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Mr. Brooks

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Everything posted by Mr. Brooks

  1. The local gun shops do know the law regarding ffl sales. I am more worried about the ftf sales and I'm not sure they would know the answer to that. And I wouldn't be surprised if they advised me to transfer any ftf sales regardless of the law so they could get a cut. And if things couldn't get more confusing, I am still a legal resident of TN, just living in KY. You can see how confusing it can be, heck even one of our resident ffl's didn't know that I can buy handguns from an ffl in either state.
  2. Actually I know for a fact that I can buy a handgun from either state from an ffl. All I have to do is show orders assigning me to Ft. Campbell. So it looks like the only thing I was wrong on was being able to buy long guns ftf from a Tn resident.
  3. I recently moved just across the state line into Kentucky. I want to make sure that I am legal in regards to any ftf purchases or sales. I am active military stationed at Ft. Campbell so I can legally purchases handguns or rifles from a ffl in KY or TN. I believe I can purchase or sell any long guns from a private party in either state. I think I can now buy a handgun from a private party in Ky only, and that I would need to transfer a handgun purchase from TN thru a ffl. Does this sound correct or am I missing something? I just want to make sure I don't do anything illegal.
  4. We went back to the range today, I am very happy with both guns. I remembered to snap a few pics today.
  5. Very nice. What upper did you go with?
  6. I got this for myself today, found it while trying to find a used .22 for my wife. She had already seen the one with pink grips and wanted it so this one is mine. Now we have a his & hers single action .22's We already have plans to go back to the range tomorrow. You know, gotta try out the new gun! At this rate I will have her shooting some of my other guns in no time.
  7. Rolling sleeves is not authorized in ACU's, you were in during the good old BDU days.
  8. Looks like this is already in effect. All of the legs on Ft. Campbell have been wearing their pc's the last few days.
  9. It sure is. She never had a problem with guns and went to the range with me many times, she just wasn't comfortable shooting any of my guns. Of course now she wants to try some .22WMR the next time we go. Maybe I can talk her into shooting my P6 after that.
  10. My wife shot her first gun today! All it took was buying her a gun of her own. Well, that and a lot of encouragement. And no, I didn't shoot the pink gun. (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!)
  11. Awesome news, took 'em long enough.
  12. That's a beaut. Do you have any before photos? I love to see old vehicles brought back to life.
  13. I've met a few guys with two mustard stains. One for OEF and one for OIF. Like you said though, I don't know any with three. I can't imagine what they went through back then, makes me proud to be a paratrooper.
  14. Five minutes is a long time for a perp to either; A) Destroy evidence Or Barricade themselves or grab a "human shield" A five minute wait period would result in nothing but a lot of dead LEO, but from the sound of it some of you wouldn't mind that.
  15. Say the police did try to apprehend this guy on the street, then in the following high speed chase or gunfight some innocents got killed. The same people who are saying that the police should have grabbed him from the street now would be asking why they didn't take him at home in a controlled situation. I guess its easy to critique after you know the outcome.
  16. I would have to agree.
  17. It looks like Joplin will indeed overtake 7th. They are at 142 now according to USA today, only one short of 7th at 143. With 100 still missing they could move even further up the list. I pray that won't happen though.
  18. Just traded this: For this: After a few upgrades:
  19. Glad to hear it brother. The wife and I just got finished prepping our hallway bathroom for the night. (I wish we had a basement) There is constant lightning in the sky and I can see the storm clouds coming our way. I see a night with little to no sleep.
  20. Great, I just got this message from work; Severe Weather Watch for Campbell AAF & Saber AH; vaid 25May11 1600L until 25May11 2000L. Potential exists for wind speeds to exceed 50 KTS, hail to exceed 3/4" and tornadoes to occur within 5NM. Of course, my house is within 5NM of CAAF. I'm starting to get really mother****ing tired of these storms.
  21. I hope TN gets spared tonight. Unfortunately I had to drive home last night so I'm back in Clarksville and I'm getting very tired of these storms. I have had two very close calls with tornados in the last month. The one that hit Ft. Campbell was only a couple of miles from my house and my family and I were in Joplin just minutes before that one hit. We were right by the walmart that got leveled and the tornado sirens were going off as we drove out of town.
  22. Thankfully it looks like this turned out to be a false rumor. They may have meant that there were close to 200 people in the hospital when it was hit, thankfully there were only five fatalities and those were all in the critical care ward and were likely from the power loss. I had an aunt, uncle, and cousin still in the hospital when the tornado hit. It took us about 20 hours to find them. They made it out uninjured and we were able to get some more information about what happened. My grandmother was on a breathing machine that she couldn't live without. The doc said without it she would just fall asleep and not wake up. A few minutes before the tornado hit the hospital lost power. A nurse went to get a manual pump but by the time she got back my grandmother had passed. My uncle was still in her room when the tornado hit and was thrown into the hallway, thankfully he wasn't injured. Thanks again for the prayers and donations, there are a lot of good people in Joplin who are suffering right now and I know they are thankful for the help and prayers they are receiving.
  23. Yep that's him, he sure does love that ball.
  24. Some crappy cell phone pics... That building in the background of the first photo is St. Johns hospital.


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