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Alleycat72 last won the day on December 27 2024

Alleycat72 had the most liked content!

About Alleycat72

  • Birthday 09/11/1973

Profile Information

  • Location
    Columbia, TN
  • Gender


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    9mm XDM

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  1. It's a Gibbz side charger without the little trigger.
  2. Barrel and bolt head. Brass and some bullets. Really expensive mags. I've taken it to Texas once and it did great. Shot a few deer and it's great for that. I've never shot a factory round through it. Mostly shot cutting edge. It's probably pushing 300 round. I just can't keep dropping expensive brass in Texas fields. Columbia or South Nashville
  3. Lol. l Came here to look at the 40mm ammo.
  4. What kind of groups are you getting out of the gun?
  5. Is it legal to hunt them at night on wma land? You can do it at night on private land in Alabama.
  6. Overturned by the Supreme Court.
  7. Do you ever do axe heads?
  8. I've put together several cars and trucks, but never a bike. It's crazy how many people can't change a battery out or drive a manual. The dealer wanted to put batteries in my jeep for the low cost of $980. Lol. It's always cool when someone can build something with their hands. It's even cooler when it's rolling art. When are you going to take it out on the first ride?
  9. Lol. How many people do you know that can put a car,truck, or bike together from scratch?
  10. So the fact that you can do something is amazing in today's society.


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