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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. That's where I'm at. I've owned a Glock since 1990. I've been issued a Glock since 1995. I've been a Glock Armorer since 2001. I'm "invested"... and I've been very happy with Glock.
  2. Couple this with some Glock/LE issues that have been noticed (LAPD vs G21, NYPD vs G19, several agencies reporting problems with Gen3 .40s and weapon mounted lights), not to mention their Gen4 9mms were released before all the bugs were worked out. I love Glocks, but they had better watch out for the M&P. Several major agencies have already made the switch.
  3. +1 I'm a big Glock guy, but I think over the next several years you're going to see the M&P take a huge chunk of the LE market from Glock.
  4. LE, not geography, advice coming... I agree with a lot of what MphsTiger1981 said. Get a job now. 1. See if you even like it. 2. Build experience / seniority. 3. The vast majority of Depts will hire with a 2 year degree. With very rare exception, anything beyond a BS degree won't really interest most LE agencies. 4. Many Depts have an education benefit (full or partial) for continued education. I just graduated the FBI's Crisis Negotiator School this summer. I'd be very surprised if you get that opportunity with less than 5 years on the job anywhere, regardless of your educational backround. They're much more interested in your maturity as an officer and your ability to interact and communicate with people (yes, I snuck in somehow).
  5. $1.10 at the Redbox. Entire 1st season is on one disk.
  6. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

  7. A Google search reveals that he had some racial issues while in the Navy.
  8. 9mm vs .45 Glocks are awesome / suck Greatest handgun ever
  9. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    I'll quietly admit that I was a bit nervous during the first half...
  10. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    5-0 and "barely 5-0" is still 5-0. And, since when is 25-14 a barely?
  11. That's the problem. If you don't train with the mode you carry, expecting a positive outcome in a life/death occasion is leaving too much to chance. BTW, sights and "metal weight" are the same on the "D" models.
  12. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    Vick is a POS... <-------- 5-0
  13. Love the Beretta...carried one daily in the military and currently own a 92D and a 96D (don't like DA/SA). I'm a Glock guy, but the Beretta is the only centerfire defense gun that I've never had a malfunction with.
  14. Hate to say it, but I don't see this getting much traction...ever. I hope I'm wrong.
  15. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    I grew up in Milwaukee, I remember (Lynn Dickie anyone?). Most of the Packer games I went to were at Milwaukee Co Stadium, but I did go to the holy land once.
  16. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

  17. Just because I still have 200-300 rounds of it left. Dr. Gary Roberts made the switch from Ranger-T to HST and I might too when it's time to go shopping. No issues with our general issued load... .40 HST 180gr. What you're thinking of involved the .45acp HST 230gr+P. That incident was a gun problem though, not an ammo problem.
  18. False. Neither the Black Talon or the Ranger-T are bonded rounds. PDX1 is. PDX1 is the newest version of the Ranger Bonded round. BTW, the 147gr Ranger-T is my carry round in 9mm.
  19. To echo what Dolomite said, I find a lot of value in Red Dots that have the auto brightness feature. During SWAT funtimes, I really appreciated it when moving through different lighting environments. It's not as big of a deal with the Aimpoint because of Aimpoint's single dot, but with EOTech's "circle and dot", it sucks. When seaching a mostly lit building for a suspect using an EOTech and you find yourself moving into a darkened area, you can end up with a giant, unuseable red blob (yes, the weaponlight helps, but it's not always tactically appropriate). I've always been an Aimpoint guy (still am), but I recently put one of these on my work gun... http://www.insighttechgear.com/products-mrds.htm I'm not quite ready to sell my Aimpoint M3 yet, but I'm really digging the MRDS with the armored cover. As with the Aimpoints, I never turn them off (unless the gun is in the safe) and just replace the batteries when appropriate (Aimpoint = annually / MRDS = bi-annually). To the OP's post #3, those are really two completely different missions. The only optic that might meet both of your expectations are the various 1x4 tactical scopes out there. There's a wide range of price and quality in that catagory. It seems that the Millett DMS might be a good entry level option for you. http://www.millettsights.com/scopes/dms/ Personally, I have not seen a cheaper option that is worth owning. Remember, target shooting is one thing, but if the rifle in question might be pressed into a defensive role, consider it (and what you put on it) a piece of life saving equipment and don't scrimp on cheap crap.
  20. Blue pants = AWESOME
  21. PS. You lied.


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