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Everything posted by caliperman

  1. I was 21, and in the USAF, stationed in Izmir Turkey.
  2. Model 36 S&W. $67.50 NIB 1967. Still have it.
  3. SW model 36 snubbie. Paid $67.50 NIB, in 1967. Still have.
  4. Because he played for Notre Dame, one of the cheatingist schools. He thought he should have gotten the heisman, so he made the whole thing up about his girlfriend. Who in  their right mind would never see his girl and never have a date with her??
  5. You believe anything idiot Beck says??
  6. Are you forgetting BUSH?
  7. Great little woman.44 here.
  8. Ain't no such thing.
  9. Don't know if its still there, but there was place on Central on the left, a block or so past the Freezo. They have all kinds of foam, and will cut to your specs.
  10. N ot to change the subject, but Sunday a vendor was showing a customer his personal Kimber .He took the magazine out, pulled the trigger and shot himself in his hand. Yep, one in the chamber What idiot leaves one in ?
  11. One dirty old man endorsing another dirty old man. What else is new???
  12. I agree, but, since ALL politicians care about are themselves and the other rich, what can we do? They care more other countries than they do about America, and its people.
  13. Agree, but, there is no one running that is presidential material. All republicans want to do is to take care of the rich, including themselves
  14. Welcome to the forum sschrick. I'm sure you will find a lot of good usefull info on here.
  15. S&W 4" 686plus
  16. Was at work, on my way to the breakroom,when someone told me that a bomb had exploded in NYC. Boy were they wrong May all the victims of that tragic day, rest in peace..
  17. What's different from what D***a** Bush dId? Bush put us in a hole from which we will probably never recover. Obama is just copying Bush. Never trust a politician.. NEVER.
  18. Female. Has a Tennessee gun permit. Gun seized, and she was allowed to board her flight. Due in court August 27. Can't fix stupid.
  19. Sorry to hear about your situation. I don't really know of a lawyer. One of my sister-laws went to lawyer Edgar Buchanan, and wouldn't take her case because he said there wasn't enough money in it for HIM. I wll see who she finally got, and let you know. I faced the same siutation as you July 30,2003. After being turned down, my ex employer got me a law firm in Maryland. After being turned down twice more, I was tested at an industrial facility to see if I was able to do any kind of work. Was told I could not do any kind of work at all. a letter was sent to SS. Turned down again. Humanresources called and asked why, because the letter said I was not able to work at all. Their reply, What letter? Two days later, in January 2006,I recieved check for short term disability, and then a month a later recieved a check for long term disabllity. Had to give the law firm 10% and then pay back the company insurace, because I didn't pay for my insurance. After that, not much left. I was told later by my ex employer that they were told a nurse, NOT a doctor decides who does and doesn't get approved. A nurse knows more than a doctor?????? Sorry to ramble on. I hope this gives you a clear picture of how our so called government works. Bunch of idiots, they are.
  20. .38 special. You don't have to have a gun with lots of bullets. Practice,practice,practice.
  21. Sorry to hear about Maggiedawg. Our dachshund, Sam, passed away unexpectly last month, and we are having a hard time too. I believe our darling pets will be waitng fot us in heaven.
  22. Thank you everyone for the kind words. It helps, but it will take me awhile to get over my loss, but I will. Sam was my baby.
  23. laktrash, Sam and Sadie are completely well now. Sorry that Sadie suffered. My Sam went suddenly. They are both waiting for us in Heaven. to join them. Google the poem, Rainbow Bridge.I'm grieving too, and it has given me some comfort. May GOD bless you and yours.


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