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Everything posted by TN-popo

  1. TN-popo

    Glock 42

    If it's a single stack micro 9mm, Glock would almost have to utilize metal mags for it not to be a fail, IMO.  If they don't, Glock is going to have a tough time cutting enough width to make it worthwhile.   Hope they do or I hope I'm wrong.
  2.   No offense taken. And I've seen plenty of Marines drop fully loaded mags out of their rifles and onto the deck.  :) Pat Rogers, a Marine, has seen a lot more than me.  He teaches (EAG) and has written several articles about it.   BTW, while on duty, I load all my G23 reload mags with 12 rounds for the same reason.
  3. He's right, but wrong. I do teach / subscribe to the "28 in a 30" practice (and now my Dept does too), but only for one reason.  Reloads. Reloading an AR15, with a closed bolt, is usually much more positive with 28 than with 30.  This goes for the vast majority of AR mags out there. I've been to numerous training classes where there is someone who insists on loading 30, performs a closed-bolt reload, and attempts to fire...only to get a click and have the fully loaded mag drop out of the gun because it wasn't locked in fully. 28 creates less spring tension and makes it less likely that this will happen under stress...whether it's a timed drill or a fight for your life.   Load the mag already in the gun with 30 if you please (if two rounds are that big of a deal to you), but I'd suggest keeping the reload mags with 28.   Spring life has nothing to do with it.
  4. I'm pretty picky about my footwear... Blauer has a new line of boots out (Clash) with a pretty neat lacing system they call BOA.  Comes in 6" and 8" heights / medium and wide.   I've been wearing a pair of the 6" for almost a month now and they're one of the most comfortable pairs of duty boots I've ever had. Pricing is pretty good, too.   Also, Original SWAT.  Very comfy boots.
  5.   Hard to follow up the "Supa-German Love-Fest,"  (   :-x   )... but yes, very ugly.
  6.   That's what I thought.
  7.   LOL. If I was a chick, I'd be a 6'03", no makeup wearing, lesbian.
  8. Dude, you are marrying WAY up! :up:
  9.   Now that's pretty cool.  :up:
  10.   MIne too.  Maybe not on TGO, but everywhere else.
  11. Mine's pretty easy.  Cop in Tennessee.   Besides, "Incrediblysmartfunnyandhandsome" is too long to type.  :dirty:
  12.   LOL, I think he just called you old, Steelharp.
  13. Obviously, they just hired him to sit in the corner and play soothing music.   :devil:   Seriously, congrats.
  14. I envy/respect people that can do things that... 1) I can't do. 2) that are awesome.
  15. Reservoir Dog...you came to a better conclusion (in post #19) a lot faster than I did. As always, your wisdom is an asset to this forum.
  16.   Necropost alert...just wanted to update. After using the Trijicon HDs a lot more, I've converted all my Glocks to them.   What took me so long vs Ameriglo (which is still a great company)? I think I put too much value on the rear sight white rings.  After a lot of comparing/shooting, I realized... A.  The white rings weren't a big deal. B.  The HD's U-Notch rear sight is.       -It gives me faster feedback on left/right sighting deviations.      -All my AKs are setup with U-Notch rear sights.  Commonality helps.   Anyway, FWIW. The only pistols I currently rely on for SD are Glocks and S&W J-Frames.  If I could have HDs on my J-Frames, I would. Regards.
  17.   Thank You! I'm pretty computer-stupid and couldn't figure out why in the hell I couldn't post pics.
  18.   I seem to be in the minority with finger grooves...they happen to fit me and I like them. You're right about the slide finish. I much prefer the older, "rougher" finish that Glock used to use on their slides.
  19.   Every legal 'shine that I've tried tasted like crap.
  20.   This. The BEST I've had came from Bledsoe Co. Dangerously, sippin' directly from the Mason, good.   Grundy Co, not so much...
  21.   Thanks, glad to hear it was just "internet misinterpretation"...happens to me as well. I'm not advocating .223 as the ultimate deer killer, just saying that it can be used effectively with the right placement / load selection / mature hunting. Also, for perspective, we should remember that many deer are taken with handguns across the country. After his motorcycle accident, my dad hunted deer with handguns exclusively and probably ended up taking more deer with those than anything else. Even as a child, I was very selective with the shots I would take. Hunter? Yes. Animal lover? Also, yes. I'd rather go home with nothing than to not recover a wounded and hurting deer. It would irritate me to see/hear hunters taking unrealistic and silly shots, find a blood trail, and just blow off not being able to find the animal.
  22.   Enlighten us? If you're insinuating that I feel like some sort of expert, far from it. Nothing in my post seemed boastful. Where to place the shot? There's no special .223 place vs any other reasonable caliber. Good shot placement on a whitetail is good shot placement on whitetail...I don't think I need to tell you that. Load? This was back in the late 80's and early 90's. At the time, I used Federal 69gr BTHP Match for deer. Today my choice would be different because, now, there are better loads out there (Fed TBBC, Speer Gold Dot, etc.).
  23. I have hunted deer with .35Rem, .30.06, and .223. I've taken more deer with .223 than any other caliber (and these were all bigger WI whitetails). Most dropped like stones, all had dropped within 20 yards. Load selection and placement are important...as with most any caliber.
  24. Two points. 1. I've eaten it straight...you don't get sick. It's a pepper. 2. When discharged, OC stinks up the WHOLE area. Even when we have to fight someone in the ER, we don't spray it for medical reasons because it affects the entire floor and the other patients. Hell, I've had to spray people in the back of my / other's cars (and other enclosed areas) and I didn't want to get back in. Don't tell me they got back in the car and didn't notice. BS
  25. TN-popo

    Best Custom 1911

    Money no object...Vickers, Heinie, or Jardine built 1911. Otherwise, Wilson, Baer, etc. Nighthawk puts out great 1911s, no doubt. But, I've run into too many of them that needed to go back to the factory to get something fixed/corrected.


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