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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1.   THAT was the only earthquake I've ever felt. Me didn't like...
  2. See you guys there.
  3.   Village People coming to town?
  4. I'm in when you firm up the time / date. I live close, so most likely anything will work.
  5.   http://www.ar15.com/ammo/project/Self_Defense_Ammo_FAQ/index.htm#380   Hmmm, very similar to Post # 20.  ;)
  6. Breaking the trend...I'd recommend sticking with FMJ for practice and defense for .380acp. FWIW, my general rule of thumb (and many others more knowledgable than me): For calibers that can reliably expand AND penetrate at least 12" of calibrated 10% gel...JHP. For calibers that can reliably expand OR penetrate at least 12" of calibrated 10% gel...FMJ. We WANT expansion...we NEED penetration. Keep in mind, many seem to make the mistake in thinking that 10% gel = humans...it doesn't.  It's just a yardstick. ​A ballistics guy from Winchester, in his research, has found about a 2/3s correlation.  In my experience, I agree. Plus, you get the added benefit of better feed reliability in small autos (which can sometimes be more finicky than service-sized pistols). And, you put fresh ammo in your gun everytime you practice. Regarding a specific load recommendation...S&B's 92gr FMJ. Reliable, accurate, and very low muzzle flash.    If you just have to have a JHP, a round using Hornady's XTP is the only one I'd use in .380acp.   Anyway, that's just my opinion.  YMMV.
  7. Thomas Magnum always just slipped a cocked and locked Government model in his waistband at the small of his back... And, he had a cool car.   Just sayin'
  8. BTW, I just wanted to give some praise to a TGO Vendor.   GunsNMore gave me a great deal and both owners could not have been more pleasant to deal with. Refreshing...
  9. My Dad was spit on upon his arrival back from his second tour in 68-69'. He said it was the worst feeling of his life.   365 over there...counting down the days to return to the land of "Milk and Honey" and to be greeted by that? I can't imagine the mind####.   I was in the military during the 1st Desert Storm.  I had mixed emotions about the "hero's welcome home" back then. A lot of it was fueled by American guilt over Vietnam.
  10. If you can make a good one, please help a brother out. I love a good one, but can't make one to save my life.   Generally, I don't like them too sweet and heavy on the Agava.  ;)
  11.   +1 I've never had a bad steak from Stoney River.
  12.   This.   And, yes, both CZ and an aftermarket company offer options.   I was going to buy one, but after watching this YouTube video, I'm just going to alter it myself and keep the Ambi capability.  Stupid simple.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkQxPXpLS1s
  13.   I had my heart set on the MPX.  But the constant delays and reported QC issues kinda soured me.   CZ's 30 rounders seem to be fairly plentiful and relatively cheap. Also, the Scorpion's mags seem to be very well made.
  14. What is it about Medium Rare that mystifies so many restaurants? Too often, I get something that barely touched the grill or is squarely in the Medium category.   Every other "cook level" seems to be easily attained, but MR (the way I like mine) apparently confounds many cooks.   Rant off. And yes, I'm a little bored this morning.  :)
  15. On the same day this happened, some guy thought it would be a good idea to attack someone, in the police department's parking lot, with an ax. No one was hurt or shot, but I'm told   :)  , that it was an exciting couple of minutes. Oh, and SPD also had a pursuit that ended in a crash too.    All these separate incidents happened within about 5 hours of each other. And people think Smyrna is just a sleepy little town where the police do nothing but write tickets... Kudos to the Officers of SPD!
  16. Sad thing is, there is a lot of good info at WarriorTalk (and I recommend a lot of Suarez's books, videos, and training), but the "Cult of Personality" is over the top.   It's probably some of the worst I've seen in the internet gun world.
  17. Just an FYI...the above gun is not SBRed.  That's just an Arm Stabilizer.
  18. So I just picked this up. *I haven't fired it yet.* Overall, I think I'll like it, especially with the KAK Industries Arm Stabilizer. A few gripes...some minor, some not. 1. What everyone talks about with this gun...the Ambi-Safety. CZ has been making great guns for a long time. How this part made it from Design to Production is beyond me. Anyway, easily fixable. 2. Trigger. Not great. Maybe it will get better with use. Nothing I can't work around, I guess. 3. Mag Release. A couple of things here. One, I REALLY wish they had went with something closer to the AR design, but OK, I'll run it like an AK. Two (and my more serious gripe), the mags will not reliably drop free when the bolt is locked back. They will on a closed bolt, but not locked back. So, traditional Emergency / Combat / Slide Lock-Back Reloads are out the window. This is my biggest gripe about the gun. If the mags dropped free when at lock-back, I could come up with a fresh mag, thumb (or trigger finger) the mag release, insert the fresh mag, run the bolt and press on. Alas, no. Anyway, the gun feels good, the sights are great, mags are cheap, and who doesn't like the "MP5 charging handle slap?" :) This setup (minus the optic) cost me $999.99 OTD locally. UPDATE: Altered the safety...perfectly fine now...took 15 minutes. Trigger? No, it doesn't break like glass, but it has gotten better with use and proper lubrication.
  19.   Thread drift, but your post reminded me of something my dad told me when I was a young kid. He spent two years in Vietnam ('66 and '68, regular infantry).   On his 2nd trip home, his plane got diverted.   The 1st plane landed at a commercial airport (Oakland, I think, but not positive).  Debarking, the soldiers started getting spit on and got the "baby killer" treatment. His ended up landing at an AFB.   That always stuck in my head, even as a kid. You spend 365 in a sh#thole, come back to the "Land of Milk and Honey," and get greeted with that. How could that not mess with your head?   Sorry, back to flags...
  20.   This is where I am at on defensive pistols with red dots, too. Rifles?  Absolutely.  Pistols?  I'm not there yet.     But, I also know that this is a very true statement.   They are not for me right now, but I don't have enough trigger time on defensive pistols with red dots to completely dismiss the idea.
  21.   When you get a chance, please do. I remember the first time I saw a B1-B take off in person.  Before it had even gotten to the end of the runway, the pilot had the plane completely vertical and it was shooting up like a rocket. Stunning.  A massive bomber, that looks like a fighter, and it can do that.   BTW, that wasn't a normal everyday take off.  ;) It was during one of those AFB "Commander's Day" presentations.
  22. Very cool. I never saw one fly (I was USAF during Desert Storm). But, while in Basic, Lackland AFB has that static SR-71 that I saw all the time.  Very cool plane.   I always loved watching fighters (thought the F-15 was flat-out beautiful), but the most impressive plane to me was the B1-B Bomber. Huge, but it could do a vertical take off. I would have loved to see an SR-71 fly.
  23.   Me too.  This is how much of a dorky little kid I was...   Some of the disks had that little divot on their edge that would make them curve badly in flight. I did experiments on divot placement (8 positions) to see if I could reduce that.   Obviously, this was WAY before I discovered that "girl germs" were awesome.    ;)
  24.   Wow, that brings back memories. I had forgotten about those.
  25. TN-popo

    Sig MPX-P

    From S4L... "I'm looking for a good, inexpensive red dot sight before my next range visit. Considering a Bushnell TRS-25. Any other suggestions?"   You might want to take a look at www.primaryarms.com


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