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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1.   I'm pretty sure he realized that...  :rolleyes:
  2. This thread is all full of awesome.  :)
  3. LOL   I supervise 12 officers: 2 white females 2 asian males 1 black male 7 white males   HR would go into cardiac arrest if they attended one of our rollcalls. You were in the military...you know what I'm talking about (anyone see the HBO series "Generation Kill"?).  Good natured, equal opportunity cracking, with a bunch of adults not looking to be "offended." I can't think of one that wouldn't run to a gunfight to save the other.
  4.   I worked out with him the night before the incident and was at the hospital the day it happened (and many after that).  The only reason that Winchester SXT 180gr .40cal bullet didn't kill him was the officer next to him stripped off his duty belt and used his pants belt as a turny.  Even now, I remember getting the page (yes, I'm dating myself) the day that they were about to remove him from life support saying that they didn't think he would live. I remember thinking, "Even if I left this second, I wouldn't get to Vandy in time if he goes toes up."
  5. I hope that "disassembly tool" isn't mandatory for fieldstripping and is only for idiots who can't remember to do a chamber check before pulling the trigger. If a tool is needed to take the gun apart...deal killer.  I'm fairly certain that this isn't the case.   As to the looks...I couldn't care less.  If it works, it's nothing but a tool.  To me, it doesn't look worse than any of the other striker fired guns currently offered.
  6. A gun mag (Combat Handguns, IIRC) very recently did an article on a company who makes these. An incident like this was the first thing I thought of...
  7. When I signed up / paid for the class, DeBethancourt (sp?) was supposed to be the instructor (who I had heard of). When he cancelled, RangeMaster brought in Werner as a replacement, with the option of a refund if you didn't want that / him. Not knowing anything about Mr Werner (at the time), I said what the heck and did the class.  Glad I did.
  8.   analog.  Lee jeans. Sorry, that made me smile.
  9. Not saying I'm John Holmes sized or anything (I'm not, except for any chicks reading this    :dirty:   ), but Wranglers never had enough room in the "daddy parts" area for me. Might have to check out Duluth...
  10. Your spelling aside, I'm not sure why you quoted me with the squirrel comment. There was a reason why I underlined "if it matters." See posts #31 and #34 for the "if it matters." I had those same thoughts about shrimp when I posted. Sorry, I guess I was just throwing out a silly "gee whiz" thing. My apologies.
  11. Thanks all for taking the time. BTW, if it matters, you'd be suprised at how much cholesterol is in shrimp.
  12.   When you get a minute, could you tell us more about what you're (or the Kraut's  :)  ) cooking?   My situation... Early / mid 40s, 6'03" / 240 (in my prime, I was 215-220). Bloodwork?  Everything is great, except for mid 200s cholesterol and I am one of the 10% who is "statin intolerant." My latest back surgery has really kicked my ass.  I can still exercise, but the surgery has, for the first time, made me focus on my diet as well...and I'm not used to that. Thanks
  13.   Agreed.  I've also taken a "snubby" class from Mr Werner (hosted at RangeMaster) and it was very good as well.
  14. For those not familiar with William Aprill, I took a class from him (not really knowing who he was at the time) and I was very impressed.  The class focused on disarms and some knife fighting. I started out the class making a serious mistake, "judging a book by it's cover."  He's not exactly a physical specimen by appearance.  :)   I didn't end the class making the same mistake...
  15.   No sir, I wasn't referring to you, or this thread, at all and I never took it as a dig.  This is a legit gripe.  Sorry if I came across otherwise.  I was just speaking in generalities in the second part of my post. I'm generally not an LE apologist...I've weighed in on the dip####s as much as I've been pro-cop here.  Every field has them.   Me, and my agency, are definitely NOT perfect.  But when I hear stories like your OP, I just shake my head.   BTW, I'm assuming the dollar amount puts the theft in the felony range.  I would not consider that trivial at all.  Regards.
  16.   Mostly this. This case is a slam dunk for a "defective."  :) They like those, as these cases boost their "clearance rates."  I'm really surpised that they're not jumping on this. This would not be the case where I work.      This leads me to a personal / TGO thing.  Sometimes I read anti-cop type posts here and, of course, they're not my favorite. But understand, I base my LE opinions on where I work, my officers (I supervise 12), and how we do things.  For the most part, I think we get it right. Apparently, that's not the case across the State...and I have to remind myself of that. So I guess to say, if you base your LE opinions on personal experience (or close 2nd hand as in this case), good or bad, I'm cool with that. But the "my brother's wife's cousin's" stories are always silly to me.   Sorry, back to the topic...
  17. Just for fun...   http://www.littlebudha.com/this-injured-deer-is-caught-in-the-fence-now-watch-what-the-pit-bull-does/?utm_source=outbrain&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=this-injured-deer_LB_Desktop_Only
  18. I have always shot "Commanders" better than full sized 1911s. Same for 23s vs G22s / G19s vs G17s.   Anyway, nice looking gun!
  19. Understood. When you are ready to spend more, TR's Fighting Rifle 1 doesn't have a lot of team drills and no room clearing. Fighting Rifle 2 does.
  20. The Air Force...uhh, nevermind.  My military CQB training was run by the Army.   Anyway, Tactical Response conducts a very good Fighting Rifle class. Flamesuit on...
  21.   This. The last time I recerted with Glock (Sept 2014), the instructor was still calling it the ATF/Dot connector (IIRC, my Armorer's manual calls it that as well, but lists it at 5lbs). Honestly, Glock should discontinue the "5.5 connector" and just make the "Connector 5" standard.  Don't let the paper stats fool you, Connector 5 feels better than 1/2 of a pound. Again, no miracles, but worth it to me and I put them in all my Glocks.  I was never a fan of the 3.5 connector (they're calling 4.5 now).  Lighter, but mushier.   Connector 5 is as "crisp" as the 5.5, but seems to drop the weight by 1-1.5lbs in Gens 1-3.   Also, after reading the article, Glock seems to have stopped shipping connectors (or never did) directly to anyone not LE / Armorer.  Don't know. Anytime I deal with Glock it's Armorer/work related, so I may have been mistaken about them shipping connectors directly to consumers (like they did with the Gen4 RSAs). So I deleted my post #49.
  22. When Gen4 came out, ATF was looking to upgrade. They eventually said, "We like the gun, but the trigger sucks.  Fix it and we"ll move forward."   That was the birth of the ATF/Dot connector.  Initial Gen4s were shipped with a standard connector and the triggers sucked. Now, every Gen4 is shipped with an ATF/Dot connector.  Not a miracle, but much better.   Put an ATF/Dot connector in your Gen1-3 and you will notice an even better improvement.   Side note edit...   In 9mm, a Gen3 G19, with the following mods, is my favorite "combat handgun," (if you don't go with the Walther PPQ).  -Decent sights of your choice.  I like Trijicon's HDs. -Vickers mag release. -Wolff steel recoil spring rod and 15lb spring (unless all you shoot is NATO or +P ammo). -OEM Glock ATF/Dot connector. -Stipple job (obviously just a personal preference).   For me, this is as good as Glock gets to the perfect SD handgun and it's what I use.  Thousands of rounds and zero malfunctions (and a lot of Russian steel case). When it comes to Glocks, I like to stick as close to stock as possible for reliability, but the above mods only enhance the gun. As to the recoil rod/spring assembly...for any caliber other than 9mm, I usually recommend staying stock.
  23. If I get one, it would definately be SBRed.   From the pics, my only hangup is the mag release.  It looks like doing a speed/combat reload would be impossible. I would have preferred an AR or AK based release.
  24. I think I just peed myself. Twice (with that link to the Saiga-9).   A decent AR or AK platform 9mm is all I want now.


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