about 2 oclock and holding the slide overhand then twisting the body into it. this method allows my mom to rack just about anything. she cannot do it any other way. sort of hard to describe.
  16. with the glocks mentioned it's not just caliber, it's gun size. the 26 & 27 is smaller gun than the 30. i have a 27 just for this reason,a little more punch than 26 but smaller than the 30, it's a little easier to carry. many grip about the grip letting your pinky dangle but while it may not be comfy i shoot it better without any mag extensions and it's darn accurate. the 30sf is on my short list but the 27 isn't going anywhere. sold and traded around a lot over the past few years but unless somebody offers something stupid i'm keeping the 27. if i did trade it off i would just get another one.
  17. Guess I'm the only one that likes mepros. Something to think about if you are going for iwb carry the sticky rubber grips can do a number on your love handles. The sand paper stick ons aren't easy on them either.
  18. Thought I was deer hunting. Got this guy and heard some turkeys cackling this morning. Very pretty out.
  19. + another
  20. the fun factor for the money of hi point and kel tec carbines is hard to beat
  21. Bolt knob done
  22. thanks for the comments. next one i paint i'm gonna try to put together a "how to" with pics, it's fun and fairly easy. short answer: there's really not one. i'm surprised no one else has brought up the 3 rings. saw somewhere a pistol that had 3 rings on it and liked the look, now if i use these rings on anything bigger than a rim fire i put 3 on it. Yes 2 would hold just fine.
  23. got the latest toy together finally. goal was an easy to carry, all around hunting rifle. remington 700 .308 sps factory barrel cut to 20" and crowned bell & carlson medalist stock w/ flush cups on left side egw hd 20 moa scope base burris zee low rings nikon monarch 3-13x42 tried to but just couldn't resist a paint job. the paint isn't for everybody but i like it and enjoy doing it. like 5 shot groups but this is all i have. did this getting it zeroed in. Just got done putting something new on it. had to trim the scope cap up a little but this knob idea is pretty cool. instead of cutting and drilling to get a better than factory knob this thing just clamps on. I'll paint the knobs and touch up the scope cap sometime.
  24. not exactly but a good story. wife had a second part time job at local kmart as customer service manager (she's about 5'3" 120 lbs). a couple came in and the male was open carrying which many noticed and of course a few people didn't like. (i've never looked for postings there but she says it is). none of the other employees wanted to approach him so the wife approached the couple and told him the situation and that open carry is really frowned upon in a nice way. the male went outside and reappeared not showing a gun. as the couple was checking out she smiled, pulled out her hcp and said thank you, the guy grinned.
  25. the stevens does not have the accu trigger and it has cheaper stock. I'm thinking a stevens 200 should run about $350ish out the door where the base savage would be $525ish. May be a little off on prices but you get the idea. as to who sells it.. any gun shop should be able to get one. I'm currently keeping my eyes open for a used stevens 200 in 223. plan to put it in a Bell & Carlson medalist stock and some sort of aftermarket trigger. in total i should be under $600 for a darn nice 223 bolt gun. well before glass anyway. going this route you end up with a rifle nicer than the savage for about the same money.


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