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Everything posted by TNblues

  1. not a bad gun not going to pay 529 more like 350 to 425. noway i could get a gG26 less than 529
  2. You guys are right I shouldn't carry bullets that i havent test fired. What was I thinking.:drama:/ Must Have been a lasp in jugdement . Golden Sabers eeh, sounds like based on several recommendations this round i will have to try if I can find it. Im looking for a good round for home defense. I heard powerball by corbom was also good and the new crtical defense in 45 from hornday but I cant find anywere
  3. I would look a Kahr K9 or MK9 in the stainless steel since weight is not an issue since it's in her purse plus when she fires it it will have alittle less recoil. I have never shot one but have heard on forum people have good opinions.
  4. I got some GLaser Silver, 145 +p would this be a good round for self defense in a colt defender? I dont want to test fire them becasue thier 15 bucks for 6 . Just curious if anyone has had any reliablity issues with them.
  5. hello, from kingsport
  6. killer Grips. 1600 in your hand
  7. looks so shiny . Reminds me if Chevy Chase's sled on National Lampoon Chirstmas Vaction. HAHA. Kidding aside good work.
  8. I got them today in the mail and install in 15 min. I agree about using super glue they would not hold good otherwise IMHO. They are pretty good considering it only cost 15 dollars shipped. It does make difference in what light you use to charge them up. A UV blacklight had the best results. They are extremely bright after the first 30 seconds (WOW) from removing the UV. I also tried a 120 lumen Inova flashlight. I would definetly get a UV flashlight with this if you do not have one. They seem adequate to function after the intial wow brighest wears off. I havent done a timing test but i plan to expose them for a full 2 min I think I read on web site that this was the recommend exposure time to charge the lights properly. I am pleased with my purchase due to the low cost and functionality of the sights. COST $15 shipped
  9. TNblues

    Happy New Year

    2010 begins
  10. TNblues

    Custom wood ?

    Contact Wrangler55. on TGO he does great work http://lumberjocks.com/projects/23834
  11. TNblues


    I would not buy .
  12. yeah, I remember see this. Those Taylor guitar are nice nas $$$$, I love that, he's siticking to the Man
  13. time to hibernate
  14. "Man Bear Pig"
  15. Interesting. The sells UV which is like a blacklight I guess. I have one for fishing. Once I get them I will Try UV and Regular and see if can determine a diiference. I Havent's RCV'd a comfirmation email that they were sent but I ordered and a comfirmation number popped up and I didn't write it down. I assumed that I would get an email. I ordered on the 25th still no email.
  16. I wonder if using a UV LED VS Standard high power LED would make a differnce the the time the charges held.
  17. Didn't know about the gun ban in Aus. Dang Sux to live Down Under.
  18. If do do decide to carry a 32, it's better than nothing. In certain instances were larger gun are not practical. (I. E summer time carry with shorts and t-shirt. Also you could carry as a hold out on an ankle holster.
  19. hello fellow kingsporter.
  20. a fishing pole
  21. not to hold
  22. then go fishin
  23. LIke the clint eastwood
  24. i JUst found search thing, didn't know it had been covered before. Looks like it will make it to 20.


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