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Everything posted by rentalguy1

  1. Long post, so thanks for reading in advance. I could use the help... Since we have a new baby on the way, we are going to need more space. We bought this house a little over 5 years ago, never intending to have more children. It is a little under 1300 square feet, and has 3 bedrooms/2 full baths, LR, DR, decent sized kitchen, attached 1 car garage, and unfinished basement. We are on what was a double (100'X150') corner lot. Before we bought the house, the back half of the property was cut off and sold to a family member to set up a nice double wide on. That means our lot is now 100' wide by 75' deep. Due to zoning laws, we cannot add on to the back of the house because the double wide is so close. We could push out on the side where the garage is now by about 10'. So enlarging and finishing the garage is a option, but the basement is only about 2/3 the size of the actual house, and that would make any plumbing or HVAC modifications a real problem. It is more difficult than just demo'ing the garage and digging out a crawl space, because the last 6'-8' of the actual house is built on a slab, and there really isn't a way to plumb under it. The other problems with adding on here are that the laundry would still be downstairs. I have a spinal cord injury/disease and a partially paralyzed right leg. I can do the stairs pretty good right now, but not for many more years. We also took out the only bathtub in the house and put in a walk in shower (to make it easier for me) last summer. It's hard to bathe a toddler in a shower. Also, the house was built in 1950, and bathrooms were not a priority back then, so whenever anyone has to sit on the throne their knees are forced into their chest because the room is so small. Our next option is to sell this house and buy a larger one. There are several houses of the size and in the price range that we need right now. We're looking at stepping up to about 1800-2200 square feet in the $150K-$175K range. The bad things about this are that while it would be a prime time to buy a house, because of the market, I'm not so sure how hard it would be to sell our current house. I would like to think that because of it's size, location, amenities, and price (about $80K-$90K), it would be fairly easy to sell. We bought it as a HUD foreclosure for $60K, and put on a new roof, new vinyl siding, new vinyl windows, new heat pump, new water heater, and updated the electrical when we bought it. These upgrades cost about $20K, and we would be able to at least recoup the cost. The other thing is that I've never had a mortgage, and I have no idea on how all that works. I don't know how much I would have to put down on a house, or how muck closing costs would be. I am also eligible for a VA home loan, but I have no idea how that works. I am lucky in that money is not tight for us right now, but I am a tightwad, and I would absolutely hate to turn loose of tens of thousands of dollars for down payment, closing costs, and upgrades to another house while paying the doctor bills for a new baby and sending another child to college in a few years. The last option is building a house. Again, I know absolutely nothing about the process. I do know some folks who have done this, and that it is a headache during the process, but they have all been happy with the finished product. We could get exactly what we want and need by going this route, but at what cost? Would it be cheaper than buying a existing house, or more? I know the first thing we would need is a plot of land, and that would be hard to find in the city. We're not opposed to moving to the county, but we would have to pay tuition for our kids to go to the city schools (which are excellent and where all of my son's friends are). It would also require pretty major adjustments to our lives, because we are in close proximity (literally minutes) from our son's school, my wife's work, grocery stores, pharmacies, general shopping, restaurants, the lake, and the shooting range. We could do it, but it would be reluctantly at first. My family actually owns a small farm about 10 minutes away from our current house. It may be possible that I could buy a acre from my dad and build there, but I'm not real sure how receptive my dad would be to the idea. We don't work the farm, but dad does lease it to the farmer behind us, who runs his cattle in our fields. I have no idea how close any utilities would be to this location, though. That could end up tacking on a huge cost. I'm also not opposed to buying a new double wide instead of buying or building, but I am a little concerned about the quality of something like that versus a stick built house. Of course if we did this, we would place it on a permanent foundation. Any advice you can offer is appreciated. My head is spinning, and I truly don't know what direction to go for the first time in my life.
  2. Wow! That's amazing! How difficult/easy was it to have them that far apart? I guessing that it will make it easier, because our son is pretty much self-sufficient, but a guess is all it is. There is nine years between my brother and me. I was a "oops" baby, too. Mom and dad said they were both a whole lot more relaxed with me, and I feel like the wife and I will be the same way. This is still setting in with me...
  3. I guess I can post up that my wife is pregnant. This will be our second, and there will only be 13 years between our son and this one (4 months shy of a 14 year difference). We found out last Saturday, and confirmed it by taking four different pregnancy tests from two different manufacturers. This wasn't a planned pregnancy, so we had to take a few days to get our heads around it before we told anyone. Since we told our folks about it today, I guess it's ok to let the world know. Funny, I am 37 and the wife is 40, and we have been married for almost 18 years, and you would think that we were a unwed pair of teenagers when it came to telling our parents. They were more excited than we were! I guess that's because we're still in shock! Looks to be a interesting summer. Ya'll send up a prayer for a healthy baby if you get a chance. The wife is worried about complications due to her age. No amount of reassurance will make her feel better until a healthy baby gets here some time in October, either.
  4. I actually have a dog that is lazier than I am...6 year old basset hound that I've had since she was a pup.
  5. Even the drop safes aren't 100% drop safe. I'm more concerned about them taking the gun away "for safe keeping."
  6. In the military, you are trained to ALWAYS charge through a ambush. When the bad guys ambush, you stomp on the accelerator! It would be best to explain to the dispatcher, who is still on the phone, that you are trying to get away from more bad guys, and that you'll give him/her your location as soon as you calm down. It would also be helpful to the rest of society if you are able to return fire while maneuvering and maintaining comms.
  7. If you know you're going to drink at the restaurant, then leave your gun at home. If you didn't realize you wanted a drink until you were there, then you will have to man-up and not drink because your gun is in your possession. The law is so vague that I wouldn't want to even attempt it. One beer is not worth my HCP permit, money for fines and a lawyer, and my time. I don't fall into the "break it down and store it separately," camp. A LEO in a cash strapped jurisdiction could find a way to charge you, and then you'd have to spend your money and time trying to overturn the charges in court, where the judge will most likely side with the cop anyway, because he knows they need the money...
  8. two to the chest and one to the head? I always thought it was 2 to the head and x to the chest...x being a variable which is equal to the number of rounds that remain in the magazine.
  9. RIP Captain Phil! He was our favorite on the show! Prayers for his sons, family, friends and crew.
  10. Just got it back from sighting it in and playing. It took 5 adjustments to get the EOTech on target and 3 adjustments for the iron sights. Then we got to play a bit. Put a total of 130 rounds through it without a "unintended" failure. My buddy and I each loaded a spent casing in the other's magazine to practice clearing a jam while closing on a target. It was a blast!
  11. rentalguy1

    New Toy

    Rock River Arms LAR-15/CAR A4, flat top, aluminum quad rail, collapsible stock. I added a flip-up rear sight, fore grip, Sure Fire light, and a EOTech XP S2-2 holographic sight. Rifle was $970, and I got the whole package for under $1800 out the door. Not too bad (at least I don't think so).
  12. The only policy that Wally World has is actually regarding OC. If your CCW becomes visible, and a associate or customer has a problem with it, their policy allows them to either ask you to conceal it, or to leave...their choice. You can Google "Wal Mart concealed carry policy," and find this pretty easily.
  13. I must not be in the "IT" crowd, because I've never heard of either of those brands. I carry the same old Case Trapper that I've had for several years. Before that I carried a Leatherman. I don't carry a flashlight on my person or attached to my EDC, but I have a few MagLights scattered about the house and two in the Jeep. Come to think of it, I should start carrying my mini-Mag and Leatherman again, cause you just never know...
  14. That's not true at all, and you know it. I stated that I do not like or agree with his positions. They will cause problems in our cause, and I think that is stupid. The man has a right to state his opinions, though. I think his actions are exactly like people who OC, with the exception that the former knows what he is doing to the 2A, while the latter does not. The latter thinks everyone should mind their own and bite their lip, because he is exercising his 2A rights, but I equate it to blowing cigarette smoke in a non-smokers face. We smokers did not take the senses of our fellow man into consideration for decades, and look where we ended up...outside in the rain. All I'm asking for is some everyday common sense, and respect for the other man's feeling of security. Just because we have the right to OC does not mean we should all do so at the cost of upsetting a roomful of other people. There is a time and a place for OC, and conducting routine business in town isn't it, IMHO. If you are out in the backwoods of the county, and among folks who know and appreciate guns, that is one thing, but when you come to town, where everyone is bunched up like sardines in a can, things are entirely different. I also understand that some folks can't carry IWB. I recently discovered how comfortable it is to carry OWB in a paddle holster. It is still easily concealable with a untucked button down shirt (I usually wear a tucked in t-shirt underneath for comfort). If you have no way to conceal, then I don't think that means that you should go unarmed. By all means, OC your SD weapon in confidence. I just happen to think that these guys would be the exception not the rule, and I also think we shouldn't trash each other for having a different opinion. I know I said OCing was stupid in a previous post, and I apologize for that. I should have chosen my words more carefully.
  15. I don't care for his views, either. But he is still entitled to them, isn't he? He's also entitled to speak, write and publish them as well. Just like some of the members here are entitled to speak out against OC, and others are entitled to speak out in favor of OC. Mike, I haven't been able to find a leather holster to work with my larger carry guns. I happened across a Fobus paddle holster and it works great for CC'ing my PT-92. It would work great for a 1911, too, since it is a little shorter than the 92.
  16. Thanks. It's just as I thought, someone with a dissenting opinion. I guess where the 2A is concerned, the 1A doesn't apply. That's just sad that people get beat on for having a differing opinion.
  17. WTF is a ZUMBO? Someone who has a different opinion than you???
  18. The great thing about this forum is the ignore function. You are acting like a little child because someone has a differing opinion. You can respond to this, or not. I really don care, since I will not be able to see it.
  19. Thank you. This is EXACTLY what I have been saying.
  20. Linoge Please pull your head out of your rectum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just because I do not quote every word in your post does not mean that I did not read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It means that I am posting MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not all about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. It is more than a federal building, it is a federal "city." **EDIT**
  22. I'd find a new doc, too. I can't though, since I'm stuck with the VA.
  23. I CC a Taurus PT92 (M9) IWB at 3:00. I wear pants that are two sizes larger than normal, and long, loose Carhartt shirts, or a button down shirt. I wear a tucked t-shirt underneath and never tuck the outer shirt. Even with this large of a gun (4.92" barrel), you cannot see any lumps or bulges. I can get to it quick, too. I just bought a Fobus paddle holster today so I can change out and wear my regular pants every now and then. I've never CC'd OWB, so I don't know how well it will conceal. If it prints too bad, I'll take the holster back and get one for my XD40 instead. All that said, I usually can pick out a CC'er just by the way they are dressed.
  24. That makes sense. I don't CC so I don't offend anyone. I CC so no one knows I am carrying....PERIOD!! I guess open carry is ok, even if it is in a park and you are carrying a AK-47 pistol, also? I remember a big huff about that not too long ago. It was legal, but everyone seemed to get their panties in a wad about that, so I guess it's good to go, unless someone who OC's has a problem with it, then it's stupid. I really don't get some of the folks on here sometimes. It is my opinion that OC is stupid, unless you are in the woods hunting. That is my opinion, nothing more, nothing less. Some would have me believe that my opinion is worth less than that of their own, though, since I dissent.
  25. Buddy, I already told you; if you want to OC, then by all means do so. You went through the class, you paid the money, you waited on the permit to show in the mail, so it is well within your rights. I still think it's stupid. Kind of like the dude with a little member needing to drive a lifted Hummer. It don't make you any badder, and quicker, or any more prepared to defend yourself. You just want people to notice you, and nothing more. There is no other reason to OC than to be noticed. So, hey, do your thing. BTW..what's up with the back of the bus talk? You totally lost me on that...I don't get the analogy. Are you a racist or something?


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