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Everything posted by felinesNfreedom

  1. I was never offended but Some people were. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Oh yeah, crocodile tears of joy. I do miss the guy, highly entertaining and somewhat offensive.
  3. They are cheaper.
  4. Somewhere Comms is weeping.
  5. He let me swipe my debit card too!
  6. Academy has plenty of the 50 round boxes, some 100's and 500's
  7. 21. Quit being a sissy Both are great guns, the 17 feels better in my hands...... I do like me some full size guns though.
  8. Damn, I'm a few shy of a super owner.
  9. No, not normal. Are you testing the practice broad head ?
  10. I think 5.45 is harder to find. We got some in at academy last week, first time in 4 months. It's also 10 dollars for a box of 30 I think. If anyone is local and needs 7.62 there is some on clearance at Academy for 5.49 and this weekend you get another 25% off.
  11. Since he rides the scooter is he considered mechanized infantry for the militia?
  12. I just picked up a Canik tp9SF last week. It's still stamped Canik and imported by Century. I have yet to shoot it but just from playing around with it the trigger feels just as good as my VP9
  13. It Looks amazing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I hope it was good. I would think a venison would be to lean to smoke.
  15. The only reason I don't have one is because I am afraid of the maintenance and repairs. I know nothing about them really.
  16. No. Don't speed this year up any quicker! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. The round did look cleaner...... But I like the square
  18. Nice watch! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I'm happy with my Citizen Eco-DrIve.
  20. Welcome to the free state of TN! Now, DO NOT TOUCH THE TRIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I have seen a couple people use their HCP as an ID and get denied a purchase.
  22. I'm Good with this. I'm not filling out a 4473 like someone posted earlier for a used firearm.
  23. Oh dear lord
  24. I was in the Champaign store last Christmas and loved it. Pretty good selection of fishing gear and tons of guns and ammo, I would love to see one built here. They are sister companies and you can use gift cards to either store, I purchased a good amount of fishing tackle while their over Christmas.... gets me out of the house


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