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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. TN-popo

    .22lr Pistol?

    Big +1 (I own or have owned both and they are/were problem free). I happen to have a Walther P22 that works...but I've seen too many that don't.
  2. Yep, Marlin "floppy" normal.
  3. Me too... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tgo-forum-support/46204-email-notification-problem.html
  4. "Can anyone find an Advantage Arms Conversion Kit?" Yep, in my safe. Hold out for the AA conversion, Ceiner makes them, but I've heard of more problems from them.
  5. Cool, thanks for the insight. GMail is what I'll do.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I do use Comcast, but it's not their spam blocker and I've never had Comcast vs TGO issues in the past. What other specifics should I provide? Thanks
  7. Since the recent downtime, I no longer get any sort of email notifications from TGO (PM and post alerts, etc.). I double checked my TGO settings and they are the same as they've always been (instant). Is there something else I can do to get back my email notifications? Thanks
  8. +1 On a handgun, since the aperture is far enough away NOT to "ghost" out, all it does is obscure more of your vision / target.
  9. Understanding this correctly, you need help "pitching a tent?" Sorry, couldn't help it...
  10. That would be fun for my Glock 18.
  11. Thanks!
  12. Link? Haven't heard of it. Sigma variation? Thanks
  13. When I went through Metro Nashville's police academy (1996), 4-6 guys bought them. Sidebar- Metro Policy at the time...we were issued a S&W .38 or could buy/use a 9mm built by S&W, Glock, Beretta, or SIG (only one guy in the class used the issued .38). Issued 9mm load was the Winchester 127gr+P+ Ranger. Back to story- every Sigma failed and had to go back to the factory due to breakage or failure. Fastforward to today, the Sigma is now reliable (as DaddyO mentioned with the VE line), but it's really too bad that S&W can't put a decent trigger action in them because, laugh if you want, they feel great in the hand and are very reasonably priced. To the OP, your friend paid the "stupid tax."
  14. Right handed shooter and more shots went to the left?
  15. The standard military AR / M-series are made by Colt and FN (with rare exception). They are of better quality than many, if not most, commercial offerings when not worn out or beat to crap...which, of course, the manufacturer cannot control.
  16. I've always felt that the myth of the DI's lack of reliability was perpetuated by people regurgitating old Vietnam stories or those using crappy or worn out rifles. My RRA (personal) has went about 4k and my Bushy (issued) about 2k without a malfunction (over 1k each in a weekend more than once) that wasn't directly related to a crappy magazine. PS. Ammo used...Federal M-193, Federal American Eagle, and Brown Bear.
  17. I've shot thousands of 9mm Brown Bear (also .223 and 7.62x39)...never a problem. I like Brown/Silver Bear much more than Wolf in all calibers.
  18. For the given OP situations...DI. -Less/smoother recoil -Better parts commonality -Lighter -Cheaper As for reliability, I've run 1000 rounds in 2 days (twice) and 1200 rounds in 3 days with no cleaning in two different DI ARs. Zero malfunctions. Moot point. The only time I'd rather have a Piston gun is if I was using a suppressor.
  19. Georgia Arms also offers a factory 147gr+P Gold Dot load. http://georgia-arms.com/9mmluger-4.aspx According to one of their factory reps... 147+P loaded to 36,700 PSI 124+P loaded to 36,500 PSI I shot them side x side and the 124+P version had more recoil. I was happy with both rounds. Just for reference, SAAMI specs... 9mm = 35,000 PSI max 9mm+P = 38,500 PSI max 9mm+P+ = anything over 38,500 PSI
  20. Did you even read the original post? Either that, or you just don't care and couldn't pass up the pimpin' opportunity? To the OP: There are several good Nashville/MidTN area schools here who support TGO...I'd give them a call.
  21. TN-popo


    My Dept bought two DPMS LR-308 for Observer rifles (partnered with our snipers). Neither one would run right (malfunctions/gas issues/blown primers) and DPMS gave us the run-around over it. I, too, would choose something other than DPMS if I was buying a .308 AR.
  22. +1 I got my first cop job in 1991. From then till now, I've watched that sort of thing get worse and worse. Hornet's nest in your garage? Call police. Skunk on the side of the road? Call police (real examples, btw). When I was dating my wife, one day she asked me, "Why are so many cops arrogant aholes?" I said, when they deal with things like this day in and day out, they begin to make the mistake that these things represent the norm of most people. Imagine going to calls everyday where, when you walk in the room, the IQ and "mouth to tooth" ratio jumps by 80%? A mistake? Yes. But, that's what happens to some, IMO. A few years ago I got dispatched to a vehicle "lockout" (my agency still does these). When I arrived, I asked the lady standing next to the car, "You want me to unlock this car?" She said, "Well yeah" very sarcastically (Like I was a dumbass for asking an obvious question). I said, "You mean this car right here with the passenger side window rolled down?" And these people vote and breed...
  23. LOL. I got the concept from Dave Lauck... http://www.dlsports.com/cqb.html ...my sight picture looks similar to the 3rd pic. I do have 1/3 co-witness and the Aimpoint is slightly back for even less "tube" effect. Unconventional and not often seen, but extremely fast.
  24. RRA = 9lbs (my VFG was missing for the pic).


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