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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. I love the Chinese response...angelic, as if they've never been implicated in this type of thing before. I know the US is doing this type of thing too (just ask Germany), but I'd like to see the US tighten up its defenses against these type of attacks.   http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/opm-data-breach-china-hits-back-u-s-over-federal-n370351
  2. Nice boobs! It's the weiner that throws me off and complicates things...
  3. 2AM, dark bar, last call, many drinks, and...SURPRISE! For TGO David, that is. I'm seeing that scene from Pet Detective.
  4. Well now I feel like an even bigger lazy ass.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NP_MwRuAZs
  5.   1.  You're mad because the NRA dropped prices (to gain membership) after you paid more?  Btw, I did too.  Were you cheated or did you agree to the sum at the time? 2.  You're mad at the NRA because of a crappy, 3rd party, insurance decision?  I endorse Glocks.  But, if your Glock malfunctions, is it my fault?
  6.   I was getting a bunch of those (irritating because I was working 3rd Shift at the time and, as a Hostage / Crisis Negotiator, I had to keep my phone on). Finally, on the last one, I just asked the lady to take me off the call list.  She was very polite and said she would. She did, and I haven't received a call since. Pretty simple.
  7. TN-popo

    Sig MPX-P

    Tagged for AAR (because this is the ONE gun that I've been wanting for over two years).   Since I want it SBRed, and looking at the rear of the gun, should I buy this version?  Anything I should know about adding a stock once it's SBRed?
  8. The NRA is not perfect, but they do a lot of good.   I'm not looking for your answers posted in this thread, but I ask this... "If you are not an NRA member, what are YOU doing to help protect our rights?" And yes, there are a lot of other good (arguably better, but not as powerful) organizations out there, too.   What REALLY irritates me is the number of gun owners who do nothing and expect others to do the lifting.   PS.  This post is not directed at anyone specifically in this thread...just a general comment.
  9.   +1 And, since it's off of the other topic, I'll jump back in this thread. In TN, "Evading" in or on a vehicle is a Felony.  On foot, it's a Misdemeanor.   I'm in a similar LE supervisory situation...and I terminate a lot of pursuits because they're just not worth it when weighed against general public safety.   In the last couple / few years, there have been only two pursuits that I can think of right now (middle of the night, suffering from insomnia) where I said to myself, "No matter what happens, we're getting this one."   1.  A simple traffic stop attempt and one of the occupants started firing a handgun, out the window, at my officer, while they decided to flee.  They were caught and are lucky to still be breathing. 2.  Armed Robbery, middle of the day at a Krystal, and the scroat had a 12ga.  He fled in a vehicle (description broadcasted) and I just happened to be right around the corner and saw it.       It ended in a wreck (he crashed into 11 vehicles that were all lined up at a local car dealership...oops).  :) Funny thing, he was wanted for two Murders and two Aggravated Assaults in a neighboring jurisdiction...so I got a pat on the head for that one.   I always think to myself when deciding to terminate a pursuit, "If this goes bad, as tragic as the outcome may be, can I explain / justify it and still look at myself in the mirror." If the answer is no, I end it.
  10. I am not disagreeing with the conventional wisdom concerning bullet weights and rifle twists.   But, there is a bit of VooDoo involved too. I've shot 1:7, 1:8, 1:9, and 1:12.  I once had a 1:7 Colt that shot 55gr better than the heavier stuff (tested with multiple loads).  That shouldn't be, but it was.  Go figure. I had a twin of that rifle (another Colt green lable, both were stock) that shot sub-MOA with Federal 69gr Match (and only that factory round...I don't handload).  Again, go figure.   I've always felt that the best all-around 5.56 / .223 twist rate was 1:8 (and I wish that it was more popular / standardized). However, since all I ever shoot is 55gr stuff (both at work and personal / practice and SD rounds), all of my ARs are 1:9 (I know, I'm not MilSpec and Tacticool).   Anyway, the conventional wisdom is usually accurate and a good rule-of-thumb, just don't be completely married to it. Just my opinion.
  11. Well excuse my...ehh, you know what?  Nevermind.    It was new to me and I thought it was interesting. Sorry to have wasted everyone's precious internet time.
  12. The kid needs a haircut, probably did get mouthy, and could have worn a better NRA shirt...but jeez.   http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/19/8th-grader-arrested-suspended-for-nra-protect-your-right-t-shirt-with-image-of-gun/
  13. MMA / UFC has taken a huge chunk out of boxing.   Arguably the best conditioned athletes in the world, more well rounded fighters, and much more entertaining to watch. Boxing really doesn't interest me anymore.
  14.   Yep, those "little" things...
  15.   This. I know "long" triggers have been the rage for many years, but I prefer "medium" or shorter 1911 triggers (and I have pretty decent sized hands).
  16.   I've shot this gun. Also, I admit, I'm kinda OCD about trigger reset.  To some folks it's not a big deal.  To me, it's a big deal (and one of the only negatives against the HiPower).   Anyway, this pistol has a wonderful "out-of-the-box" trigger and reset that is much better than the HiPower.
  17.   It's this kind of stuff that produces very good marksmen (which, I can attest, you are). You can go to all the classes (hell, I teach them), but there is something about spending days in a field or backyard "plinking."   Anyway, sorry for the drift.  Back to 9mm S/As!
  18. Thread drift and why I'll always have an affinity for the HiPower...   Starting when I was about 15, I kept my dad's Browning HiPower loaded (cocked and locked) under my bed.  My dad was aware of this and trusted me not to be an idiot (at least when it came to guns...girls were a different matter). In that same bedroom, I had one of those glass-faced gun cabinets with my hunting shotguns and rifles, with ammo, since I was about 12.   Different times.  Can you imagine that today and what the media / LE would say?  Especially post-Columbine? Before that, when I was a little boy, my dad had a rule.  I could touch / play with any of his guns, anytime, as long as I asked him first. I never violated that rule.  I violated a lot of other rules, but the gun-thing / gun trust was important to me.  It was like a window to adulthood not to be messed with.   My dad has been dead for almost two years now, and we didn't always get along later in life, but he was a Vietnam Infantry Vet (regular infantry...not SF or ninja type) who instilled a lot of good things in me.
  19.   Yep, I saw that.  In fact, I think that's where I bought mine all those years ago. Some might look rough, but mine functioned 100% right "out of the box" (with all sorts of crap I put through it).    EDIT:  Looks like they're already out of them.
  20. About 12-13 years ago, when there was that initial influx of Israeli FN HiPowers, I bought one pretty cheap. Typical cop gun...looked like hell, but the internals were great (carried a lot / shot little).   Anyway, I sent it to Jim Garthwaite ( www.garthwaite.com ) for a trigger job w/ mag safety disable, "commander hammer," extended thumb safety, refinish, and new sight install. What returned was a different gun.  It was beautiful.   I was a dumbass for selling it...
  21. I definitely agree. IMO, their current pistols are very underated, market-wise. At the prices these FNs are going for, I'm not sure why someone would buy certain other brands in the same price range. EDIT on the 2nd part: I misread your post. Too early in the morning. ;)
  22. Almost 3 months old. All my brother's, ahh, cats in one bed. :) His girlfriend had just woken up. Heh, heh...she would be PISSED if she knew I had posted this pic. ;)
  23. I've also been thinking about getting a 16" lever gun in .357Mag...just not sure which brand (but, I've always preferred Marlins).   I used to have a Marlin 1894P (16", .44Mag, and it was one of the special runs without those silly barrel ports).  I loved it.   I'd love to have the exact same gun in .357Mag. AFAIK though, Marlin only offers the gun with an 18.5" barrel now.


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