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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. Definately in my top 5. Plus, she actually seems pretty cool and down to earth.
  2. Dead...
  3. The three best that I've seen were from MagPul, Tactical Response, and Gabe Suarez...all for different reasons. I didn't agree with any of them 100%, but I got something out of each one.
  4. I saw it a couple of days ago...IMO, it absolutely sucked.
  5. Your Kimber has a completely different recoil system than standard 1911s (I've owned both)...comparing their recoil spring lives is apples / oranges and a mistake. Kimber isn't kidding when they say 800 rounds with a ProCarry. A standard 1911 can go much longer.
  6. TN-popo

    NRA Rant

    Who pays for that additional postage? NRA (but, you already knew that). Be part of the solution and not part of the problem. As TripleDigitRide stated, NRA does it because it has proven to be profitable. You don't like the junk mail? Cool, make a phone call and end it. It beats your "witty" alternative...
  7. TN-popo

    NRA Rant

    Costing us even more money...congratulations on your "witty-ness."
  8. TN-popo

    NRA Rant

    The NRA has done a hell of alot more good than bad over the years. No they are not perfect. Being a member is better than doing nothing. If you're not a member, but can honestly say that you're contributing to gun rights in some meaningful way, great. However, I suspect that some like to point at the NRA's faults, use that as an excuse, then do nothing to help the cause. BTW, you can contact the NRA to stop the junkmail...not a biggie, IMO.
  9. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/critical-incident-strategies/37910-ammunition.html
  10. Critical Incident Strategies, LLC.
  11. I guess you know better than SAAMI and all the major ammunition manufacturers.
  12. A common statement made by people who have no idea how to use Big Dots. As the attached link shows, for fast, close range shots, you put the whole Big Dot COM. When a more precise shot is needed, you use the very top of the Big Dot for POA. No part of the target is blocked out any more than "traditional" sights (actually, it's less). http://www.xssights.com/sightimages.html
  13. Go to your hardware store and buy a 3/32" punch for $2...same thing.
  14. Must be some real special stuff.
  15. +1 Just know what you're getting.
  16. Not according to Remington, of course. http://www.remington.com/products/accessories/gun-care/cleaning-chemicals-and-oils/rem-oil.aspx
  17. The 19 and 23 use different ejectors as well.
  18. Gotcha, thank you.
  19. Well I didn't mean to bring down the thread with my post...talking about FMJs, JHPs, and all that kind of stuff. I kinda thought that was what the OP was looking for.
  20. Good advice originally posted by Todd@CIS. For .380ACP, stick with FMJ for practice and defense. With the POSSIBLE exception of the Hornady XTP (only because it doesn't expand that much), there is not a .380 JHP made that expands AND penetrates deep enough to be recommended for effective self defense. FWIW, my general rule of thumb: For calibers that can reliably expand AND penetrate approx 12" of calibrated gel...JHP. For calibers that can reliably expand OR penetrate approx 12" of calibrated gel...FMJ. We WANT expansion...we NEED penetration. Plus, you get the added benefit of better feed reliability in small autos (which sometimes can be more finicky than service-sized pistols).
  21. Yes! Send all ammo that is older than 1 year to me for proper disposal. I provide this service for free! Just kidding. Except for the rounds with obvious damage, you should be fine. Ammo properly stored lasts for decades. The "leaked powder" comment makes me wonder though...old ammo shouldn't leak.
  22. TN-popo

    Dan Wesson

  23. If the Colts win, the traditional White House "winner's visit" will be kind of awkward...
  24. Agreed. Worth a rent, but not much more.
  25. Cricket, cricket... If you're going to post such an assertion in a thread like this, you should "back it up" or concede an error. "Drive by" posts like this are worthless and can cause the further spread of ignorance.


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