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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. For .380acp, I recommend sticking with FMJ for practice and defense. FWIW, my general rule of thumb: For calibers that can reliably expand AND penetrate at least 12" of calibrated gel...JHP. For calibers that can reliably expand OR penetrate at least 12" of calibrated gel...FMJ. We WANT expansion...we NEED penetration. Plus, you get the added benefit of better feed reliability in small autos (which can sometimes be more finicky than service-sized pistols). Regarding a specific load recommendation...S&B 92gr FMJ. Reliable, accurate, and very low muzzle flash.
  2. Thanks Dude! I've not used any 1911 springs, but now I have a baseline to start screwing around. Like I said, the CSS reduced spring has been great and now I basically have 4 settings Stock / 1 Stock / 2 Reduced / 1 Reduced / 2 I wish I knew what these two spring weights are... 95% of what I shoot through the gun is Federal or Remington low brass or Federal Tac OOBuck or Slug. I've had issues with Winchester's low brass in several 12ga semi-autos so I stay away from it. Thanks again, mate.
  3. I've had a Tromix and it was nice. There was a time when Tony R was one of the only games in town, but not now. I don't think I'd pay, and wait, for a Tromix today. Currently, I've got a Saiga12 built by a local MidTN 'smith, that I bought from a TGO member. I like it better than the Tromix I had. Dolomite, I'd love to hear more about using 1911 springs in the Saiga12 (1911 spring weights vs the stock Saiga weights). Currently, I've found that I get much better reliability using Carolina Shooters Supply's Saiga12 reduced power front recoil springs. Typically, I don't shoot heavy loads through my Saiga...if I do, I put the stock spring back in. Using 1911 springs would be cheaper and give one a lot more options.
  4. In the interest of clarity, in my posts I was referring to the Barrel's interaction with the Slide Lock (vs the Slide Stop Lever). The OP called #4 a "slide lock lever" which I took as the Slide Lock.
  5. TN-popo

    Walther PPQ

    There's really only two things I'd change on the PPQ, neither of which would prevent me from buying/carrying one. 1. I prefer a mag release button vs a lever. 2. I prefer a much smaller slide lock/release. The first can be "fixed" with training. The second can be fixed with a dremel, as seen in this P30 pic.
  6. TN-popo

    Walther PPQ

    The PPQ has the best trigger I've ever felt on a polymer gun. This, coming from a Glock guy...
  7. Are you using the OEM Slide Lock? To the OP, I've heard of, and seen, a lot of problems with aftermarket Slide Locks (just as a point of reference, I've been a Glock/LE armorer for 14 years). Seems like a simple part, but it can cause headaches.
  8. With aftermarket parts, many times there will be an issue between part #1 and #4 (Barrel and Slide Lock). The interaction of these two is critical when the pistol is going in and out of battery as this is one of the areas on a Glock that "locks" and "unlocks." That groove in the Slide Lock fits to the barrel locking lug. If specs are off, it can cause these issues. Impossible to diagnose from afar, but it's one thing to consider.
  9. I've done it more than once in Rutherford Co. I'd call ahead just to make sure the Sheriff (or his designee) is in. Took me about 5 minutes each time. Having said that, all mine were done under Sheriff Jones. I've not heard of any changes under the current Sheriff.
  10. TN-popo

    SW E series

    I shot one a couple of months ago...very nice.
  11. Talent wasted. If you're lucky, you possess a talent that puts you in the top tier of whatever it is. She had it and pissed it away.
  12. LOL...enjoy the SuperBowl.
  13. Easy there, Sheepdog. Mentality is the key. Who you choose to protect is up to you.
  14. I went today...it sucked. Jeez, I miss the gunshows I went to as a kid with my Dad.
  15. Here's the original "Sheepdog" article written by Lt Col Grossman. If you get a chance to hear him speak, do it. On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs - Dave Grossman Within the context of victim/non-victim mentality, I think it's a great piece and many, apparently, misunderstand it. It really has nothing to do with being a leader or a follower. I suspect that the people who don't like it fall into two catagories. 1. They're Sheep with no motivation to change and are uncomfortable with the "mirror." 2. They're really Sheepdogs who never thought of themselves that way or who are untested. The uniform you wear (or don't) or the job you do have nothing to do with being a Sheepdog. There are plenty of cops/military who are Sheep and have no business doing what they're doing (unfortunately, I work with some Sheep). And, they're are plenty of people with "regular jobs" who are prepared and willing Sheepdogs.
  16. And you didn't even pay that much to click on this thread. Urban legend or real...I just said it made me chuckle.
  17. +1 LOL, on both counts. Creepy, how your 2nd one crossed my mind EXACTLY.
  18. No! Wisconsin state bird! Big fine there. But, since you're not a CheeseHead, give us a taste report.
  19. Interesting...this was my understanding as well.
  20. I think you're wrong here. I see this quite a bit in just about every box of premium ammo. I'll let the knowledgeable bullet-builders (I'm not one) explain the hows and whys of seating the bullet.
  21. What I should have done. Not because I want to fool anyone, but because I'm sick of dealing with idiot-Fed-gov-types. I've worked for the gov for 20 years (military and LE). Jeez, this gets old... I couldn't care less if USPS went "out of business." Anything that can't be handled by email could go UPS or FedEx, for all I care. I know it won't happen but... Rant off.
  22. So, I go to mail a shotgun to an FFL in AZ, from the PO in Smyrna. USPS guy, "We can't do that." Me, "Yes, you can. I do it all the time." USPS guy, "Nope." Me, "Please check your Regs or get the PostMaster." PostMaster, "We can't do that." Me, "Yes, you can. I do it all the time." PostMaster, "Well what USPS employee did that?" Me, "Not sure, but we had to break out the Regs that day, too." (He was two lanes over...I didn't want to get him an asschewing). PostMaster, "Well, you must not have told him it was a firearm." Me, "I did, that's why he had to get your Regs out and check them." PostMaster, "Let me go check our Regs." Me, "Thanks." After 15 mins of waiting, "Where's the PostMaster?" USPS guy, "He's busy." Me, "Seriously? Give me my package back." All this after waiting about 25 min in line. As if I needed another reason to hate USPS...
  23. TN-popo

    2011 NFL Season

    Yes. The game was crushing for me because of all the uncommon Packer mistakes made (dropped passes, etc.). Oh well...shouda, woulda, coulda.


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