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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. Really?
  2. All kidding aside, good job. It's function over form with me and Glocks. I've also got a "home" stipled Glock that looks like it has a rash on it...but it feels great, so that's all that matters to me.
  3. It looks like it's in pain...
  4. I would rather see it without a manual safety. For a pocket carry, DAO, "get off me gun," I just don't think it's necessary.
  5. TN-popo

    UAE Caracal pistols

    I do think that you completely missed my point...
  6. TN-popo

    UAE Caracal pistols

    I'm not saying the Caracal is necessarily a bad gun, but I don't see the lure of a pistol that is unproven, comes from an unknown company, has goofy sights, zero 3rd party support, and costs the same as other pistols that don't have any of these issues. IMO, a company has to overcome these things by going low on their price until the pistol catches on; ie, HS2000. If the UAE company doesn't do this, this pistol will fail.
  7. TN-popo

    UAE Caracal pistols

    Agreed. That's one reason why the XD is a no-go for me.
  8. TN-popo

    UAE Caracal pistols

    IMO, point 5 is subjective (first part) and point 8 is not a benefit. They have zero experience in building combat handguns. They do have Wilhelm Bubits. Sorry to be a wet blanket, but why in the hell would they make the rear sight part of the back plate? It's goofy, without any benefit that I can see, and may hinder 3rd party sight manufacturers from jumping on board. IMO, for this pistol to succeed against it's current competition, they are going to have to lower their pricepoint, big. Think HS2000 before Springfield got involved. Also, I read about heating issues during extended shooting. Has anyone noticed this?
  9. Springfield Armory subcontracts all their Armorer classes to TeamOne. I went through it (PD sent me). http://www.teamonenetwork.com/ And no, even certified SA Armorers can't get all the parts. Honestly, I wouldn't pay my own money to go through it. You'll learn how to diagnose a problem, but if it has to do with a part you can't get, you'll have to send it in to SA anyway. Irritating.
  10. Thank you, Tom.
  11. TN-popo

    Glock Barrels

    Unless your looking for heavy lead shooting capability, I'd stick with OEM. I've shot lead through OEM barrels...they don't explode. Just watch your volume and clean thoroughly.
  12. True. I've gotten that from more than one store in the MidTN area.
  13. I've always thought that the biggest thing hurting local gunstores (vs buying on the internet) was sales tax. Tithing to the government (9.75% in Rutherford Co) on a $500-1500 gun sucks ass and is usually more than shipping and transfer fees related to an internet purchase.
  14. moreland281...I think you are on track. And since I live in M'Boro, I imagine we'll be doing some business.
  15. Hot (and a little scary).
  16. We'll skip those, thanks anyway. What happens in Cincinnati, stays in Cincinnati...thems the rules.
  17. +1 He says one thing to TFA and now the opposite to these folks...let the flip-flopping begin. I'm voting for Haslam, but I'm not all warm and fuzzy about it.
  18. And his brother is a Baldwin...
  19. The only pics of me that I have on the computer... Me...top row, far left. BTW, SGT Carter (tall, skinny one) was, in fact, Satan's spawn. Me...at work a few months ago. BTW, for you USAF guys. I never had my Basic Training photo. I found this site awhile back and thought it was pretty cool. Mine just happened to be there....nice blast from the past. http://www.bmtflightphotos.af.mil/
  20. tt0511...yeah, if I ever engaged it and the slide locked open while firing then I would do as Mike posted (great post, btw). The only gun that I ever did that with was a HiPower.
  21. exactly what I was thinking...
  22. I was issued an XD45 for several years and I'm a Springfield XD Armorer. I shoot with a thumbs forward grip and my thumb rested on the slide lock lever while shooting (it basically ended up being my thumbrest) resulting in the slide never locking back on the last round. I just learned to live with it as I was not going to change my firing grip for just one weapon that I wasn't crazy about in the first place. Not here to trash the XD, but I'm glad that I have a G23 back in my duty holster.
  23. I've known Denny for a few years now...he's a solid, no BS guy.


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