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Everything posted by rentalguy1
strange, for sure. Good luck with it.
Nothing to get over. You saying I can't have a opinion, or are you just saying don't post it if I do? I don't have one. I am definitely not without sin, so I don't cast the first stone. I had a opinion. I stated it. Deal with it. I think that was actually number 3, but who's counting. Nobody has thicker skin than me. I could care less what you, or anyone else on this board or elsewhere says. Original. Do you suck that bad at every other aspect of your life? ...yes, I was just being contentious on that last part.
It sounds more like the flashing around the chimney is worn out, or that it never had a seal installed around it. You may want to call a actual roofer to get up there and take a look at it. I know you can't get on the roof, but if you can get up into the attic, you could verify this problem and get the right person out there in the beginning.
I think we've all had this problem at one point or another. If we haven't, then it seems that it is bound to happen in our future. We had a really bad experience with the neighbor below us when we lived in Austin, TX. We were fortunate that the one time we actually got fed up and called the cops, that it turned into a immigration situation. Turns out that if you are illegal, and you have your 15 member illegal family living with you in a 2 bedroom apartment, that playing loud mariachi music all night and cussing out your redneck neighbor may not be a good idea. We had a neighbor next door (HUD house) to us at our current house for three years, until last summer, that gave us some problems. The single mom was nice, and the kids were capable of being nice. The biggest problem was that the kids had no respect for other's property and they were loud. But they were "kid loud." No parties, just playing. They moved out, and the young, single mom that moved in with her autistic son was quiet as a mouse. She seemed to turn the place into a flop house, though, and there were tons of her friends staying over all weekend and half the week. They never made a peep, but there were so many cars out there that I continually had no place to park my Jeep. I told myself that I don't own the street, and they can park where they wish right up until they decided to park in front of my one car driveway one night. I thought about going ballistic, but then I thought better since this is the only real problem they have caused in a year. So I went next door and asked nicely if they could move the car. Within minutes a polite young man came out and apologized profusely for causing a problem. It was a weekend, they were all being quiet, and this young guy was so polite and apologetic, that I actually parked the wife's sploder in the garage and moved my Jeep to the driveway so he could have my parking spot on the street. Sometimes just politely approaching the neighbor and discussing the uncomfortable topic can help. Sometimes you have to get the police involved. Other times there is no resort left but to burn their house down... Since the wife is pregnant, and this house isn't really big enough to fit another person, we are buying another house. The HUD house next door, and living on a corner lot of a busy street is a close second reason to move, though. We are going to keep this house and rent it out. I have already told all the other neighbors that own their homes what I'm doing, given them my numbers, and told them that at the first sign of trouble to call me so I can take care of the problem. I refuse to be a landlord who lets his tenants destroy his property, the property of others, or cause problems for the whole neighborhood.
You guys just don't seem to get it. You pile on me, because I have a differing opinion, and I word my responses strongly. What exactly do I need to get over? Expressing my opinion? Good luck on that one. If you want me to respect your opinion, you need to do it like this: You will need to be honest with yourself, first though. I have read on this forum, time and time again, guys beating their chests saying that they will not leave the house unarmed. Then, a few days later you find out that they didn't really mean it. They will make a concession for work, restaurants, the movie theater, their brother's house, etc., etc... I have been completely honest on here. I carry everywhere, with the lone exception of a courthouse/federal building where they have metal detectors (so there is no way to carry anyway) and armed guards or police that I can entrust my safety to. Is that selling out? Well, some may think so, but since I am getting no monetary gain from these situations, I don't see it that way. Anyway, I won't go on any more. I can see that if you have your own opinion, and state so, that this is the kind of place where you will get piled on if the mod goes a different way.
It's a forum on the interweb. Lots of people with lots of differing opinions. Some folks need to get over themselves. What the heck do I care if I get booted over something so vile as having a opinion.
I never told anyone else how to live their life! I dare you to go back and pull a quote from this thread where I have done so. I have a differing opinion than you. Deal with it or boot me. The choice is yours.
If it's not your moral to always be armed, then that's different. Many espouse on here that they are ALWAYS armed, then you find out that they drop it in the glove box for 8 hours while they are at work. That is the guy I am talking about. What, no one ever comes to the workplace and starts blowing people away? It happens. That's why I demand to be armed. You live a different lifestyle than I do, and that's cool. I hope I am more clear on those that I am talking about now...
Ooohhh...I got another one that I just remembered. 1991, stationed at Ft. Hood, TX and living in Harker Heights. Driving a 1990 Mazda 323 that wouldn't pull a greasy string from a cat's rear end. Made a right turn from a dead stop at a stop sign. Went about 20 feet and was pulled over for 35 in a 25. I told the cop that there was no way I was even going 15, much less 35. He told me to tell it to the judge. I called later that day and the to pay the ticket was $45. If I took it to court and won, the court cost was $50. Turns out the state busted them a few year later for writing many 10mph over tickets...They were able to build a brand new courthouse and fire station off us soldiers, though.
umm, what's your point? We're talking about hawt lady cop action here...
Don't feel bad. I had my EOTech zeroed at 100 yards. Then, for some reason, I decided to "tweak" it. Make it even better, ya know. I ended up flipping up the iron sights and using them because I was burning up too much ammo trying to re-zero the holo. I'll fool with it more this week.
If she was hot, I hope you called her...
I get it perfectly, and I stated so. You just didn't read carefully enough. If someone had a problem with my having a weapon on their premises, I just didn't go there, period. If that meant I left a job, then so be it. You see, that door swings both ways. If you know going in to the situation that you will have to break one of your morals, and then you still go in, then that speaks volumes about you. If you get into a situation, and later find out that in order to stay you have to break one of your morals, and you choose to stay, that also speaks volumes about you. You are, in essence, saying that you have a price. You can be bought. You will sell your 2nd amendment rights, your personal freedom, and your own security for the price of a paycheck. It's really that simple. It really does boil down to that. I'm exactly the same as all of you. I have financial responsibilities, and I have morals. I never sold out my morals for a paycheck that I know of. I know for sure that I never will. Has this moral compass swung over the last decade and a half? sure. If you disagree with my line of thinking, that's fine. I truly understand where you are coming from. I've been there, but I also questioned, continuously, if this was the right thing to do. If it wasn't, then I walked. Simple as that.
It wasn't unheard of at that time in OH. The state patrol used to sit at the OH end of the I-77 northbound bridge and pop you as you came across...decelerating from the WV limit of 65 to the OH (truck) speed limit of 55.
1999, Somewhere in Ohio, in my 1994 Freightliner FDL120 pulling a 53' dry van loaded with God knows what. I am merging from a interstate onramp onto the highway. Local cop lights me up before I even get merged. I hit the emergency, turn on the four ways and stop, thinking that I have ran over something or I'm dragging a trailer tire thanks to a locked up brake drum. Newbie cops struts up and asks the old question, "know why I pulled you over?" I told him I did not, but I was sure he was about to tell me. He goes on to state that I had the gall to be going 56 in a 55 (for trucks, 65 for cars). I was dumbfounded. He goes on to ask if he can search the truck, to which I said no. He said something about probable cause, to which I told him to get off the front step of my house (he was on the side step talking to me). I told him to get a warrant, because this was more than a vehicle, it was my home (and it was, at least through the week). He told me that getting a warrant would take hours. I told him that it was ok...I had time. About a hour later, his supervisor shows up. He asks me what the problem was, and I told him to ask his little buddy. Newb starts to tell him the story, and supervisor stops him at 56 in a 55. Tells him to go home for the rest of the day, hands me my license and tells me to have a nice day. You gotta love driving a truck in Ohio!
I am 100% serious. As long as we, as a group, continue to act like a bunch of pansies where our rights are concerned, then we shall continue to get what we deserve! If you don't have the stones to speak up, and stick by your beliefs all of the time, then that's your bad. You just need to know that your actions affect the rest of us whether we like it or not. If you are willing to table one of your beliefs for a paycheck, then you are willing to table even more of them for money, whether you are willing to admit it or not. Now, I'm sure that you're going to respond to this with something along the same lines as your previous post, and that's ok. Maybe you don't get it. Maybe you never will. The point is, though, that your line of thinking is exactly how we got to this point in this country. They come at us one little issue at a time, and they always win, because the majority seem to think, "I better not say anything if I want to keep my _______." And each and every time a little bit more of our freedom slips away. EDIT: Let me add to this that I never, not once, stepped on my own personal beliefs in the name of the almighty dollar. I have left several jobs because the company was doing something that went against my personal beliefs and morals. I never had a problem paying my bills or feeding my family. I finally realized that the best way to live within my own morals was to work for myself. Most people don't have the C.O. Jones to do that, though, which furthers my point that the other side is winning, one little thing at a time. Complying with established laws is not selling out. It is being a responsible citizen. The person who disagrees with the written law also has a responsibility to work towards getting that law changed and freedom restored, though. In response to your exact point, not all of us have a innate desire to go fast. I no longer do. I used to, though. In the days when I rode sport bikes I loved to go fast. I went as fast as I liked, and had the attitude that if they can catch me, they can haul me in. They never caught me. Thing is, I was wrong in my actions then, and I realize it now. I was not being a responsible citizen, and I put a lot of other folks in danger. That was the reason that speed limits were enforced to begin with.
The same can be said about jobs. Sure, the economy is tight, but there are still jobs available. People hire every day. There are even some employers who are having difficulty finding employees. I guess my question is what exactly does it say about a person who is completely willing to forgo the safety of themselves and those around them for the sake of the almighty dollar. Does money mean more than your values? If you're willing to set aside that moral for a paycheck, what else are you willing to do?
My inexpensive Taurus PT1911 that I'd stack against any of the higher end 1911's. I really want the SA GI model, too.
The guy from Bristol did not care about the ban when he went into the post office in Wytheville, VA a few months ago and took hostages. He didn't kill anyone, but the point is he could have. As long as bad guys carry weapons into places that have forbidden them, so will I. I cannot defend myself, my family, my friends, and innocent bystanders if my legally owned and possessed firearm is not on my person. The only exceptions I make are in cases where metal detectors are used. Typically, in those places, there are armed LEO/security types, and I place my faith and security in there hands for those brief instances.
Sorry. It was the only music I found fitting for the event. That was on semi. Neither of us have any selectable weapons (but we both wish we did).
Awesome! (both because it was a 1911 and a Taurus!)
we've done this a lot, and we both have experience doing the same while receiving fire We keep talking about building a live fire shoot house, but not sure how well that would fly...
Me and a friend playing at Kettlefoot the other day.
Most of it is wrong for me. If your gonna put my private dope on the net, at least have the stones to get it right! It should read: 4'3", Caucasian when bathed, hung like a 8 year old Chinese boy and looking for a good time!