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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. Yeah, I had an extra one laying around. I wouldn't have bought an M3 just to put on this gun.
  2. Top to bottom... Romy Sar-1, 7.62 Polish Tantal, 5.45 Bulgy Krink, 5.45 (most accurate of the three)
  3. S&W M&P15-22 + YHM Mite + AimPoint M3 = scared bunnies.
  4. David, if you lay that M&P mag release-side down on a hard surface and push on it, will the magazine release?
  5. This would be an option if... A. After retraining your brain, this works for you and you like it. B. Every semiauto pistol that you might use for defense has an ambi or switchable mag release. If this isn't the case, your mag changes under stress will get real interesting. Also, with handguns, I like my trigger finger to do one thing. That's another reason why I choose not to do the above or use SERPA holsters. YMMV
  6. I think you need to go to New Member Introductions and start over.
  7. Remington (Golden) and CCI (various) ran 100% in mine. Federal and Winchester bulk, not so much.
  8. When I taught HCP classes in Rutherford Co, most of our students went to M'Boro or LaVergne. From feedback we received, there were more "issues/problems" with ignorant DMV employees, regarding HCPs, at the LaVergne location. The only issues that ever cropped up about M'Boro were the occasional wait times. Because of this, we started recommending the M'Boro location.
  9. Unless something has recently changed (pretty sure it hasn't), the Monarch steel cased stuff sold at Academy Sports is Brown Bear repackaged.
  10. I'm a big fan of spray for a non-lethal option...I've had to use it a bunch over the years. Does it work 100% of the time? Nope, but neither do bullets. Even if it doesn't completely subdue someone, you'll still severely affect their vision. The two best I've seen/used is Fox Labs and Freeze+P. My Dept currently issues DefTec's Mark III. It's OK, but not nearly as good as the above two.
  11. I didn't get a hug a work today either...
  12. Numerous times over my 18 year LE career (some of which was spent in Nashville's housing projects). Back to the point, you disagree. That's cool, and it makes for good discussions. Regards.
  13. I couldn't disagree with you more. If you knew the time and place you were going to have to use deadly force, odds are, you wouldn't be there. Columbine, VA Tech, Aurora, Sikh Temple...none of those victims thought that day was going to be "their day." *Yes, I know some of those places were probably legally "off limits," I'm just using the incidents to illustrate a mentality. Anyway, no disrespect intended...we just disagree on this.
  14. If pointing a gun at them won't accomplish that, only bullets will. When it comes to lethal force encounters, "intimidation factor" is so unreliable and insignificant that it shouldn't even blip on your radar. My humble opinion.
  15. +1 For LE/SWAT duties, I prefer a SOE single point. Typically, short duration/high intensity. For hill humping/patrolling/4 wheeling, I'd grab my 2-point Vickers.
  16. I taught TN HCP classes for 3 years. TDOS will have a field day with him if he taught a HCP class without being certified. TN DOS Lisa Knight or LT Robert Eckerman (615)251-8590 I've dealt with both and they seemed like decent folks.
  17. There's a reason snipers fire "fouling shots" after cleaning their rifles.
  18. I never use brushes or jags for rifles and handguns. 1. I run a cotton patch soaked with either Shooter's Choice Bore Cleaner or Butch's Bore Shine through the bore a few times (the two best I've used...I buy whichever is cheaper at the time). 2. Wait 5-15 minutes, depending on how dirty it is. During this time, I'm cleaning the rest of the gun. 3. Blow it out with non-chlorinated brake cleaner (I like WearEver brand from Advance Auto...cheap and it stinks the least). White patch clean everytime. While I'm not completely onboard with the "filthy crowd" guys, I'm not all anal about it either. I do agree that silly OCD cleaning practices ruin too many guns. The Marine Corps is/was the worst about this.
  19. We need to ask this girl more questions. I need a closer view of the product while she's wearing it. I like to be an informed consumer.
  20. PM me if it's something I can help you with over the phone. I'd be happy to help, but I'm in the M'Boro / Smyrna area.
  21. I also have mixed feelings and I have not read the book. My first thought was, "What ever happened to the 'Quiet Professionals' mentality?"
  22. *Spoken for* I have a Heinie tritium front sight for Glocks. The tritium is dated '09 and it's still bright. Mounted and taken off...LNIB condition. I believe it's item #327, which has a height of .235 (a friend is borrowing my calipers at the moment, so I can't be absolutely certain right now). This front sight would be good for someone who's Glock is shooting high with it's current sights as this front sight is a bit taller than normal. Anyway, free to someone who can meet me, or lives, in Smyrna.
  23. Yes and no. You do not register an upper to a lower. However, it would be illegal to mate an upper with a barrel shorter than 16" to any non-registered lower.
  24. You don't. Only the lower is the registered item.


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