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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. The call comes in, "All units, assault at Walmart!" Heroic TN-popo is first onscene. He valiantly jumps out of his cruiser and races to the door. What does he see? A trembling Caster, huddled in the corner, pointing to the 75 year old, somewhat confused, door greeter. "HE SAID 'HELLO' AND TOUCHED ME ON THE SHOULDER! ARREST THAT MAN!" TN-popo looks at Caster, then the door greeter, and back at Caster. He then looks for the Candid Camera setup, doesn't see it, shakes his head and walks away. All in fun, mate (the English/Aussie mate, not the manlove mate). Seriously, find me a magistrate that would issue that arrest warrant. I will add, I'm not a big "toucher" either, but it happens.
  2. lol...simple assault.
  3. TN-popo

    New Gen4 G21

    So I finally got a chance to do a "side x side" between a G21SF and a G21Gen4. My goal was to see how much the Gen4 recoil system reduced felt recoil over the traditional set-up. Ammunition used was Blazer 230gr FMJ. Anyway, yes I did notice a difference. Not huge by any means, but for me it was a pleasant benefit. Recoil is a subjective thing and some probably wouldn't even notice the difference. I wouldn't have if I hadn't shot the pistols one after the other. If I had a G21SF that I was happy with, I'd definately stick with it. I didn't and I was also wanting the more aggressive grip texture and new mag release. So, the G21Gen4 was a win for me.
  4. This is a great loss to the firearms training world. I'd met / trained with him on several occasions and had great respect for the man. He had not yet reached the status that he had earned as a national level instructor...definately known and respected to be sure, but I felt he deserved vastly more recognition and commercial success. Sad.
  5. Shouldn't you be "Tubbs?"
  6. The first time I saw this I thought it was something from The Onion.
  7. Caster sees Underworld and thinks "sci-fi cool factor." TN-popo sees Underworld and thinks "Kate Beckinsale factor."
  8. That's what I was thinking. I'd like to hear more as well.
  9. Yep, fluorescent green is great and it would be my 2nd choice. It really comes down to personal preference.
  10. I prefer fluorescent orange. It jumps out better than red and contrasts with just about everything (think white in the wintertime). I use Testor's Fluorescent Orange over a basecoat of Testor's White. The white basecoat really makes a difference and Testor's is only about $1 a bottle at most hobby shops so you can try all sorts of colors and see what you like.
  11. TN-popo

    New Gen4 G21

    Just to pick nits, the Gen4 21 and the 21SF are two different models. Sounds like you have a Gen4 21.
  12. TN-popo

    New Gen4 G21

    You forgot about the ejectors and extractors too. Glock has already acknowledged and updated the ejectors...so, no it wasn't just about the recoil assemblies.
  13. TN-popo

    New Gen4 G21

    The 21SF is the same size as the Gen4 21 without backstraps (which I'll never use). I do like the grip texture of the Gen4 better, though. A friend has a 21SF and my next test is to shoot them side by side and see how much difference the two recoil systems make.
  14. TN-popo

    New Gen4 G21

    I love Glocks, but I've never been crazy about the G21...too big for my taste. Well, I was recently fooling around with the Gen4 21 and, without any backstraps installed, it felt pretty good. Since I haven't heard of any of the issues with the Gen4 .45s that I've been hearing about with the Gen4 9mms, I bought one. Yesterday I got a chance to run 200 rounds through it and "I dig." No malfunctions, plenty accurate, and a lot less recoil/muzzle flip than the G22 and G23. The grip texture will keep me from having to do a stipple job on it. Ammo used was Blazer 230gr FMJ, Lawman 230gr FMJ, and Speer Gold Dot 230gr JHP. The only thing I've added was a set of Ameriglo nightsights. My favorite Glock is still the G19, but this Gen4 G21 is a close second and definitely a keeper.
  15. Nope, dropped right in. There's a slightly bigger gap between the rear of the top rail and the front of the rear sight base, but otherwise a perfect fit.
  16. Legally speaking, you have a point. Kinda the "anything you say can be used against you" thing. Personally speaking, I'm much more apt to give a warning if the driver is upfront and honest with the question when I ask it. I'm not a big traffic stop guy to begin with. So, when I do make them, it's for REALLY blatant stuff that I'm quite certain the driver is well aware of. Also, in most instances, my Dept gives the officer wide latitude on warnings vs tickets.
  17. My Tantal is the top one. Mine is an InterArms and it's been fantastic. Just in case you're wondering, the buttstock and pistol grip are from Tapco and the forend rail is from Midwest Industries. I wasn't crazy about the wire stock either...and the good new is 1) They sell fast on the internet and 2) The Tantal's receiver takes any stock made for a stamped receiver.
  18. Lol, gotcha. After working all night, I got hung up on the "shipping part" and didn't think about the "FFL part."
  19. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong but, since it's within the State, I don't see why not.
  20. Wish I could claim it. Alas, it's just a worktoy. Other than having fun, the only reason I use it is for training. Nothing will show someone their weakness in grip and stance/platform faster than a G18.
  21. Sorry D, I do not.
  22. I don't trust my measuring skills (according to the wife, anyway...). If it helps, I'll send you a factory Glock rear sight or take measurements from it.
  23. Some look a little different...
  24. Very much so! And I'll second your praise for Mr H. That trigger set-up he did is the bees knees.
  25. I'm well aware of the .380 XTP bullet. It's probably the only .380 JHP that I would consider carrying. Still, generally speaking, I'll stick with FMJ for .380.


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