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Everything posted by rentalguy1

  1. Meadowview is always like that. I was there yesterday, too, and it sucked. It will be my last one for a while. I though it was against the law to sell a gun on the floor. I watched the police cart a guy off at the last show there for doing exactly that. It's perfectly legal in the parking lot, though. I also agree with all the other CRAP that they have there. I go to these shows for guns, gun parts, gun accessories, ammo, and holsters...not beef jerkey or jewelry!
  2. There was quite a bit of .380 at the gun show in Kingsport yesterday. It was expensive, but at least it was there.
  3. Rent the range's .22 and their ammo. You can't get much cheaper than that...
  4. Dad gave me a Winchester Model 37 12 Gauge for Christmas when I was 12 (1985) and I still have it. My son is 12, and I just gave him his first shotgun this past Christmas; a Stephens 20 Gauge.
  5. My wife was born in Flushing, but she won't admit it...lol. She was raised in Austin, TX, and has lived in TN since I brought her here in 1994. She tells everyone she's from here now. FWIW, her lineage is German and Polish. If you haven't guessed by her being born in a heavily Jewish area of Queens, and her lineage, she never got the opportunity to meet the majority of her ancestors thanks to Adolf Hitler.
  6. If I were forced to make a choice between the two, I would always choose the XD. I base the decision on projectile size, and magazine capacity. The slim only holds 7+1, while the XD holds 12+1. If I have to choose between my PT92 and the XD, I would almost always choose the PT92. This choice is based on capacity and experience. The 92 mag holds 17+1, and I carried it the whole time I was in the military. Sent a lot of rounds downrange with that model. Of course, there is NEVER a substitute for a 1911
  7. Scot/Irish on both sides. Mom's side is traced back to 1750's, with Revolutionary service and Congressional land grant for payment. Dad's side came in right after the Revolution. My heritage is Scot/Irish, but I am a American. There is a difference.
  8. I would not be afraid of a Taurus at all. I own three of them, and they are all flawless. I own both the XD40 subcompact, and the PT709 Slim, but I actually carry either the full frame PT92 or the PT1911. The 709 is actually my wife's purse gun.
  9. May God bless him and keep him safe for giving so freely of himself.
  10. Hooah.
  11. Anybody know anything about this group? It's one of those organizations that sends its members stuff to try out in return for a report on the item. They seem to have a nice web site with active forums and some tech stuff. The membership is $1/month. Don't know if I should send the form back or not... http://www.huntingclub.com/Main/default.aspx
  12. The paper was for Cogent. You write down the authorization number they give you on it, and then the actual finger printing place either throws it away or lets you keep it. The cost of the prints is in the $115 you pay at the DMV. That part is written into the law, IIRC. Wouldn't that mean if someone is charging HCP applicants for prints that they are breaking the law??
  13. I think the Wal Mart thing is more of a joke than anything. But, if you think of it, Wal Mart is a pretty good cross-section of the community, and there is more than likely more than one HCP in there at a time. Maybe that makes people feel more at ease for their first time out of the house with a gun under their shirt. I admit that I did make my first carry trip there last Saturday, but it was our normal grocery store trip, and that was the only place I had to go that day. To be honest, I had forgotten I had it until I went to the restroom. I completely agree with your view on OC. I'm not going to rag on anyone for doing it. It's within their rights. But I'm not going to walk beside of them while they are doing it.
  14. That isn't a HCP holder. That is a dude that is ate up with the dumb a$$.
  15. I forgot to add that even the laziest of dogs usually bark in the presence of a stranger. My basset hound knows when someone else is here way before I do. I she knows you, then she becomes a tripping hazard, though...lol You guys that are using alarms systems, is it a huge PITA, or not too bad? I've been thinking about getting a ADT system for a while. They have a decent deal going at the moment.
  16. i kept hoping someone would notice me at Wally today, but nobody paid attention. Maybe it was because I carried my wife's PT709 Slim instead of the PT92 or 1911. I was worried the 92 would make my butt look big :-0
  17. Mine just showed up in the mail. Applied 11/17/09, issued 12/18/09, and arrived 1/9/10. I think that was 6 weeks. It just so happens that we have to go to Wal Mart in a little while for groceries. I hope everyone doesn't stare at me...
  18. Glad it turned out ok. My$.02: 1. Stay up late a few nights and listen to the sounds your house makes when everyone else is asleep. This will train your senses to anything that is abnormal. 2. If wife is unarmed, she stays in the bedroom with a cellphone and the door locked. If she does not hear you yell CLEAR in two minutes, she calls 911. 3. If wife is armed, you are a team. You stay together, and clear the house, one room at a time. You lead, and go left, scanning the room from left to right at about a 3' height. She follows and goes right scanning right to left at the same height. When your flashlights meet, you say CLEAR! The sound of your voice alone can scare off a intruder. Especially if they get the idea that you are clearing rooms. Most people have watched enough TV to know if they hear this phrase, you are armed and sweeping. 3. Do this until the entire house is cleared, and you have determined where the noise came from. 4. Practice this a few times per month until it is drilled in both of your brains. Make sure the wife knows it is not a game, and can be the one thing that saves both of your lives in the event of a real BG coming into your house. Times are bad, and a lot of people are getting more desperate. 5. I ditto the flashlight comment. Even if you have a tac-light, keep a 3 D-cell MagLight on each side of the bed. These are your back up weapons, and I have seen tac-lights fail. 6. Think about investing in a laser. Rail mounted, guide rod mounted, or grip mounted...it doesn't matter. It takes the guess work out when the adrenaline is pumping. EDIT: No defensive position has ever held in the history of warfare. They only serve to become a trap. If you opt for this line of defense, be sure you have a way out.
  19. LMAO!! We got a couple of inches in Bristol overnight. Nothing compared to a couple of weeks ago. This time it was powdery, light snow. I was able to get the Jeep sideways in 4HI without even trying very hard. The last time I couldn't even make it spin in 2WD. The stuff can fool you if you aren't paying attention.
  20. I know a lot of guys that got GD's because of a PD back in the late-60's through the mid-80's. They did this to minimize the number of disability claims that they would have to approve. You do have to have 180 days in service to receive VA care, unless the disability was caused directly by service within that time frame. I just helped a guy win a claim that he has been fighting since 1968. He was in the Navy and suffered a violent attack by two other naval trainees who were high on drugs. The Navy completely bungled the investigation and this guy got a general under honorable via a MEB. The SPIN Code on his 214 listed a PD. That made it nearly impossible to get the actual severe anxiety disorder that the attack caused to be service connected. This poor guy has been a recluse since being discharged from the Navy at age 19. He lost his wife and daughters a few years later. Had not been able to hold a job, and was in constant fear of another attack. I spent weeks pouring through his SMR's, civilian treatment records, and other military records of the incident. I finally found the key phrases that he needed to show them. I had him pay out of pocket for a independent medical exam based on the VA's psychiatric compensation and pension exam worksheet, and then I wrote a rebuttal for him to send to the Board of Veterans Appeals. He had already been waiting for a hearing for some time, so a few months after all of this work, he got his appeal. It worked out great! The BVA gave him a full award of benefits sought. He got 70% for anxiety disorder with a effective date of the date of discharge in 1968. If you guys are veterans, learn what all of those codes on your 214 mean. Get copies of all of your military records, especially the medical records. Keep a complete and up to date copy of all of your civilian medical records, too. You may not need them now, and you may feel that you don't deserve, or have not earned any comp from the VA, but you may change your mind further down the road. Many vets have injuries from their time in service, or end up with some God-awful disease or cancer from their time in service, and don't even realize the cause of it. Then, decades after discharge, it is nearly impossible to get not only compensation, but care at a VA hospital. You have to have a certain percentage of a service connected disability in order to receive care from the VA. If you don't, then you are placed in the lowest (numerically highest) priority group, and you will not receive care unless you are indigent. I had my spine dislcocated at L5-S1 while in the Army. My quad got me to the flight surgeon within minutes, and they saved me from permanent paralysis, but a disease process set up in my spine from that day, and no one knew it. They automatically set me up with 30% disability upon my medical discharge, but 12 years later, the arthritis in my spine had caused central canal stenosis to the point where I suffered permanent nerve damage. My spinal cord had been choked off at 3 levels. It was a uphill fight, but I learned their laws and regs and finally won. What I'm saying is, if you need help with the VA, hit me up. I learned how to speak their language, and I can point you in the right direction if you need it.
  21. Thanks for the suggestions. I think I will go with the Gould and Goodrich IWB. It's along the line that I'm looking for and has a good price. The Milt Sparks stuff is very nice, but a bit more spendy than I am looking for right now. I also found a shoulder holster on evilbay that I think I might buy. It's a fairly large gun, and I'm not 100% certain how I want to carry it just yet.
  22. For those in NE TN, the one in Blountville is where you will find the longest lines. The one in Johnson City is a bit better, but not much. There used to be one in Elizabethton, and if it is still there it would be worth the drive because there was never a line there. Also, as a side note, if you need to do a driving test for a CDL, there is a third party tester in Mountain City. He has tractor-trailers available to rent for the test, and he is a real world tester. In other words, the chicks that test you at the other locations could not switch seats with you and get the truck underway. They have never driven one in their lives. The guy in Mountain City is a retired over the road driver, and knows if you are driving up to par or if you don't have a clue and would be dangerous out on the road. Hope this may help somebody.
  23. YA, it's treated exactly the same as a honorable discharge. It's more of a point that the regs allowed for me to get the HD, but because I still had over a year on my contract they gave me the GD. I'm not the one who requested to get out, either. I practically begged the MEB to let me stay, because I was getting better and stronger, but because of the nature of my MOS and assignment, they said no. They do still have the uncharacterized discharge for those who cannot complete BCT/AIT and those who have a erroneous contract.
  24. All leather. No plastic or nylon.
  25. I searched but didn't come up with anything specific. I need a suggestion for a IWB leather holster for a Taurus PT92.


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