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Everything posted by JRWnTN
How much is Wal-Mart .380 and .38 Spl?
M&P .45 thumb safety issue....
JRWnTN replied to Grand Torino's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
I shoot the M&P like a 1911, thumb on the safety--problem solved. -
I suspect your problems have more to do with the barrel itself or the ammo, rather than the twist rate. I used to shoot in 300 yard Service Rifle Matches (distance limited by the range). Virturally everyone used 1-in-7 barrels. I've seem some very good groups with 52 gr. BTHP out to 300 yards. I can't address 50gr. varmint bullets from 1-in-7 barrels, as never seen them used. I have, though, seen thousands of rounds of 55gr. FMJ throught the faster twist barrels without any problems.
The most accurate .357 Mag. ammo that I ever shot was some 158gr. Speer Gold Dots. Amazingly accurate in a S&W 686 and 65.
Either that or those particular models were never submitted for approval. My understanding is that each sub-model, like a 10-5 or 10-6, has to be approved. Craziness.
Shot a bunch of .38 HBWC and SWC as a police officer, back when carrying a revolver (and dinosaurs roamed the earth). About 5 years ago, a friend at the range was shooting 9mm lead round nose ammo. At 15 yards, it key-holed in two different pistols. More recently, I've bought 115 and 124 grain FMJ and JHP bullets for reloading. All weights performed well.
Most federal agencies use the duty ammo for training. Helps to make sure the pistol works with the issued ammo. When agencies buy in huge quanties, there's not much difference in the price of FMJ and JHP.
To those who think we're better off with the state legislature choosing our senators, I have a couple things for you to consider: U.S. Senator Jimmy Naifeh, followed by U.S. Senator Debra Maggart. The idea of state legislatures electing senators may have been a good idea in the 18th and 19th centuries, but I see no advantage to the nit-wits in the legislature making that decision. From my recollection of history, there were good reasons for the 17th Amendment.
This is something the MSM isn't reporting. Glad WSJ did!
JRWnTN replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Read the print version at the office today. It reported that permit holder could have a gun on their employers' property, even if the employer objected. The story did not point out that the employer could fire the employer. -
I seem to remember the 2008 panic/shortage involved more of folks stocking up. I remember a couple of guys who bought cases of 9mm. I guarantee they didn't average shooting a box a year in the past. This time, I think we are seeing more people buying ammo at Wal-Mart etc, then selling it a gun shows and on the internet. This has made the shortage last a lot longer.
Battleop, how dare you supply facts and logic on this issue. How's a good internet conspiracy to grow when you nip it in the bud? The funniest thing I saw in this whole mess was a an article with a quote from a retired Marine that he had not been issued a hollow-point bullet in all his years of service. Sort of told me all I needed to know about his firearm expertise.
He shot 154+ rounds with that Bushmaster, yeh, right...
JRWnTN replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Despite being crazy and evil, he was intelligent and planned this out. Like the Virginia Tech killer, he probably did his internet research and saw where many recommend downloading magazines to 28 or 29 rounds, to make it easier to reload when the bolt is closed. With the partial magazines, looks like he did that three times. As far earlier reports the he used pistols to kill the children, I never heard that from the police. Early on, an NBC reporter said that on the air. No doubt a rumor passed on by someone's brother's neighor's cousin's boyfriend. -
Had both. Hadn't shot the Mini-14 in years and sold it a couple months ago. Overall, AR's are not only more accurate, they can be shot more accurately and more efficiently. A retired Marine who teaches carbine courses across the country says that Mini-14's seldom finish his three day courses.
In 1989, the Tennessee criminal code was substatntially revised. The 1989 version of the code was horrible. You had to disassemble a firearm to transport it. That only lasted a year or so before it changed to something like the present version.
HB118/SB142: Current "parking lot" legislation
JRWnTN replied to GKar's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
More like a sigh. Since the bill has so little real effect, why not sign it. It's really not worth the space it will take in the Tenn. Code. -
Veterans in danger of losing their rights...
JRWnTN replied to KaNuckles's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Are you saying that someone might try to misstate facts and ignore the law on some issue, just to make money? I'm shocked. I heard a radio show where the host claimed that a disability for a back injury would cause a vet to lose his gun rights. I turned it off, because if the host was that stupid, nothing else he would have to say is worthy of belief. -
I agree with jkb4c, it's likely an extractor issue. Next time at the range, load one round from the magazine then remove the magazine. You are more likely to see it again. The problem was corrected with the Performance Center 1911's larger extractor.
Like so much of what the legislature does. Seriously, how many permit holders have been prosecuted for carrying a handgun on their employers' property? I thought about sending an e-mail to my representative, asking him not to vote for the bill. It's a waste of space in the Tennessee Code. At least it took time away from passing new laws and spending money. Maybe next year....
When standing your ground, how far should you go?
JRWnTN replied to mcurrier's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Garner was a civil rights lawsuit that limits a police officer's use of deadly force to arrest a fleeing felon. Tennessee prohibits the use of deadly force by non-law officers to make an arrest. 39-11-621. Use of deadly force by private citizen: A private citizen, in making an arrest authorized by law, may use force reasonably necessary to accomplish the arrest of an individual who flees or resists the arrest; provided, that a private citizen cannot use or threaten to use deadly force except to the extent authorized under self-defense or defense of third person statutes, §§ 39-11-611 and 39-11-612. -
The 21ft rule - fail "these officers did not have to get cut"
JRWnTN replied to mcurrier's topic in Training Discussions
So, you'll shoot the guy 20 ft. away who is not moving toward you? You'll make two lawyers happy. The one who represents the guy's next-of-kin and the one you have to pay to try and defend you. -
The 21ft rule - fail "these officers did not have to get cut"
JRWnTN replied to mcurrier's topic in Training Discussions
Given the quality of marksmanship and tactics, a "50 ft. Rule" would have made no difference. -
Is there a number on the bottom of the grip frame? You may have a pre-1956 revolver, when there was no model number on the crane.
Should Gun Owners Have To Buy Liability Insurance?
JRWnTN replied to East_TN_Patriot's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Right. Just look at how the mandatory auto insurance laws solved the problem of uninsured drivers. -
Last week, AIM Surplus had Wolf FMJ and HP for about $250/1000, plus shipping. Sold out within a couple hours. You can be notified by e-mail. If you're at your computer much of day, it's worth a try.