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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. Another thread got me to thinking about this. Levels of Skill *Unconscious Incompetence Your skill level is bad and you don't even know how bad. This is dangerous not only because of poor skills, but also because of the accompanied false sense of security. Many times on Day 1 of training I've heard, "I didn't know how much I didn't know." *Conscious Incompetence Your skill level is bad, but there is some self-awareness. Learning begins here, IMO. *Conscious Competence Your skills are getting good, but you still have to think about it too much. Things are still not honed to "auto-pilot" levels and in a fight, ideally, you should be "fight focused," not "gun focused." *Unconscious Competence What you should strive for. The ability to shoot, reload, clear malfunctions, etc. is second nature / "auto-pilot" allowing you to dedicate more brainpower to solving your problem before it solves you. This is where the guys from Delta, SEAL 6, extremely dedicated civvies, etc. are. An honest assessment will help you in the long run. Where are you? BTW, I first heard this from Pat Rogers and I thought it was pretty good.
  2. This.
  3. +1 The fact that the DPMS was more expensive than the S&W makes me chuckle.
  4. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    More importantly, how 'bout my Packers? Heh, heh...
  5. Regarding overtravel screws... When I was a 1911 guy, I removed them completely from all my "self defense" guns. One less way for Murphy to step into my life. I'm a fanatic for a trigger's good reset (1911s, Glocks, etc)...less so on some slight overtravel. Many companies make "hard use" triggers with no overtravel screw. Here's one... http://www.egwguns.com/triggers/solid-trigger/
  6. One cop's opinion... I hate roadblocks, with the exception of exigent circumstances. Traditionally, the level required by law for a LEO to step into your life is articulated Reasonable Suspicion (traffic stop, pedestrian stop, etc.). Terry vs Ohio is the classic caselaw regarding this. This is a good thing. Roadblocks remove this requirement. Seatbelt violations, DUIs, etc.? Sorry, it's our job to develope Reasonable Suspicion and then go after stuff like this. Removing the Reasonable Suspicion requirement (via roadblock) is a classic example of the "slippery slope," IMO. Oh, and an example of exigent circumstances? We had a kidnapped child from an apartment complex. A roadblock was setup at the entrance of the complex and mandatory vehicle searches were done on every vehicle leaving in order to find the child. Exigent circumstances should be, and are, rare. All other reasons for roadblocks should be ruled unconstitutional. I have never participated in a non-exigent circumstance roadblock. Rant off.
  7. +1 Within it's price range, it's a "best buy" backed by a company with arguably the best CS in the industry.
  8. I was out shooting a 10/22, Mite, CCI Sub combo yesterday in my backyard. There were some kids playing football about 3 yards away and they never noticed. I know the Mite isn't the best suppressor out there, but for the price and it's ease of cleaning I think it's a good buy. I think I bought mine for $225.
  9. In the interest of accuracy... I never said that you said walls were "great cover." I was responding to your statement that a wall (interior walls being the topic) "isn't bad cover." I was just saying that they are... Additionally, I'd rather not bet my life on shooting someone through anything, or nothing, if I can help it. However, if that's the best I've got, then I'll take it...repeatedly.
  10. The .45 round didn't hit people...the SKS rounds did. Sorry, that's about all I can say as things are still pending.
  11. Yeah, I know. I was referring to the Wolf that exhibited the problems in my classes. Clarification made...
  12. Good points. -Lacquered vs Poly Wolf...regarding my above post; I can't be sure which versions were used by students in my classes that caused the problems. -Increased extractor wear; 1. I haven't seen it. 2. Who cares, extractors are cheap and the ammo savings will more than make up for it (if it exists).
  13. When I'm buying it, my practice .223 ammo of choice is Brown Bear. I've run thousands of rounds through my ARs with zero issues. Also, a much smaller sampling, but I've shot several hundred .223 Golden Tiger with zero issues as well. That said, when I co-owned a training company and conducted our 2-day, 1000 round carbine class, I don't think we ever had someone complete the class using the Wolf/AR combo without numerous malfunctions (some of which required a rod to pound out stuck cases). And yes, they were quality ARs. If it works for you, great...personally, I'll pass on .223 Wolf based on my observations. Plinking 100 rounds of it at the range? Probably fine. I'd hate to show up to a 2-3 day carbine class with it only to be sidelined because of ammo that won't run. Besides, I can usually find Brown Bear for the same price (or cheaper) as Wolf, so for me it's a no-brainer.
  14. Agreed. I put very little stock in what the companies put out regarding their terminal ballistics. As always, I'll wait for some credible, 3rd party testing. Still, something to keep an eye on.
  15. New Hornady ammo that seems to address Critical Defense's shortcomings. Hornady Critical Duty Ammunition :: Blue Sheepdog Could be interesting. I'm happy with what's out there (Gold Dot, Ranger-T, HST), but it is always nice to see new options and developments.
  16. I'm not an OC/CS expert, but I've been issued it for about 13 years and I've been sprayed with a few different brands. By far, the two best that I've personally "experienced" have been Freeze+P and Fox. Sadly, I'm not currently issued either of those. Anyway, wewoapsiak, glad to hear about your good interaction.
  17. I've had the 6x version for about 20 years (back when "Jason" made the PermaFocus...Bushnell bought them out). They're awesome.
  18. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    Yeah, I get that. I was being a smartass CheeseHead. 7-0 for those wondering.
  19. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    Just checking...how are the Packers doing?
  20. Interior walls suck as cover. The latest "inside" shooting that I responded to involved a Winchester White Box .45acp 230gr JHP. It went through 3 interior walls and ended up in the neighbor's apartment. The SKS used was even more interesting...
  21. What are you guys using / happy with? I've tried Remington Sub and CCI Sub (much better, IMO). Just wondering if there's something even better. Thanks
  22. On my G19... Ameriglo ProGlo nightsights. Wolff guide rod and 15lb recoil spring. Vicker's mag release. G17 Trigger w/ Trigger Bar (hate serrations, too). Dremeled the rear portion of the Slide Lock Lever to reduce its size. My work gun (G23) is set up exactly the same way except that I keep the stock Recoil Spring Assemblies in .40 Glocks.
  23. What could you possibly be doing that it takes you 2 hours to clean an AR? Anyway, my only deviation from what Dolomite said would be about lube. As one of my Dept's AR Armorers, I can say that the vast majority of AR problems that I see stem from under-lubing. Now, were I operating in a desert environment, sure, I would go a little lighter. However, for the average homeowner / cop / whatever, don't be shy about lubing your AR (specifically your bolt / bolt carrier). Regarding ARs, cleaning is less important than lubrication.


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