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Mr. Brooks

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Everything posted by Mr. Brooks

  1. Bumping this thread. I'm in the Vegas area for work and it looks like I might have the day off tomorrow. Can anyone get me into SHOT or am I too late? Edit: By tomorrow I mean the 19th
  2. Thanks again for recommending Margot's. Great atmosphere and awesome food. Prices were not that bad either, I would have been out for under a c-note if I hadn't ordered a bottle of wine.
  3. I just made reservations at Margot's. Thanks for all the recommendations!
  4. I'm getting sent out of town for work and I'm going to miss my anniversary. I'm trying to take my wife somewhere nice tonight to help make up for it. I don't usually eat at many high end places so I'm unsure where to go. I'm not looking for any specific type of food, just a nice romantic place with good food. Any places I should look at?
  5. Wow, that stock is beautiful!
  6. You may have missed the sarcasm.
  7. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/police-6-officers-wounded-in-ogden-shooting-no-reports-of-fatalities/2012/01/05/gIQATcPobP_story.html Crazy stuff, hopefully they will all recover.
  8. It said above that he mailed in his old (personal) FFL after creating another one for the show. And I agree about Stephanie.
  9. Since when did logic and/or the truth ever deter the anti-gunners? I'm sure there will be plenty of despicable people using this tragedy to further their agenda. But of course, we already knew that.
  10. I just landed in Seattle and saw this story plastered on the front page of every paper here. This is a very sad story all the way around.
  11. Be safe out there NRA. I hope you will have a quiet night, however unlikely that might be. I will be drinking at home tonight, with the guns and car keys locked up tight.
  12. My wife loves that stuff! I've decided to use this tonight,
  13. The wife got me a gunsmith screwdriver set, a punch set and some gunsmithing books. Now I just need something to tinker on!
  14. Staying the night with the in-laws so I plan to lay it on pretty hard. Started with a few beers while watching the game. (Go Titans!) Now I've moved on to the hard cider that my fil makes. We will see how the night ends.
  15. I just picked my brother up a bottle of Jefferson's Presidential Select 18 yr old for Christmas. I look forward to stealing a few drinks out of it.
  16. Saw the trailer last night, looks awesome! Side note; saw the trailer while watching the new sherlock holmes, which was a pretty entertaining movie itself.
  17. Mr. Brooks

    Savage 308

    Could be the 10FXP in that price range.
  18. Mr. Brooks

    Savage 308

    If it's from walmart it's probably the axis/edge.
  19. Pming you some info.
  20. I'm currently using the guy that 6.8 recommends, so far it's been going smooth. I'll pm you his contact information if 6.8 hasn't yet, just let me know.
  21. The patch in my avatar is actually based on the old Army Air Corps symbol. (I'm sure you were thinking of something else though) It was created as a family tattoo by my brothers and I. One of my brothers had the patches made from that, I wore one on my body armor during this last deployment. Pretty much everything in it symbolizes something but I won't bore you with the details.
  22. I called frugal and mid-town. Neither one have any. Thanks for the link, I might try to order some.
  23. Mr. Brooks


    Stay safe brother, don't fall in the poo pond!
  24. Anyone know where I can find a bottle? I told my brother I would bring him a bottle for Christmas, before I realized it's damn near impossible to find. Short of that, can anyone recommend a comparable bottle?
  25. Some interesting background on the Missouri accident here. http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1028951 If the information in the thread is true its pretty lousy that the kid is taking the blame.


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