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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. Lol, I wouldn't be much better.
  2. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

  3. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    LOL...I'm sure he did.
  4. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    <------------------ OK, back to the spelling lessons. PS. WyattEarp, regarding your last picture...the focus was way off. Much more interesting things going on there.
  5. TN-popo

    My 2nd AK47

    Receivers Hard to say. Without more info, it could have been built by anyone.
  6. I've been with Regions for awhile (Amsouth days)...not too happy about the new fees. However, I do find it hard to believe that anyone would bitch about the hat removal request. It's a very reasonable security (video) measure.
  7. Not too far from you, David. Daughter Killed, Mother Injured In Smyrna Double Shooting - NewsChannel5.com | Nashville News, Weather & Sports
  8. I've ordered from them a couple of times and have had no issues. However, just yesterday, one of my officers called them about the availability of a S&W 642 (they were showing in-stock on their civilian site, but out-of-stock on their LE site...S&W offers a pretty good LE discount so the difference in price was noticeable). The guy who answered the phone apparently got a pretty crappy attitude and my officer ended up ordering from a different dealer.
  9. Ask and receive... prius police car - Google Search
  10. I've been issued Crown Vics for most of my career (my current Dept assigns cars to the officer and allows him/her to take them home). Great patrol cars. I hope the new Fords are as good because I'm due to get a new car next year. A couple of years ago we bought Chevy Impalas. Hate them. Not enough room (I'm 6'03") and not nearly as durable.
  11. I've got 3 different .22 pistols that won't hardly get through a mag of that Federal crap. Otherwise, they're 100% reliable.
  12. Good on you. Some may laugh, but I'd take a Bersa over a Walther anyday...really. When I used to teach HCP classes, I saw alot of both come through. Bersas work. Walthers? Maybe/maybe not (especially their .22s).
  13. TN-popo

    S&W 442

    I never leave home without mine. It's either my on-duty backup or my "gettin' a gallon of milk" primary. JAB...thanks for the heads up on PDX1+P. I've not shot any of it as I tend to stay away from +P loadings due to recoil. I'll buy some today. www.lefthandholster.com for excellent kydex pocket holsters.
  14. PM sent.
  15. This comes up from time to time...I thought I'd list some that I recommend. While I don't agree with everything 100% in the "technique" books (I never do), they're all excellent on their respective topics. Mindset LEADERSHIP AND TRAINING FOR THE FIGHT by Paul Howe EQUAL OR GREATER FORCE by Kit Cessna ON COMBAT by Dave Grossman PRINCIPLES OF PERSONAL DEFENSE by Jeff Cooper THE COMBATIVE PERSPECTIVE by Gabe Suarez FACING VIOLENCE by Rory Miller Technique COMBATIVE FUNDAMENTALS by Jeff Gonzales HANDGUN COMBATIVES by Dave Spaulding THE BOOK OF TWO GUNS by Tiger McKee GREEN EYES AND BLACK RIFLES by Kyle Lamb STAY IN THE FIGHT by Kyle Lamb COMBAT FOCUS SHOOTING by Rob Pincus (2010 edition only, much improved over the 1st edition)
  16. Yep, we do the same thing (a Rutherford Co PD). No big deal as it happens from time to time. If the EMTs find it, they give it to us. Local hospital, same thing.
  17. Don't doubt too seriously. This ammo blew up several LE ARs across the country...a NCIC teletype was put out nationally concerning this and I believe Hornady ended up recalling a bunch of it. This is not necessarily a slam on Hornady. Every ammo company has had bad lots escape. Just sayin'...
  18. Subject Matter Expert? Not really. Let's say SM knowledgeable. Always the student. Some at TGO know me, but for those that don't... I've got 20 years of military / LE experience that includes patrol, firearms instructor, SWAT, and hostage negotiation. Currently, I'm a police SGT in Middle TN. I've also founded / ran my own private firearms training company and have taken a lot of private sector classes (some "big name instructors" and some lesser known). The point of this is that I've had the opportunity to have been exposed to a variety of training, tactics, guns, gear, ammo, and shootings. This exposure has given me a basis for an educated opinion and to see what can work and what hasn't. I welcome your questions / discussion and promise two things... 1. I'll say "I don't know" when I don't have an informed opinion. 2. I have the understanding that many times there's several ways to skin a cat. "A way, not THE way." Regards.
  19. TN-popo

    Fully Auto Glock

    I've never shot a conversion, but what would be the difference in "niceness?" Also, my G18 doesn't have a plastic switch and I've never seen one that does.
  20. TN-popo

    Fully Auto Glock

    I have this 'ol thing sitting in my safe...
  21. I see what you are saying, but here's a different point of view... The attacker chose to stop due to weak mindset and the realization that he wasn't victimizing a "sheep." He had time to say stop shooting me, pull off his mask, and then talk about his "fake" gun after being shot 4 times. I'm not sure that I'd say that the gun "did it's job." Not turning this into a caliber war and not saying a different caliber would have had a different outcome. I've got to see a bunch of people who have been shot...generally, humans are not impressed with being shot with handguns unless there is CNS/brain or heart damage. It's not important that you hit something, it's important that you hit something important. It doesn't look like our good guy did. A "psychological stop" is just luck.
  22. The bad guy had the .25ACP and it appears that he did not fire it. News report doesn't say what the good guy shot him with.
  23. Yep...first listing on a Google search.
  24. Sorry I didn't see this thread sooner. I've got one...in Rutherford Co. PM me if needed.


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