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Everything posted by chap190
Hi there, This subject touches a nerve with me. Have you held one? Have you shot one? If so, where? A local business? There is no doubt that the internet shops can give a good deal - - because they have none of the ovehead that the local stores have. I am not in this industry, but I am in sales, and I get very frustrated at going out, generating the business, and having the customer buy from the lowest internet company out there. There IS a value to supporting you local businesses, not to mention the follow up. A few bucks extra to your local gun store not only helps your local economy, but may help you with support customer service headaches later. Heck, if nothing else, pay the 10.00 for a transfrer to you local store. ok, it's all good. Rant over.... :-)
Excellent - thank you all for the quick eplies. I think it is mainly a technique thing and will have her try as Garufa and the rest of you recommended. Technique, combined with her aprehension and uncertainty and made it a little awkward for her. We will do a little practice tonight. Thanks again!
So.......I took my wife to the range yesterday. Was her second time shooting ever (the first was when she qualified for her HCP a few months ago). She shot her little Walther P22 that we bought for her first pistol. She was shooting the bulls eye out of the targets at 25 yards. After awhile she asked if she could shoot one of my 9mm's that I brought (Sig 226 or S&W9c). She handled them both and picked the S&W. She then proceeded to blow the center out of the target again. It was freakin' crazy!! She is a better shot than I am after 2 visits!! Anyway, she really liked the 9mm, handled the recoil with no problem but she had alot of problem mustering the strength to rack the slide. (she is very petite). Now she wants a 9mm, which makes me happy. Ultimately it is going to be what she likes best and what fits her hand, but to get us started, can anyone recommend a 9mm that has a relatively easy slide to rack that my wife might enjoy? Thanks in advance.
Thanks again for all the replies. I think that we will check out Frontier, at least until she gets a little more comfortable. It is not supervision she wants, necessarily...... rather a more controlled environment to start out. Packinmama - -I really, really like the idea of the range you mentioned, and plan on working her up to it. Like you said, we can make a day of it. Fun.
Thanks for the info, Guys. We have been to Norris - in fact that is where we took our shooting portion for our HCP requirement last year. We went back several weeks ago, but the range was full and while we were waiting, my wife got kind of freaked out at some of the folks that were there and she made us turn around and leave. I won't go into details....I am sure it was an isolated thing but now she is adamant that she wants to go to a more supervised indoor range. I prefer the outdoors, but if I am going to talk her into going, I have to play by her rules and make her feel comfortable. I have seen the new Frontier location - looks very nice and I have heard good things about them - We may try that one. I am not familiar with the John Sevier Range. They make you shoot sitting down?? Really? I have heard that about Coal Creek, but I certainly don't have any experience. I would also like to possibly demo a new Sig P220. Is it generally less busy on Saturday or Sunday? I usually do my range time on the week nights while traveling... Thanks again for your replies!
Hi, My wife and I live in Anderson County. I would like to get her to a range this weekend but she is a bit self conscious. We are both on the newb side, although we both have our HCP. I shoot at various ranges across the state when I am traveling, and have never been locally. Can someone please recommend a good range in the KNoxville area that would not be too intimidating for my wife? Also, perhaps a nice slow time to go when it is not too crowded? Thanks!
HCP course reccomendations for the lady in knoxville area
chap190 replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
My wife and I took our at Austins in Oak Ridge. It was a great class, knowledgable instructor, and my wife felt comfortable the whole time -
My wife and I were both printed on 12/31/09. I received my permit about 2 weeks ago and she still has not received hers........
Interesting. IWB seems to be the more popular by more than 2 to 1. I've got a little M&P 9c that I will look for a IWB holster for but will probably also keep it in my computer bag when traveling. I'm a sales rep and on the road all over the State. In fact, I had a pretty good scare in Memphis the other day but that is a story for another thread. Thank you all for your replies!
Hahahaha, I love your magazine, Ohshoot - - that won't print at all! .45 - I am in sales and travel alot so I will probably have one in my laptop bag as well while on the road. Thanks for the quick replies!
Sorry, should have mentioned what I have. So far......and I stress, "so far"...... I only have a Sig 226 9mm and a SW M&P 9C. I currently shoot better with my Sig than my M&P, but I will likely start with the M&Pc, due to size reasons and job constraints. Alot more practice is in order, I know. I am looking at a Sig 220 Elite Stainless Carry in the near future, amongst others. Thanks,
Hi. I just got my permit in the mail today, so I am "official" now. I am looking at various carry options and have no doubt that I will tinker with various configurations until I find my happy place. I just want to ask what the preferred method of carry is for the good folks on this forum.
My wife and I were printed on 12/31/09........I just got my permit today (Woooo Hooooo) and she has not received hers yet.........
I sent in my paperwork the last week in December and still have not received. I run out to the mailbox everyday looking for it....... like a little kid at Christmas!
Hello from Clinton! New to forum and new to handguns in general. Been around rifles and shotguns quite a bit but just now taking an interest to pistols. Got the bug bad......its like a bad drug - I just can't get enough. Recently purchased a Sig 229SCT in 9mm and S&W 9c. Wife and I applied for CC permit a couple months ago and still waiting by the mailbox for it to arrive. She is not as bitten as I am but she just purchased a little Walther P22 and is supportive of my new habit. My crystal ball shows a Glock 19 and a Sig 220 Stainless Elite 45 in my near future.
Mahoneys in Johnson City has some good prices. I got a great deal on my new Sig P226SCT.