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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. Related story.   While in the Police Academy, a group of us who became friends would have "study sessions" on the weekends (mostly studying beer bottles). Anyway, after it was my turn to host, and everyone had left, my then girlfriend said, "You know 'John' is gay, right?" Me..."You're crazy.  He's married, two kids, ex-Marine, blah blah blah..."    About a year later, he was divorced and had "come out."   Point being, he is still the same guy that I had become friends with.  I still consider him my friend.  However, I still think that it was unfair to his family.  And, he agrees.  Like someone said earlier, this isn't something that one discovers overnight.
  2.   I don't disagree with you at all.  That's why I'm a "live and let live" kind of guy when it comes to this stuff. It's not my thing, but hey, whatever makes someone happy.     This is my problem with Jenner.
  3.   Yes, she is. But, she didn't use his name to become rich.  Kardashian is the name she used.
  4. I'm pretty "Libertarian" when it comes to sexual orientation.  Besides, Jenner says that he's not gay.   However, putting the Olympic Champion / 1970's kid / damage to my psyche aside...   He married three times and fathered a lot of kids while in the midst of his "confusion." That, IMO, equals AHOLE.   Funny thing, I watched a motivational speech given by him (back when he was doing those) and thought it was pretty good.
  5. If you did, you know what I'm talking about.  WTF?
  6.   Be prepared to pay.  $15,000 for the two, delivered. My brother lives in AZ, but the breeder he bought them from is in the Knoxville area.   He's single, makes six figures...more money than sense sometimes. But, if it makes him happy, and I get to play with them and be "Uncle?"  Win/win for me.  :)   I like both cats and dogs. From what I understand, if you raise these right, their personalities are more dog-like than cat-like (walk on leash, will fetch, etc.).
  7. I believe they're Savannahs. F1s. Finally got the real pics of them to upload. I haven't met them yet.
  8. Just to add some cat to the thread (they have fur too). My brother just got 2 of these (brothers). One is black with white spots, the other white with black spots. For right now, they're still kittens and small.
  9. When she was a puppy, one of my Weimaraners got stung (she was being an idiot and chased one). Her head blew up like a basketball (remember that scene from the movie Pure Luck with Martin Short?).   Anyway, there just happened to be a mom at the park that day with some Benadryl.  My wife rushed her to the Vet and he said that the Benadryl was the only reason she was still alive. Bad reaction / anaphylactic shock.  Her throat started to close up. I keep an Epi-Pin handy now...   OP, that last pic, a Weim, is hilarious and not hilarious at the same time.  :)
  10.   1.  No, what's troublesome to you is that someone called you on your bull ####. 2.  Again, the "simple" questions you asked in Post # 8 were answered by watching the video.  The backstory facts really had nothing to do with the questions that you asked, having already watched the video.      They did have to do with a weird, passive-aggressive agenda.  Bringing up Open Carry vs Police with this incident?  "Snuffed out by police?"  Really?
  11.   Aware of what?  You watched the video.  That's all you needed.  That's why I phrased it, "without even knowing the backstory."  Yet, you still posted your silliness in Post # 8.   And, what mistakes of mine am I ignoring?   There is plenty of anti-police fodder out there for you, especially lately, to play with.  Agreed.  I referenced that in Post # 29. Yet, you had to reach on this one with that hearing impaired / criminal record / open carry crap?
  12.   There is more wisdom in this post than you even intended. Think on this the next time you hear / see / read / experience LEO INaction.
  13.   +1 Deadly force is deadly force.  Once justified...gun, vehicle, ink pen jammed through the eye...doesn't matter.    This one looked "Justified" to me.  Actually, this is one incident that I didn't think would get much debate here. Once in awhile, cops do some really dumb #### (South Carolina anyone?) and I'm not one to defend them.   However, this same suspect walks onto your property, doing what he was doing...what would YOU do in a matter of seconds? Now, you're the person charged with the protection of that area...same question.  BTW, did you notice the innocent pedestrian at the corner?  Not Monday morning quarterbacking, but just to make a point, it could be argued that action could have come sooner.   Anyway, the internet (and TGO) is full of "SHTF / End of Days / I would have done this" threads and dreams.   Sometimes it needs to be done in real life.  Some of us have.  It's never pretty.
  14.   Devil's Advocate / daddyo, when you posted this, even without knowing the backstory, did you even watch the video?  Rhetorical question, obviously you did.   1.  Hearing impaired and unaware?  There was verbal interaction / visual contact with the police. 2.  Criminal Record?  Who cares?  It doesn't matter. 3.  Are you really going to make this one an OC vs police issue?  Again, even without knowing the backstory, the man fired a round, on a public street, knowing he was being followed and confronted by police and the initial officer broadcasted that information before the "run over."   This has to be one of the most INANE posts that I've read in a long time.   PS.  Reading your TGO Sig Line...   "Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms. Robert Heinlein    ...priceless.
  15.   DAMMIT! One of the only characters that I WANT to see nekid...
  16. Also late to the thread, but for anyone else, I've had professional dealings with Chip Cain and highly recommend him. On one occasion, he gave me his time and advice and wouldn't take a penny for it (I wouldn't expect that...the man has to eat.  :)  ).
  17. I have a Romanian SAR-1 7.62mm, a Polish Tantal 5.45mm, and a Bulgarian SBR / Class 3 "Krinkov" 5.45mm. They all are flawless, reliability-wise (oddly, my 8" Krink is the most accurate AK that I've ever shot).   I figure the Eastern Bloc / Commies got it down pat.  In the past, with a few exceptions certainly, Americans often find a way to screw up an AK. However, I would be VERY interested in an SBRed 9mm AK...
  18.   +1 Hard to beat these three brands for an entry-level 1911.
  19. Just as a point of reference...   TN vs Garner is the caselaw that governs LEOs across the country on the shooting of fleeing violent felons or dangerous people. Generally, LEOs can shoot fleeing dangerous felons running away from them IF they can articulate that the suspect is a danger to the public.    
  20. Daenerys Targaryen...bring her to me, forthwith.   BTW, that vid was hilarious.
  21.   Hey, you just hurt my feelings! Time to change the avatar, I guess.   Edit:  Avatar updated.  :)
  22. TN-popo

    Glock Teaser

    My point exactly in post #102. You did a better job of illustrating it.
  23. I know several of our officers will be there. I'd love to do it, but I'm still dealing with this latest back surgery. Have fun!
  24. TN-popo

    Glock Teaser

      Agreed. If the G43 is too big for pocket carry (which I believe it is because the G42 is pushing it), what's the point? That has been my issue with the G26/27 all along.  People buy them and then, most of the time, end up carrying them on a belt.  They may as well have bought a G19/23 if that was going to be the end result. If you're going to "belt carry," pretty much anywhere you can conceal a G26/27, you can conceal a G19/23.


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