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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. I had a friend do an "all-over" stipple job on my Glock. I like it, but on my next one, I'm going to do (or have done) exactly what you did. Good job.
  2. Personally, when talking about production guns, I'd stick with Springfield or S&W...or a used Series 1 Kimber. Recent production Kimbers seem to have gone downhill. Plus, if you do have a problem with a SA or S&W, they both have excellent customer service.
  3. TN-popo

    SIG p250

    I don't have alot of experience with SIG P250s, but the two I've seen recently wouldn't run. The first one was a shooter in a Rob Pincus CFS class I took 2 months ago...their P250 broke on the 1st day. The second is a coworker's...brand new and it has to go back to SIG due to malfunctions. These are just two examples, I know. And, every maker can put out a lemon, but these two recent examples aren't leaving me all warm and fuzzy over the P250.
  4. TN-popo

    Glock 1911????

    Yes. We all have one...
  5. Just a play gun (John Harrison Custom Springfield 5" Bobtail). I've always had a 1911 soft-spot...and owned a bunch over the years. PS. Do you still have the pink hat?
  6. The ONLY 8-rounders that I've had 100% reliability with, in a variety of 1911s, are McCormick PowerMags. This includes ACT/Novak (crappy feedlips), Wilson (weak-ass springs), etc. The new Wilsons advertise stronger springs, but I haven't tried them. I've recently been testing/using NightHawk 8-rounders (in only one 1911) and have had 100% reliability.
  7. Thank you Castor!
  8. laktrash, Ae-35, and Caster...wow great. Wanna actually help or just show off?
  9. Yes, I'm having PB issues too.
  10. Cool, thank you for the response.
  11. graycrait, do you use lighter-than-stock weight recoil springs? If so, I've heard warnings about combining a 6# trigger spring with lighter-than-stock weight recoil spring. I've never done it and if you have, I'd like to get your thoughts on it. PS. What's on the backplate of that 23C?
  12. uhh...OK. 1. If you've seen "Kickass," there wasn't the slightest thing sexual about Chloe's character in that movie. Anyone who looks at my avatar and get's warmed-up has serious issues. 2. Respond to the ER regarding a 3 year old bleeding from her rectum, who was left in the care of mom's "boyfriend," and then tell me about pedophiles. I've had to do that too many times... I'm not at all condoning 51 vs 16 year old marriages, I just think slinging the "pedophile" word around desensitizes us to the real lowest of low human monsters we have walking around.
  13. Lol... http://www.courtneystodden.com/Gallery.html
  14. I thought it was complete crap when Rangers had to start wearing a tan beret so that everyone else could feel special...
  15. Great work, Dude. I've loved the various photos of your work. I love the G19 and I have found that a good stiple job is worth its weight in gold. Most all are functional...the trick is to get it to look good as well. Your's does. I can't do my issued G23, but all my G19s have it.
  16. They have been for about 9-10 years...they switched right after I left in 2000. I work in Rutherford Co now and we're also on digital (800 band I think...I'm not a radio guy, but I know where the transmit button is ).
  17. Nope. I'm from Milwaukee, it's not allowed. Besides, I figure if Jesus could drink wine, so can I. Fallguy was wrong in post #33...he didn't start anything, you did in post #28. Stop being an asshat.
  18. 1. You need to get out from behind that computer and meet real people (mom doesn't count). 2. When I moved from WI to TN, I thought, "How did this State get such goofy beer/liquor laws?" Now I know...
  19. There are no innocent watermelons or pumpkins.
  20. I'm a strong believer in a defensive pistol having 1 trigger pull (SA, DAO, or "Safe-Action"). Yes, I know you can train to become very good with a DA gun, but it takes alot more effort (observations from military service and 14 years of LE firearms instructor/SWAT duties). Also, while I still love 1911s and HiPowers, for me personally, I'm no longer interested in having a manual safety. 1 trigger pull, no manual safety = more "stupidproof" (which is a good thing during life saving activities). BTW, it's Glock for me.
  21. Service Pistol Duty and Self-Defense Loads - M4Carbine.net Forums
  22. Nope. I taught HCP classes from 2007-2010. Did some checking...it was late 2008/early 2009 when the State attempted to get us to collect serial numbers. Before that, all we were required to get was Make/Model/Caliber. In fact, they rescinded it so fast, that by the time we had our next monthly class we never did have to collect any serial numbers. Here's an old thread... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/2nd-amendment-issues/15190-handgun-carry-permit-class-information.html See post #1 vs post #56.


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