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Everything posted by kesava
Thinking about picking up one of these... Any of you guys have one? Thoughts? Feedback? https://www.amazon.com/Gunvault-SpeedVault-SVB500-gun-safe/dp/B006OGNLKA/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1493995017&sr=8-5&keywords=fingerprint%2Bhandgun%2Bsafe&th=1
True, the guy next to me, shot my target with a couple of rounds and still passed.
I hear that people are willing to give their right thumb to go to the classes at gun city.
Today, I went to the range. I took my the whole arsenal. I'm loving shooting with P320. It's so nice. The trigger is the best non 1911 trigger I've handled. Then I went to shoot my Kahr beloved CM9.... So long and squishy. I dont like having such different trigger experiences. Thinking of the P938... The P320 sub compact is a bit too thick for EDC. What are your thoughts on the P938?
What will they do with all of the berettas?
Don't worry, there are enough people on here who will think the mentally ill should be allowed to carry weapons.
Let's play a game. Whats the best gun you can get for less than $300.00 with tax?
Last week, I owned a Glock 19... This week I own a Sig P320. I am a Glock fan. I got to hold one after complaining about the glock trigger to a LGS. It was well reviewed and the grip felt like it pointed well, so I said, why not, and bought it. Here's what I found... Both are polymer pistols. Both have a long standing record of reliability. For me, that's there the similarities end. One is a boulder, the other is an arrow. One feels like a fresh baked potato the other feels like a crisp apple. As a glock guy, I'm used to getting a lot of flack for my tupperware. But the customizations are endless. With the Glock I felt like a mechanic. With the Sig, I feel like a surgeon. They Grip: The grip angle of the P320 reminds me of a 1911. It points well and keeps thumbs out of the danger zone. The thickness of the grip is solid. It seems more ergonomic. It feels like theres feedback from the handle due to the factory stipling. If you grip it tight, you'll know it. I ran it under water, the grip still felt great. It's thicker than the glock, but not by much. The mag release is out of the way, but easy to find with thumb. You have to make a purposeful effort to push the mag release. But, in a rush, you know exactly where it is. Mag drop drills and reloading was easy. I went from empty to mag drop to reload and back on target with ease. Accuracy, Recoil and shooting: Accuracy is great. No other way of saying it. The recoil is medium, very similar to the G19. Gets back back on target easily. Trigger: The Trigger is awesome. It's my favorite part of the gun. Theres a crisp break after a very slight take up. The trigger reset is short. Overall I would give the gun a 9.5/10.
How much is too much to pay for one with no box, glock 19 gen 2? It come with 5 mags, 2 OEM, 2 KCI, 1 30 round KCI, with about 2k down the pipe It's in good condition and mainly stayed in this guys bedside drawer, but he's upgrading to a Sig P320. Glocks are crazy reliable but he's asking 375.00 and doesnt seem to want to budge on the price. Should I pay it?
He's the best bond, right next to connery.
Heck I have a few drums myself because I wanted it. If it's lawful go for it. Dralarms, I feel the same way you do.
You make a good point, but we still need to steer legislation if there is to be any. I feel that we have that burden and blessing as we have the passion and vision to keep our god given rights.
You've "done many 30 day court ordered mental health evaluations." That makes you an expert huh. I'll throw my 10 years of working in the industry, two graduate degrees away. You obviously have me beat here. Have a nice life. Arguing with you is making me have to lower my IQ just so I can rebuttal. Very tiring, your must need a lot of rest.
I'd like to hear why you need 30 round mags... I'll get my popcorn.
No. I am not defending CNN. Can you read? What I am pointing out is pretty obvious. If you can't see it, there's a lack of general reasoning.
You know, arguing with you guys is useless. Enjoy the torment that you will endure as these law changes, because most of the commenters on this thread are too deep in the weeds to see the woods, and won't move the needle in gun control. P.S. People who don't trust shrinks are the ones in need of them most.
i am a director for a major healthcare provider. Trust me, there are about 20-30 questions that can be asked and quickly assess one's mental state. There are similar to the meyers briggs test, but focused on mental health. Simple social and psyche tests can be administered by anyone and the results are instant. Most people do snap, in the sense that they do not make others aware, but many times there is premeditation. Psyche evals would show early signs. Have you taken an CC course in TN? The guy next to me shot my target and still passed. With marksmanship requirements so laxed, it's no wonder some people don't know more about buying and selling arms. Secondly, lets lobby for felon databases and not let them into gunshows. Heck, you can view a list of all of the gun owners, why not a list of violent offenders. We can lobby and make it happen if we stand united. I do not agree with Obama's gun control. But, I do believe he's aiming high to land low. There's merit to his intent, just the execution is what we disagree with. Every member here would like to see more law abiding citizen's owning guns and the ability to sportingly participate or defend one's self, family or home protected. But, we must take steps to steer gun control legislation before the ultra liberal do.
Let's not point this back at CNN... As responsible gun owners, we should be working and having discussions toward eliminating the sales of guns to mentally unstable and felonious individuals. They did their job and a good one at that. Booo hooo, CNN pointed out that any mentally unstable felon can get a weapon at a gun show. Stop complaining about what they pointed out and work on how we can work together to keep guns in the hands of law abiding and sane citizens.
Great pistol. Yes, it's that easy to swap. I have seen them drop dramatically in price over the past few years. The mags (even before the potential ban) are very expensive. What you are getting is a truly remarkable handling weapon. Is it the safety/decocker version or just the decokcer version? One of the few non 1911's that you can carry cocked and locked. It's a great gun.
My girlfriend and I are going on a trip to chicago in December. I might propose. who knows... Any way, we have lot's of sightseeing planned and that means taking the train to most places. You know, apart of the experience I suppose. Well, as a law abiding citizen, I will not take my firearms with me because Chicago isn't a carry friendly place... unless you're a criminal. The only things we have are carry on's, so I can't take anything with me. I am fairly decent at some HtH and CQC. Is that all I can rely on in Chicago? Is a hope I don't get mugged/shot/stabbed/murdered/raped/beaten/shoestiedtogetherwhenIamnotlooking? I was thinking of mailing myself a chicago legal self defense item (asp/baton/knife/taser) that I can't take on the plane... any thoughts? Long post, but I guess the main question is 'what do I do for SD in chicago?' I am going to take every preventative measure I can and not make myself look like a target. but, I just want to be prepared.
[quote name='East_TN_Patriot' timestamp='1352318278' post='841250'] So in other words, you don't really have an answer to my earlier questions. I was asking for an honest response on WHY you think he's doing a good job and HOW you quantify that belief. You don't appear to have that info. Please tell me one single clear achievement that demonstrates he's doing a good job. [/quote] You're a very sad example of an individual to assume that I can't articulate myself or support my stance because my response wasn't within the time frame your expected. I would challenge you in a game of wit, but clearly you're unarmed.
I think he's been doing a fantastic job. I'm a hard working American that believes in responsible gun rights. Not trolling, just sharing. It seems that most people who were pro Romney didn't see the fallacy in his economic policy. He Is out of touch. All of this anti obama rhetoric will subside when we see that he's been doing a fantastic job a the economy continues to recover and unemployment continues to drop
I think he's been doing a fantastic job. I'm a hard working American that believes in responsible gun rights. Not trolling, just sharing. It seems that most people who were pro Romney didn't see the fallacy in his economic policy. He Is out of touch. All of this anti obama rhetoric will subside when we see that he's been doing a fantastic job a the economy continues to recover and unemployment continues to drop