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Mr. Brooks

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Everything posted by Mr. Brooks

  1. Or how about some 7.62?
  2. Anyone need some .50?
  3. Great photo's! Really makes me wish I was home right now.
  4. I would love to make some witty remark, but I'm pretty much speechless after seeing that!
  5. Nice play on words there!
  6. You guys are slacking, I watched this about three weeks ago! Actually my local bootleg dvd dealer was feeling generous and gave me a copy for free. I almost didn't watch it, (Had never heard of it) but I'm glad I did!
  7. Thanks for the kind words guys! I figured that I would take a minute and try to explain one of the photos for ya'll. Here is the photo that I am talking about... http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/G6ajn0-AsVBFSgrjiYg90g?feat=directlink And the story behind it is this; The small base I am on has graves all over it from the Korean war. They are just small mounds of dirt, no markers. There are rumored to be about 90 of these graves on my base. I see at least 20 each day as i go about my routine. I believe they hold the bodies of South Korean troops but I haven't been able to confirm that. (Could be North Korean?) It is interesting to be living and working around these graves and it serves as a sharp reminder to stay on top of our training so if the North ever comes South again we don't end up occupying a grave like that ourselves. If anyone has a question about any of the other photo's just ask and I would be happy to explain.
  8. Well, I figured it's about time for an update. I ended up getting sent to Camp Long, a little bitty place in the middle of nowhere. I don't mind being far away from the flagpole though. (Those military people in here will understand) I have just about got settled in now. I got lucky and got my own room, most people over here are still sharing rooms. I'm stealing someone's wireless internet until I get mine hooked up so I have pretty regular internet access for now. Anyway, things are going well here. I am adding a link to my online web album to the bottom of this post. There are some random shots of Korea, then a bunch from the Korean war museum, and then some from our battalion Christmas party and after-party. (I'm the guy in the blue dress shirt) Enjoy! http://picasaweb.google.com/cdbrooks06/Korea?feat=email#
  9. Well, I'm officially in Korea! I made it in last night and started inprocessing today. Once again, I am not allowed to drink until I get to my unit. I don't mind too much though, at least I got to have a few beers and a few Jack&Coke's on the way here. Oh, and if you can help it don't ever take a fifeteen hour plane ride. Not fun at all. I found out that I will be heading to Camp Carroll in the south part of the county so it should be a pretty uneventful time here. Well, I'm off to get some sleep. Talk to you all later!
  10. A little update: I have been stuck in Missouri since October 29th with no internet and no guns, my life pretty much sucks right now. Haha Oh and did I mention that I'm not allowed to drink either. (<--Is that new?) Oh well, I'm leaving for Korea soon so once I get over there things should be better. I miss being able to get on here and get my daily gun fix. I hope you all are doing well in my absence. I should be back on more as soon as I get over there. Until then, take care and keep 'em pointed in a safe direction! (Oh, and have a drink for me too!!!)
  11. Thanks for the responses everyone! I will be leaving next week for Missouri to get my initial issue. (Again) From there I will be hopping a flight over to Korea. Some of my friends decided to get me a new laptop as my going away present (Nice friends, huh?) so I will be able to update my status along the way. Hopefully I will be able to send back some cool photos along the way. It should be a fun time, I just hope I can manage to come back single!
  12. A little background first... I did a four year active duty stint in the active army straight out of high school. Did four tours in Afghanistan along with some other fun stuff. Then I decided to get out and go to college. While going to college I joined the Air National Guard. A few months ago I got started missing jumping out of perfectly good airplanes and getting shot at. So I joined the active duty army again. I will be leaving next week for a year in Korea. I should be coming back to Tennessee after my year's paid vacation on the DMZ. Hopefully I will get to see y'all at that time. I should have internet access so I will still be frequenting this site while I am gone. For all of you that I have met in person, it has been an honor to know you. For everyone else, it has been an honor to chat with you on the internet. Watch your six and I will see you when I return!
  13. I read his book a while ago. The story is very personal to me since the Chinook that was shot down belonged to my unit. The spec-ops community lost a lot of very good men that day. I would recommend this book to anyone who want's to truly understand what we are currently fighting for and fighting against.
  14. That was the one thing I was worried about. Hopefully nothing like that will happen.
  15. Man, that FJ60 is SEXY!
  16. Yeah, I can't believe how out of control it's gotten. Some of the gas stations that still have gas have hired security to make sure people don't do anything too stupid. I'm just waiting for someone to end up dead over this nonsense. I can see the headline now, "Man run down in gas station parking lot for trying to take all the gas to fill up his H2"
  17. Mmmm...Saiga 12's make me all squishy inside.
  18. Please, please, PLEASE tell me that you are going to bring that to one of the middle tn shoots! I would love to see one in person.
  19. I'm working on a six-pack of Guinness extra stout that my gf's parents picked up for me. They also got me a set of Guinness pub glasses. Is it bad that sometimes I would rather hang out with my gf's parents then my gf?
  20. One left people, who wants it?
  21. I was wondering what that could be. Funny stuff. And your welcome!
  22. If I could go back and do it over, I would have stayed in. Civilian life is just so f-ing boring.


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