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Everything posted by Westwindmike

  1. It comes down to how many rounds you intend to shoot through it. If you want to shoot 200 shells a year, then get the Stoeger. If you shoot 200 a day at the skeet/trap range, don't. It won't hold up to the pounding. Best of luck with yours.
  2. I would go here: Shotgunworld.com • Index page If you type "Stoeger problems" into the search engine at ShotgunWorld, you will find everything you ever wanted to know about why you shouldn't buy a Stoeger.
  3. Glad to see you using a traditional muzzleloader. Congrats!
  4. Shotguns are allowed. I think they use the berm in the parking lot to the left of the pistol range.
  5. Rock Island Armory - Contact Info Rockisland Armory 150 N. Smart Way Pahrump, NV 89060 USA Tel. 775-537-1444 Attn: Arnel Bernardo, Gun Smith
  6. Walmart had plenty when I was there this afternoon. If nothing else, get a pack of paper plates and put a black dot in the center. Cheapest targets out there!
  7. You can shoot any kind of paper targets you want. You do need a stapler for the plywood backers. Nothing available for sale there. The range is unattended most of the time. Just put your money in the box and shoot.
  8. I was by there yesterday and the owner had put up new signs at the rifle range. He doesn't want any rapid firing on the rifle range. Seems that some guys with AR's and AK's came by a while back and were really letting the lead fly. They were standing behind the shooting tables and firing, which puts them behind the guys shooting off the benches. The range was mainly built for benchrest shooting and that's who has been using it for the last year. Seems too that someone took an AR to the pistol range and shot up all the falling plate targets meant for pistols only. Fellows, if we are not careful with the use of this range, we may lose it. The owner could just as easily lock it up and require a membership to shoot there. So be respectful of the others at the range and above all, be safe.
  9. Did you send it back to Nevada for warranty repair or let a local person work on it. Rock Island warranty work is touted as the best in the business. I've never heard of one coming back that wasn't perfect.
  10. It's $5 for both ranges total. Just put money in either box and you are ok for the other range.
  11. Welcome!
  12. If it is really tin, the bullet casters would really like it to melt down.
  13. I can only shoot about 3 rounds out of my Stevens .25-06 before it starts opening up the pattern. But, I only anticipate having to shoot it once or twice to get a deer.
  14. If you go in scouting now, you are just going to piss of the muzzleloader hunters out there. If I was in my tree stand, trying to get a big buck to come in, and somebody comes tromping through the woods scaring everything, I'd be ticked off!
  15. Welcome from the 'Boro.
  16. LBL= Land Between the Lakes. Type 94 license for does. It's too late to start scouting for this year. Start in the spring and be ready for next year.
  17. I load with a 550 and don't own a toolhead stand. The extras go in a small cardboard box, padded with paper and labeled. Never had a die or tool head damaged. Now if you put a powder measure on every head (know some who do), then a toolhead stand would be a good investment.
  18. Welcome Jason!
  19. Welcome from the 'Boro!
  20. Ok, so there are no shotmakers here. Does anyone know where I can buy cheap "reclaimed" shot in Middle Tennessee?
  21. Edit. I can't add. That price is about right. I hope you didn't shoot your shotgun on the pistol range. Someone did and the owner was really pissed at the damage done!
  22. Go buy a Lyman #5 Shotshell Loading Guide. It has color pictures of most all modern shells that can be reloaded. There is a whole section on loading buckshot and slugs. Loading a shotshell is just like baking a cake. Follow the recipe exactly. Don't add more of one item or another, or substitute components. A lot of the hulls you find at the skeet/trap field are not worth reloading. I load mostly AA hulls and Remington Gun Club/STS hulls. Where are you located and what range do you shoot trap on? There should be lots of knowledgeable reloaders at your club. Good luck with you reloading.
  23. Don, Don't let the secret out of the bag. LOL. This is the nicest little range around.
  24. Hawkeye, Tim says he is glad you enjoyed shooting his rifle and says hello.
  25. For woods hunting, I'll be using my Marlin 1895ss in 45-70. For shooting across big bean fields, my Stevens 200 in .25-06.


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