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Everything posted by gunbartender

  1. This post sums it up nicely. I was wrong to stack the guns. Authenticman, if you're ever in the belle Meade area for luch, I'll buy.
  2. But you heard it all go down........;)
  3. I'm all for the owner of E.W. Posting the video of the incident. If we all watch it and I warranted the reaction of the clerk, I will gladly apologize and delete everything I've said about them.
  4. Care to enlighten us a ill bit more? There were two other customers and the two counter guys, would you care to describe me, or yourself, or the two clerks to me. B/c I can describe everyone in the place at the time. You know, it's their shop their rules. But it's the way it was handled that was rediculous. There is only so much info one can discern from the internet. Holding it in you hand and making an actual physical comparison makes a big difference to me. The towel being thick and black would have made it impossible to tell where one gun started and one gun stoped. Or to be able to see which one has the longer more protruding trigger guard. Now then I asked to see two pistols, compared them and asked to see a third to compare to one of the first two. If you heard everything can you tell me what those guns were?
  5. Long story short, I wanted to compare two pistols size wise next to each other and they don't want you to touch the pistols together. I know this because the guy threw a thick black had towel at me and told me to put it between them. Ok, how are you supposed to compare two all black pistols with a thick black towel between them( you know, like comparing how big the trigger guards are.) I asked if he had anything else I could use, and was told no don't scratch my guns. I said ok, no thanks and set the two pistols down and started to walk away. This is the point to where it gets rediculous. As I'm walking away the counter guy very rudely tells me that I need to leave the premesis. This caught me off guard, so I stopped and asked him if he was serious. He then told me to leave again and dropped his right hand to his side and kinda behind him( he was open carrying his pistol on his hip in this area) turned his right side away from me and with his left hand made a show of picking up the phone as if he's calling the cops. I had my six year old daughter with me. At this point I left and made my way(via Krispy Kreme) to the other location to talk to the owner. The owner didn't really seem to care that his employee was, in my view, acting in a very threatining way. Over me touching two guns together. Two plastic framed pocket pistols...... The owner said he would watch the video from the other store and call me back, but he didn't appear to care what I had to say about anything. Never again will I step foot in his stores. Rant over.
  6. the crazy seem to be slowing down....
  7. i saw this car today........
  8. yes they have a special order catalog. pay half up front and half when it comes in. all major retailers get "special" edition guns. bass pro, dick's, academy, wal-mart, etc. will purchase firearms that are exclusive to them. the major distributors do it as well.
  9. in williamson county it is legal to shoot shot guns on your property as long as you are 200 ft from a right of way or dwelling. i was shooting skeet in brentwood on sat and the cops showed up. ten mins and a couple of phone calls by the officers and we went back to shooting. don't really know about rifles and handguns though.
  10. i have a couple used comm mowers for sale. pm for details if interested.
  11. williamson side of spring hill shall be zombie free.
  12. didn't a local shop refuse to transfer a suppressor to him and he sued over it?
  13. i was not very impressed with the lc9
  14. and filthy. why people can't pick up after themselves i don't understand.
  15. i wonder if they will match Academy's prices?
  16. i want to trade or sell an SKS for some ar goodies, franklin is closer for me but if its sucked i don't want to waste my time.
  17. there are 5 states where their carry permit forgoes the background check.
  18. its crazy stupid here when it snows.
  19. we keep it simple. all of the local family will go to my in-laws house which is st up to house everyone comfortably while still being secure. no politics, just family drama. which could be just as bad, but i know exactly what to expect.
  20. i have recommended this pistol to many people. its one of the best values out there
  21. hi-points retail for $299ish. i have owned one and never had a problem with it. traded it for an SKS. you can build an AR for just over $500.


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