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Everything posted by kesava

  1. I find that I can also shoot very good one handed, very slowly. My shooting coach said that its because we pay more attention to technique when we shoot one handed.
  2. kesava

    SIG Pro 2022

    If this weapon could be carried cocked and locked, I would have gotten it.
  3. I'm going IWB all this weekend with it. I have a nice IWB on the way.
  4. I compared the two at G&L H'ville. The compact was $750 and had only been there a week. The Full size was $475 and had been there a year. I couldn't tell a difference, besides .5 inches in the barrel. Same barrel thickness, grip width, height. So I bought the full size. I will be CCW'ing the H&K. It's much thicker than the glock 19 but, the SA trigger on this thing is butter! I managed to buy it for $450 plus a couple of range visits. So basically $430 because I am there more weekends than not. Does anyone here CCW a HK USP? I will probably find myself with a P2000 one day. Now my H&K G3 has a sister.
  5. That pretty much sums it up. I have degrees and experience in both healthcare and economics. I could go on and on about this, but in short, they were/are necessary. Any who, pick which ever lie is the closest to the truth for you.
  6. People accepting what they hear at face value. Miseducation and propaganda. Daft group mentality. It goes both ways im sure.
  7. It's because an insane man got hold of a gun. Guns in America will never be banned. That's "aluminum foil hat" talk. Obama will be elected again. I will vote for him and so will all of my middle of the road and independent guys along with most democrats. There was no code. There was a guy in my HCP class who shot a different persons target and still got an HCP.
  8. kesava

    whats it worth

    Gunbroker will give you the high end. Other services like armslist and gunsamerica may give you a more practical price if it's used or a private seller. That's my experience, but ymmv.
  9. kesava


    A Glock 19 with a lighter trigger and safety? Count me in.
  10. USA Ammo. $8 per box of once fired. Shipping is cheap. Slightly more for new, but very little. They really shine in the $12/box JHP area too. I shoot it regularly. After all, shoot what you will use.
  11. kesava

    GLOCK 19

    I don't know what you consider war, but the Policia Federal and Mexican Army choose Glock 19's. It's not 100% but I haven't seen any of them with anything else. I consulted the ever debatable wiki and it confirmed my experiences. So take it for what it's worth. They have many a shoot out on a daily basis and they trust Glock. They do have access the HK's, but many choose Glock. That says a lot to me.
  12. I am glad you got such a great deal!! I want to make a purchase, but EVERYTHING there is usually overpriced. Cheaper for me to be patient and wait on a TGO deal.
  13. Any experience with EAA?
  14. Glock's triggers are a bit long and don't lend themselves to high accuracy (no trigger jobs on carry pistols for me). Plus I like safeties (My EDC is a Glock 19 btw). I have a RIA Commander already. EAA is an option as it's a CZ replica. Taurus runs great. I have a pt709 and I love them, they are durable and ultra reliable, however their triggers are Sh!†. As I already have a pocket pistol in the pt709, no keltec for CCW interest me.
  15. kesava

    GLOCK 19

    Glock 19 is AWESOME.
  16. I want 1911 Accuracy Glock Reliability A smooth and clean trigger break with little travel 4 Inch barrel for CCW for $400... I am thinking about the Sig SP2022 or CZ-75 --- I might even pick up a police trade in H&K-.40 I have both a Glock and 1911 and each have very unique advantages. Where do they meet?
  17. no, I'm skeptical. I like it but it seems more gimmick than utility. I have always been trained to get the pistol pointed in the danger direction asap and that adds 6-8 inches in delay for that process. I hope it works out great for you. be sure to do a review when you get it.
  18. Bullet difference isn't distinguishable for me with my G19. I'm not sure it's accurate enough to show a difference in the good stuff.
  19. My EDC used to be my 1911 Commander. I can shoot it well, and the bullets are big. I decided to buy a glock, just to see what it was like. I heard that it carries great. Well after two weeks of carrying the damn thing, I am pissed and tired. I wake up, put on my pants, shirt, belt, knife, socks, shoes, gun on. Then I go and drop off baby at daycare. I don't disarm for this. I then drive to the parking lot of my work. Almost every GD day I get to or on the elevator before I realize that I am armed. I made it in twice. Now I have TURN AROUND, WALK BACK TO MY CAR, DISARM, and walk BACK THROUGH THE COLD! I look like an idiot because the elevator opens and I have that look on my face of -oh ****. My 1911 was big and heavy enough to let me know that it was there everytime I would exit the car. I might switch back because the glock is too comfy or maybe not. P.S. This is not an attempt to start a 1911 vs Glock thread. This is merely a pleasant surprise and my sharing of happiness and objective experience. I love both.
  20. DANGIT JAMIE! SHHHH! you know, its for all of the hassle of sending it in and waiting, and mental anguish,... NOT to mention the replacement is DESTINED to fail as well. He doesn't want a gun thats ONLY going to last another 25 years. Thats crazy talk.
  21. TKD and Karate as a kid. Useless as a defense art IMO. Moved onto American boxing as a teenager. Court ordered (Judge got tired of seeing me in the courtroom and sending me to Juvi, he owned a gym in Youngstown, OH - My next fight needed to be in a ring or else I was going to big people jail - with bubba ... and most of my cousins). Judo and Brazilian Jiu jitsu as a teenager and adult (STILL A LOT TO LEARN AND LONG WAY TO GO!). But VERY effective against 1 person Most fights end on the ground. Neither Karate nor TKD offer any usefull wisdom on the ground or instant incapacitation. Thought I was a bad ass till I ran into gung fu student in college. He was half my size and cracked 3 ribs with one palm shot. Yeah.... Gung fu master > all
  22. I will buy your broken paper weight, I feel like being charitable and it's close to Christmas, so how does $100.00 sound? It seems as if, you have no more need of a gun that doesn't fire. Would you want a 25 year old car that doesn't run?
  23. This came mixed in with some other ammo. I am not sure what it is. Can you name it? It looks particularly nasty, but looks aren't everything. photo[3] by kesavadevahari, on Flickr
  24. Are any of those rounds JHP?
  25. Why is the bullseye in the lower torso of the silhouette?


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