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Everything posted by kesava

  1. They say "Gentle overnight relief" however I can't imagine falling asleep after take a laxative.
  2. LOL. Oh, well. Just another reason to buy another gun... Looks like im going to have to sell my bikes...
  3. 3-4 miles in. 6-8 round trip. She's not very expereinced at all. I am pretty decent, but no les stroud. I completely forgot about LBTL.
  4. Hey guys, my girlfriend and I are going on a one night camping trip on the 22nd of this month. She's going for the experience and the hiking. I think that's great. But to me, camping without fishing doesn't feel right. Ideally, I would like to hike around or to a lake, fish and camp near the water's edge. That night, we build a fire and hopefully grill some fresh caught fish. Any suggestions?
  5. Unless you can afford to buy a replacement. Me and my girlfriend went to G&L. I am prepping her to get her Carry Permit and she is really excited about it. Girls who like guns are hot . She has also been asking about keeping one of my guns at her place since I am not there everynight. She would feel safer. I wanted her to get familiar with the gun I wanted to leave with her. My very reliable, ugly, not-so-fun-to-shoot kel tec 380. She looked at it and asked, "why can't I keep that one?" and pointed at my Kahn PM9 i had holstered. In my mind, I said "Hell no, devil woman." But, my actual words were, "well, I have become very efficient with this weapon and it's my EDC. I can even put it in my pocket if I need." She looks at the kel tec and replies "That green one is smaller, I am sure you can get that in your pocket too. Let me shoot both of them so I can better decide." At this point, I knew all hope was lost. She fired the kel tec once. Put's it down. It was a dead center mass shot... there was hope. She takes the Kahr. Fires it once, and then again, adjusts her footing and proceeds to empty the mag, reloads and works out a nice 5inch spread with 13 rounds and gun she's never fired before. Infact, before that day she'd never fired a gun. She says "I'll keep this one" "Don't you want to try the glock?" I replied. "Nope, I love this one." She loves the trigger. So, I let her try out the new LCR, which she loved. So, I might be able to get my gun back, some day...
  6. So, I have been drooling over a CM9 ever since I sold my PM9. I can pick one up at buds for $400 bucks, but they go for around $300-$350 on the market. They don't come up for sale often but, a penny saved... So, should I wait or bite the bullet? As an aside, who's the least expensive FFL transfer around Nashville?
  7. Once a month, I have a nightmare. I am in a situation where my family or I am in mortal danger, I reach for for my sidearm and it's gone. Just an empty holster. I wake up QUICKLY, scared ####less, gaze over at Cassy (my HD shotgun), and fall back to sleep. Am I the only one?
  8. Yeahhhhh,,,, riiiiiiiight
  9. +1
  10. Lady from TN tries to check her loaded gun, in New York City, at the WTC Memorial. /facepalm Report: Tenn. tourist wanted to check gun at WTC - WSMV Channel 4
  11. Had two 1911's, Kimber and RIA. Sold the Kimber.
  12. I am torn. I can either purchase an LCR or a CM9 as a gift to myself. i have been wanting to replace my P3AT with something more range friendly, but I can't decide. I had a PM9 and sold it to free up some funds. I regret that day. it was a fantastic gun. But, I haven't heard anything but good things about the LCR. As a matter of fact, my curiousity into concealable wheel guns has been growing. I have even considered the charter arms version of their lightweight gun. What are you thought?
  13. I'll take the stick Tueller Drill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a great discussion topic. Anyone threat in in a regular sized room could potentially strike a fatal blow. Do you draw, aim, fire, follow up, asses or unsheathe and get all ninja?
  14. rrr You are right. I instigated the entire incident. I left the part out where I tried to rear end him. Your infinite knowledge and foresight on the past, present and future has shown me the way. Your fore drawn conclusions are impeccably accurate. Thank you. I can live my life now as a better person. You are truly a gift to us all.
  15. The cut off may have been by accident, but no matter the situation. The guy attempted to cause a life threatening collision after a honk. That's slightly more than scuffing my puma's. In fact, that's an improper and condescending analogy. I will admit that I am sensitive to the subject because of proximity and could be over reacting. I suppose everyone expresses their frustrations differently. Although after a traumatic event that endangered the lives and well beings of your family... It's easy to "should-a and could-a" and I am sure it's simple for a 3rd party to do the same. People often don't know when of if they have cut someone off. If someone routinely neglects to check their blind spot, or turn signal before they enter a lane, I ultimately feel that a honk is in order. Perhaps it's the honk that will get them to remember to signal or check and possibly later save a life. We all should do our part, right? If you choose to transform into a raging psycho path because someone has honked at you and try to kill them via vehicular homicide, you by all intents and purposes, deserve a nice pair of metal bracelets and a bunk buddy who is fond of nightly roman greco wrestling. And by gosh, if all I could muster to show my severe dissatisfaction for the situation at the time is a middle finger... then damn, I guess I had the rest 'a coming'. Thanks for everyones input. I think that I got the point, however, as systematic as it is on a forum; Not one person has actually answered the question that I posed...
  16. hmmmm. Interesting responses.
  17. I suppose you're right. I guess I am an a$$ for the finger. Thanks for your input. Gives me a different way of looking at it.
  18. On my way to Murfreesboro, whilst on I24 with wife and kids in tow to buy her a car I had a very interesting encounter. Long story shot, I was cut off, either on purpose or accident, regardless, I felt it my civic duty to honk as a reminder to both A.) Check your blind spot before you change lanes B.) Use a turn signal when doing so As being freshly cut off, I was inherently closer than my usual he SLAMS on his breaks. Not a "hey quit riding my bumper" brake tap, but full on ABS, Tire squealing, loosing steering control, avoiding hitting a box of kittens, full on brakes. I missed him my centimeters. At that speed (60mph), there would have been some serious injury. I passed him, obviously he was a danger and I didn't want to be behind him, given his track record. As I passed, I rolled down the window and gave him the finger. I think, perfectly appropriate given the situation and the easiest way to convey my frustration (and nearly soiled underwear). I wanted to double down and ask my wife to hold the wheel, but I refrained. He speeds up, pulls next to our car and (this is the part that still gets my blood boiling.... a lot) makes a gun shape with him hand and fires at each of my family members. Including two young boys, 3 and 10. He continued to do this when I both slowed down and sped up. I didn't want to stop or pull off because I was afraid that's what he would follow. It would have been a very tragic and stupid idea to engage this guy. He was taunting me into stopping. He eventually stopped, but I am curious, is it illegal to do that at someone? He was in a black Ford F150, with an E prefix tag.
  19. Gun snobs suck donkey bawls. Multiple issue out of my Kimber. None out of my hi point. It's about reliability and accuracy. My hi point is both. If you can find another, do so.
  20. polished bottom of a soda can. It creates a small convect point of heat. Me and my son did this last week. We used a banana peel to polish the can.
  21. I have shot them. I yearn for one. Just can't afford it. SAO Sig's are the business. I love the grip angle and recoil. RIA does have a 9mm commander in 1911 platform. I will have one of those.
  22. had one, sold it. trigger was set back too far and it shot too low. Got a PM9 and never looked back. it was a reliable gun.
  23. I have done this once.... once... twenty minutes but I felt very accomplished, but I have no desire to repeat.
  24. Hey fellas, I am traveling on delta to Ohio and I will be taking my glock with me. I have read all of the instructions on the tsa and delta website and wanted to see if you guys had any extra tips? I need to have it unloaded in a case with a lock on it. Declare it at the desk and keep the ammo separate in it's own box. Anything else?
  25. Tannerite Exploding Targets Official Website Pretty cheap when used sparingly.


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