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Everything posted by TNblues

  1. Also I saw a guy that is starting a new flashlight company on kickstarter.com making a cool programmable flashlight called the hexbright it looked really good. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/527051507/hexbright-an-open-source-light?ref=live
  2. you may consider a Nebo Redline $ (25) or Nebo Edge $(9) whatever you consider I would highly recommend looking for a flashlight that contains a Cree Led. They make the best leds on the market. I cant remember what the best Cree Led is called but you check around. I also have heard good things about fenix but have never tried one.
  3. Thanks for the quick reply everyone. I think I am going to just have to buy two guns it seems more logical.
  4. Hello I was want a shotgun that will be good for skeet shooting and also good for home defense. Must be over/under or auto. The only thing I have run across so far is a maverick made by mossberg It is an O/U 12 ga but does not have shell extractors which is a big minus my budget is around 600. Any recommendations?
  5. Update. I got a spring assembly from colt and installed and shot the other day it seems my problems have been corrected. I shot about 50-100 factorty rd 's and no problems.
  6. My dad has one and i noticed that if you rack the slide slowly it will jam up like u describle but a quick rack of the slide seemed to load fine. dont know if that will help
  7. I did put back the old spring and the gun seems to be working fine no ceasing and the guiderod look more centered int eh bushing. It must have been a bad sprin I got them from wolf springs 19.0 std kit. I have always heard nothingnbut good about wolf. The only reason I changed spring was becasue i was getting a FTE about every 3 or so clips worth of shooting. But from what i have read it may be related to my extractor instead ofsprings. I heard that you can tune them? But I guess i need to do some more reading.
  8. ok, I went and fired about 100 rounds had some FTE, and FTF. Also had the slide lock up and would not move. I did notice that the spring assembly just below the barrel exit ,was off center and was causing the the slide to cease up. It did not seemed to be centered and was binding on the small part that you have to remove to get the barrel out(i can't remember the name of that part. Dwarren123 ;The spring are wolf 19.0 colt defender springs the new is slightly longer than the old, but I did noitce the the openings on the ends of the spring are smaller and when i installed the new one it wasn't easy to get onto the spring assembly.
  9. yes, the old springs work, and i will put them back in if nothing else works.
  10. I just changed the 2 springs in my colt defender and was having some feeding problems. The bullet catches on the lip of the barrel and also sometimes on the shell about 1/16th inch down the case. The slide will not close. I have not fired the gun with the new springs set and was wondering if the new spring need "breaking in" Also, I noticed that one time i was trying to rack the slide and it would not hardly move. After fooling around for several minutes it finally came free. so , i broke it down and everthing seemed normal but then when putting everything back toghter it was more diffucult than usally and it felt like something was catching. Any suggestions would be appericated Thanks
  11. Hey Marty Just down the road in Kingsport. Welcom to TGO
  12. cool, , Didn't know about that STI.interesting. I thought that metal may hold up better but wilsons also have polymer followers and are highly rated. When I ordered the followers to replace the organe ones in my colt mags I called Tripp and the guy recommend for replacement the metal instead of polymer but maybe it was just because it was for replacement. The followers I order are well made. The ploymer ones also look well made.
  13. Hello, Was wondering if anyone has triedthe magazines. I order 2 followers to install in my colt mag which reduces capacity by one round. the quality is excellent. I was wondering which one to get the orginal with metal follower or the gerneration 2 with the polymer follower. Any thoughts on the 2 types of mags Pro and cons?
  14. TNblues

    Beretta Tomcat .32

    I had a tomcat it was very accurate at close range for self defense situations. However I sold it for 300, It was in mint condition. I had feeding problems about everymag. Also, I read that the frames can crack on some models after many rounds. people reocommed the inox model to avoid the frame problems not sure why. The gun was neat b/c the tilt up barrel my wife could load it with easy. Also ammuntion is hard to find price are starting to come down on 32 the last i bought was 50 rd of remington at bass pro for 25. But someone said they saw them recently going for 20. But, thats if you can find em. Winchester silver tip hollowpoint i paid 35 for 50 i think. I think too some of my feeding problems could have been magzine related or lack of break in period. Good luck in your look. But if possible I recommend 9mm and up for self defense.
  15. I heard mention of a jewelers scale by jennings cost 70 dollars and by some reports a good scale. I think is the max20 or something like that I can look for it again if interested but others said is was good accuracy
  16. The best entry level AK IMHO is the Norinco Mak 90. They were sellin 700 to 800 a while back before Obama was elected, but if you go to a gun show you might get one from a individual for 450-650 depending on accessories/condition. I love mine is has neveer had any problems and it is in ment condtion I got it back before the clinton ban. Good luck Iwould stay away from Romanian Ive heard some say they are not that good of quality.
  17. TNblues


    I will pray for him and family.
  18. never mind found out wilson magazines are now currently at generation 3. The one offered as Gebneration 2 are ones they found left over in a warehouse once gone , there will be no more.
  19. TNblues

    Pistol Magnet

    Automobile pistil magnet 30 bucks ZAA-106 - FAST Magnetic Automobile Holster Super Strong Magnet with Non-marring Coating
  20. Does anyone know the difference in the generation 2 magazine? offered on the wilson website. They are cheaper than the 47OX , 47OXc. I was thinking about ordering one and wondered if anyone knew more info. The website didn't have anything. Thanks
  21. yeah, That's true to do a reliablty test you could buy another gun. Good point. I have alot of people using golden sabers
  22. last minute zombie rounds.
  23. This in really cool news. Do you think the R1 could be collecter 20 yrs down the road having one with a low #SN?
  24. I did a timing test using black light and discovered than with the light that i used charging for 5 min the sights glowed for approx 25 min. After 25 minutes you could no longer tell the sight was glowing. I guess for 15 buck this is ok but it will not last 1 to 2 hours and some have said. Most people also carry a flashlight when going to investigate that bump in the night so i guess they would be adequate for a home defense situation.
  25. I have handled both in the store the RI did seem so have a better feel from what I undersatnd the RI and Citiadel are made by the same company. The Citiadel has a sub-compact version with a 3.5 inch barrel Im not sure if I have seen and RI in compact version. The Citiadel I tried was very hard to rack the slide. I would definetly play with it before purchase:2cents:


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