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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. There was a brief period of time when TDOS tried to require the student's serial # (2009, IIRC). Schools/Instructors pitched a bitch about it (rightly so) and TDOS dropped the requirement pretty quick.
  2. Hard to beat the Kahr P9, K9, MK9, or PM9 for slim 9mm carry.
  3. A few years ago, I bought a "I have what boys want" bumpersticker and stuck it to a fellow officer's patrol car. He didn't notice it for 2 days...not until the Chief of the Fire Dept pointed it out to him. It pays to do a pre-shift vehicle inspection.
  4. +1 I would agree. The Beretta 92/96 series are the only center-fire autos that I've shot a lot (I have one of each and carried one in the military) and never had a malfunction with. That's not to say that they can't break (locking blocks) or have bad mags, but... I'm a Glock guy, but I have to give Beretta credit.
  5. Not necessarily referring to this Channel 5 incident specifically, but just in general. I've been a cop for about 17 years. I have always disagreed with the seizure of money when no other evidence of a crime is present. Post #14 said it well. If there is no evidence of a crime/probable cause for an arrest, I don't believe there should be a seizure of cash just based on the amount. I'm not naive...I'd even say most large cash stashes on the interstate are probably illgotten. But, if you can't prove it, then we're back to the balance of liberty vs a police state.
  6. I'm not sure what you're getting at with this thread, but... I am my own Guardian. Additionally, I get paid to potentially go in harm's way at least 5 days a week (happened last night and there's a really good chance it will happen tonight/Friday). I get paid to train others to WIN should they find themselves in harm's way. Our last officer involved shooting consisted of an apartment building and a psycho with a gun and homemade/IED explosives. We won. The one before that, a psycho holding a butcher knife to his infant son's throat. We won. With post #19 in mind, what is your point?
  7. Now that was all full of AWESOME!
  8. TN-popo

    Beretta 96

    I put the Wolff Trigger Conversion Unit in all of my 92/96 guns. Better trigger action and a more robust/reliable design. Beretta really should make this an OEM part. Springs for BERETTA 92, 96, AND CENTURION Semi-Auto Pistols As for the recoil spring, I'd leave it alone in a .40 Beretta.
  9. S&W has some of the best (if not the best) CS in the industry. KelTec would be a close 2nd, IMO. Unfortunatley, KT's CS is needed too often.
  10. I have personally witnessed Buford order a 40+ person class to do this and dryfire at him. When I first heard that there was an "incident," this is what came to mind. I am glad it was something different and less serious...
  11. Buford's latest mass email... THIS IS AN EMAIL FROM AN APPS FRIEND WHO IS A MEMBER OF THE TENNESSEE GUN OWNERS AND HE SENT ME THE INFO BELOW FROM THE OWNER OF HTE ASSICIATION! IT IS HARD FOR ME TO BELIEVE THAT ANYONE WOULD LAUGH ABOUT THE INJURY OF ANOTHER! THE INFORMATION HE IS GIVING IS INFO THAT I WOULD IEK TO KNOW THE ANSWER TO AS TO THE APPS SUTDENTS HE IS TALKING ABOUT THAT HAVE BEEN IN SHOOTING, INTERACTION WITH POLICE AND ARE BAD GUN OWNERS AND BAD PEOPLE CARRYING THE GUNS! THIS IS ALSO THE REASO I SEND OUT A EXPLAINATION TO THE INCIDENT! IF ANY OF YOU ARE MEMBERS OF TGO YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO RESPOND WITH THE TRUTH AND IF OF YOU DO JOIN PLEASE RESPOND WITH THE TRUTH. AGAIN THIS IS THE REASON I AM NOT A MEMBER OF ANY BLOGS OR WEB TALK STUFF! Here is just one comment on the Tennessee Gun Owners Forum from a gun shop and gun school about your mistake. Almost all the other comments are about the same. You should go to that forum [it has posted the email message you sent out about your accident], to see what others are saying really took place. The owner of the Tennessee Gun Owners forum lives in Murfreesboro and has let others know how he feels about you. I took a class that you taught and thought you might want to reply to some of the comments.
  12. Thanks Dude. www.groupon.com special is $35 for that place (usually $79). Just bought a couple.
  13. Anyone ever deal with this company/been there? The wife and I are thinking about going. Ocoee Zipz (OZ) is the Ocoee River?s first major adventure activity since whitewater sports began on the Ocoee in 1976. Over a mile of zipline fun will get your adrenaline pumping from start to finish. From the first take-off at ?The Cowardly Lion?,
  14. TN-popo


    Grody to the Maximum
  15. TN-popo


    That's HitGirl from the movie "Kick Ass."
  16. TN-popo


    We got a "suspicious person" call the other night. Turns out, they were out collecting cicadas. Why, you ask? http://www.newsdesk.umd.edu/pdf/cicada%20recipes.PDF
  17. +1 It's a worthless feature. "Tap and Rack" should be anyone's default response to a "click."
  18. Yep, I wasn't going to say a thing about it until I read his spew.
  19. What the hell are you talking about? Back what up? Giving someone the finger...literally?
  20. Did the student make a mistake? Looks like it. However, ultimately, gun safety lies with the current handler of the gun. Also, unless seriously defective (highly doubtful), that pistol is not going to fire unless the trigger is pulled. In reading his statement, specifically paragraph 3, to blame what happened on "the other guy," or the "striker fired gun," is weak and displays questionable character at best. Also, regarding paragraph 4 and his safety practices...routinely instructing entire classes to point their handguns at him and dryfire, "so they know what it feels like," seems to contradict.
  21. You would jest, or leave it alone?
  22. No good deed goes unpunished...


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