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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. Thanks for always doing this Tom.
  2. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/ammunition-reloading/41612-finally-found-hornady-critical-defense-9mm-45-a.html LOL...I don't think I ever said it was "trash."
  3. Sly Dog...didn't know you had one of those. I would have mooched some range time with it...hint, hint.
  4. I've used it (company gave our PD some to T&E, I'm an armorer and instructor). Cleaning? Company's claims are way overstated. Lube? About the same as most. Protection? Didn't use it long enough to fairly say. I don't think it's a bad product, it just didn't "wow" me. I still say the best CLPs I've used are WeaponShield and Slip2000. The best dedicated cleaners I've used are Shooter's Choice Bore Cleaner (no ammonia) and Butch's Bore Shine (ammonia).
  5. Thanks for the comments, guys. For shear accuracy, this thing shoots itself. The only thing that would make it better is if it was a Commander length gun (I've always preferred the 4.25" 1911s). Also, eventually I'll change the sights. I like Heinie sights, but I don't find the front sight as fast as I'd like. I'm thinking an XS Sight front sight / 10-8 rear sight combo. Vero1, don't know. Bought it from the guy who had it done. He said that after he got it back from Harrison he really didn't get a chance to shoot it. Based on its condition, I believe him.
  6. Hehe...you are evil, Mr.B. #34
  7. Based on the court case that Fallguy may be referring to (I'd have to look it up), my Dept has adopted the practice of not stopping someone who is simply OCing unless... 1. There is reasonable suspicion that other criminal activity is occuring (common "Terry Stop"). 2. Responding to a citizen complaint regarding the OC.
  8. I resisted entering back into the 1911 world, but couldn't pass this one up. Still taking the G19 to a fight, though.
  9. It's a SA worked over by John Harrison. http://www.harrisoncustom.com/ Frame is hardchromed / slide has IonBond. Heinies, Bobtail, and a trigger that breaks like glass at 4lbs.
  10. LOL, I had Ed Lawrence.
  11. +1 ...I used to work for Metro.
  12. You're argument makes sense to those that do not consider a fetus a human life. For those that do consider it a human life, abortion is no different than a mother slitting her 3 month old's throat. Individual liberty has no bearing on that situation. Many of our laws are based on moral issues. This issue is no different.
  13. I think I saw the same show and I'm pretty sure they only shot .380s. Also, it may not matter, but that show was also sponsored by Hornady. 9mm and .45 CD may be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but with so many other proven rounds out there (at the same or cheaper prices), I don't understand the attraction to something relatively untested. To each his own (that's what makes this gun-thing fun), but I'll stick with Gold Dot, Ranger-T, etc. until there is more unbiased testing of CD. I hope CD turns out to be a great round in all calibers...I just tend to play "wait and see" when it comes to my SD ammo. PS. There have also been a lot of internet reports about dud primers and ignition failures with Critical Defense ammo, FWIW.
  14. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/critical-incident-strategies/41284-changes-cis.html
  15. What credible, 3rd party ballistic gel tests have you seen regarding the 9mm and .45 Critical Defense? I haven't seen any. I'll stick with proven / tested rounds. If you like Golden Sabers, I'd stick with those. http://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=19887
  16. This statement implies that you have a pretty good basis of comparision. What other Nashville area schools (permanant or visiting) have you trained at? If not, this statement is kind of silly, yes? BTW, here's a secret. In the training world, there is no "Best." There is alot of excellent training out there, but nobody has all the answers.
  17. +1, but might be OK for the mag in the gun...standard mags in the pouches.
  18. To me, the M13 gives up the sleekness and ergos of the M8. The M8 is one of those guns that feels like it was built for my hand.
  19. +1 #2. Why the Original Post all in the 3rd person? Weird. #3. US Marine? Purposely omitted from your profile? Don't think so. Please attach a link to the news story.
  20. My issues... Constitution (2A extra focus) Immigration Tax Reform If they're square with me on those issues, they're probably going to be square with me on alot more. If I disagree with them on any of the above, I can't vote for them.
  21. I'm a realist, so I understand that he won't win, but Brandon Dodds looks pretty squared away. Am I missing something?
  22. +1 Sounds like a "flaw thing," not an "individual liking thing." Dealers don't send NIB guns back due to individual liking.
  23. This is true...except in emergency situations. Both Smyrna PD and Rutherford Co still do courtesy "lock outs." When I brought this up to a friend who is pretty high ranking in one of these agencies, he said "We're still going to do them anyway."
  24. Testors model paint...about $1 a bottle. It lasts well and you can always reapply as necessary. Whatever color you choose, put a white base-coat on first...it will brighten up your chosen color.


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