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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. Don't get the Peltor muffs. I'm issued them at work (all firearms instructors get a pair) and I'm lucky if they last 6 months. Yet, they keep replacing them with the same brand. I've tried a cheapy pair (I think the same ones at Walmart as referenced above) and, while they're a little clunkier, they're lasting a lot longer.
  2. No firsthand experience here, but several "AK knowledgeable" people that do say Troy Sellars of InRange (outside of Knoxville) does excellent AK work. http://www.inrangec2.com/
  3. Assuming it's reliable and reasonably accurate from your handgun, it's a great round and what I'm currently carrying in 9mm. It's superior to the two other rounds you've mentioned. I've found the 147gr Ranger-T to be... -100% reliable -Accurate -Lower recoil -Very low flash -Excellent terminal ballistics For me, it's a toss up between this and Federal's 147gr HST. Also, don't get hung up on velocity. Today's premium JHPs have "operating windows" that are superior to the JHPs of old. http://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=19887 http://www.winchester.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/flash-SWFs/law_bullit.swf http://www.winchester.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/pdf/catalog/2008LawEnforcementCatalog.pdf
  4. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    Wow. What's next? Packers re-Winning the Super Bowl?
  5. What are some others?
  6. Thanks to all who responded! I like the M&P and am now an S&W M&P Armorer. However, they won't take me away from my G19s and G23...I've got 21 years of triggertime on Glocks, am a Glock Armorer, and have a ton of Glock related gear. I'm "invested." 1. I'm a 9mm guy primarily...so I like the full-sized M&P 9mm and have plenty of 9mm ammo (J-Frames are my "small guns"). 2. No problems with .45acp...I like the looks of the M&P .45 Mid (4" barrel, full grip). But, no other .45 guns or ammo anymore. Expensive to feed. 3. No hatred of the .40, but no great love either. This will probably be a range toy...and I may end up just selling it.
  7. Great vids, Paul. That's exactly how I teach reloads for my Dept...for exactly the same reasons (although, I do look over the muzzle while the pistol is in my "workspace"). We've taken a couple of classes together over the years and I've always appreciated your thoughts then, too. Keep up the great work and I look forward to training with you when teaching in the Southeast.
  8. Saiga12. Every one that I've had or used has been extremely reliable (and malfunction clearance drills are the same as an AK if need be...it is manmade). I just sold an 1100 here on TGO that was 100% with everything I put through it. I have heard (and seen) some of the newer 1100s can be finicky with light loads, but they all ran fine with moderate to heavy shells. I only sold mine because I'm so familiar (and comfortable) with the AK platform that I'm sticking with the Saiga12 as my "go to" SD shotgun. EDIT: Lol, Hersh knows...heck, I bought one of his. I would say that his advice would go for any semi-auto firearm used for SD.
  9. I don't have one, but from those I know that do (or did), I've heard all positive comments.
  10. I have the opportunity to get a NIB M&P at a very reduced cost. Most any 9mm, .40, or .45 (not the VTAC models, though). I don't really need this M&P, but I can't pass up this price. And, adding to the collection is never a bad thing. So, just for giggles, what would you get?
  11. The minute they start trash talking the dead at the wake, that's when.
  12. Not my usual thing, but I just finished The Hunger Games trilogy. The first 2 were OK...the third was mediocre. The movie comes out next month. For me, the casting looks about perfect.
  13. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    The Packers weren't the most "complete" team last year, either.
  14. Lol. My wife and I went to a liquor store to stock our bar for a get-together we were having. We were both looking kind of ratty at the time. We were aware that the owner was thinking about selling the store. My wife (who already owns her own business) and I toyed with the idea of buying the place. After making the purchase, we brought it up to him. He completely blew us off. Then, while helping us carry out the liquor to the car, he took a look at my wife's then new BMW and fell all over himself trying to talk about selling the place. "Ah, never mind."
  15. The US Air Force. Before that, I didn't really try to excel at anything but sports. The USAF showed me that if I did well at something, I would be rewarded. They also showed me that if I didn't do well at something, I would also be "rewarded." I ended up making E-4 in 20 months...which is pretty good for the USAF. My pre-military vs post-military college GPA is night and day different. The military is what I needed at that point in my life.
  16. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

  17. Just oozing superiority...
  18. Stupidly silly. I supervise 11 officers. More than half of them have 4 year college degrees. Those that don't, have military experience. Many have both (myself included). I have a great, professional crew that I'm very proud of. To apply at my Dept, at a minimum you need at least one of the following: 2 years military 2 years college 2 years prior LE experience To me, that article is very telling about the people running that city/Dept. If turnover is an issue for THEM, maybe they need to look for the real problem.
  19. Sad to see this. IMO, I see this as a "Letter of the Law" vs a "Spirit of the Law" thing. Officer discretion should have been exercised here. I used to live in NY, so sadly, this is not a surprise. Law Enforcement isn't always a game of "Gotcha."
  20. After four pages, I can't believe that I'm the first to bring up Jim Beam. 4 Year Beam is my everyday bourbon (I was born with a Wisconsin liver)...and I actually prefer it to 7 Year Beam, even if they were the same price. Henry McKenna is another one, in the same price range, that I like (less than $25 for a 1.75 bottle). These two are about as "low" as I'll go when it comes to Bourbons, though.
  21. Preach on, brother. I've got 3 of the psychos...here's 2.
  22. Safariland also makes an ALS holster that fits your combo...several of our officers use it.
  23. Dude, it's $13...live dangerously.


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