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About jlautiger

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    So. Middle Tenn
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    Sugar daddy for Wife and kids (the cavities)


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    Another Glock

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  1. You'll need to call.  The canneries have changed due to gov't intervention.  I think most, except for a couple in Utah, are no longer are allowed to have folks can there.  They may sell pre-canned items; that's where I'm not sure.  We recently ordered a few cases of items we use regularly directly from the LDS website and only paid $3 shipping.  No wrapping though; stuff came clearly labeled as LDS Home Storage (or something like that). 
  2. I like the Scepter Military Fuel Cans.  They are not CARB compliant so they aren't sold directly to public in the US.  You can easily find new ones that are pricey or used ones that aren't pretty.  I've found them in surplus stores on a back shelf for $20.  There's a guy on Ebay from College Station that selling used ones 2/$40 without a gasket or $2/50 with a gasket.  For gas use, you want the Viton gasket.  You can buy gaskets and lids from DS Tactical out of Canada.  Don't buy too much or you end up paying duties. 
  3. .. sidecar that happened to have...
  4. Was finally able to order. Thanks David for running a great site.
  5. Woo hoo!! Welcome to the club.  Congrats!!
  6. My mother in law has arthritis and doesn't have the hand strength to hold the slide and push the frame. So, sadly, semi-autos are out for her. We have tried other ways too but doesn't work for her. So, pump shotgun and revolver style are her only options. I could leave her a racked semi but she practices on her own. So, best to use what she practices with.
  7. Check the history on the seller too.  There's a lot of new sellers on gunbroker as on TGO.  So, apply the same judgement as you would here.   The private seller comment is valid - some private sellers are hard to deal with so some FFL's don't deal with them at all. I've had some pains in the past.  So, I don't like dealing with them either unless it's something I really want.   Otherwise, payment is likely by Money Order for private seller or by credit card for business.  Some charge extra (3-4%) to use a credit card and should have it listed in the sale description but some don't.  So, try to verify how to pay, shipping amount, and overall condition before the sale.    As for the FFL, the other comments apply.  I use email to contact my FFL and have him send his information to the seller.  They swap info and I have the seller send me confirmation numbers for shipping.  After that, it's just like picking up something locally - fill out the paperwork and pay the transfer fee.
  8. For the house, you don't have to go smaller.  The smaller frames are harder to control and get comfortable with if you're not practicing a lot.   If it's just for around the house, then I'd suggest something more full size.  If she can handle racking the slide, a 1911 or full size Glock (or similar) works.  The Taurus PT92, mentioned earlier, is a nice pistol at a lower cost.  We have a compact stainless steel one and it is our best shooter.  Nicely balanced too.  If she can't handle the slide, then a DA revolver or even a pump shotgun would work.   In my situation, I have a little of both.   My wife can handle the slide so a full size Glock 17 with laser works for her.  The laser is for point and shoot and works for her.  She actually prefers the Springfield TRP 1911 but I'm not strapping a laser on that.    My mother-in-law couldn't handle the slide, so I started her with a 410 pump shotgun.  She has a Judge now and like's it better.
  9. For canned goods, look at http://canorganizer.com/can-organizers/ For bulk goods, you can do caster's food saver sealing and put into buckets with gamma lids. Gamma lids are must haves. Some items are long-term, don't eat until SHTF.
  10. Death by slow drip, huh!! You need some form of stress release with how busy you are.
  11. Bunch of hoarders.!! I'll now need to spend endless hours searching for 1 or 2 used ones that someone found stuck to the bottom of a rifle case. They'll probably be duct taped together and I'll need to trade my last AR to get it. But, it'll be worth it.
  12. The holster requirement was removed in the 2009-2010 session.  See http://www.georgiapacking.org/bills0910.php
  13.   My initial reaction - keep driving and find a different place to go to than Atlanta.  :pleased:   Nashville's nice.  Go to Ashville, NC, horseback riding in Smokies, camping at one of the Army Corp lakes (nice actually), something...  I lived in Atlanta area for almost 8 years and am there 1-2 times per month now with my job, so I've had enough of it...   If you still plan on going, then the links peejman provided tell you most everything.  Not too much difference than TN.
  14. Sweet!! Probably got some great deals too.
  15. It was hard to buy a complete DDM4 for $1200 before the madness.  About $1300-$1500 was about right.  Everything, I've seen lately have been at list pricing.     Now uppers were cheaper about mid $800's to $1000 depending on which version.  From your OP, I think you're just talking about an upper.  So, your total value depends on the quality of the other components too.   As for pricing is going to be basic supply and demand.  Now, it's low supply, high demand, so high prices.  If AWB fails, then demand will subside but what happens to supply. I think some folks will sell because they put the purchase on a credit card, but these are probably the same folks selling on gunbroker today.  I think others are just buying what they should have bought before and will hold.  So, it's a crap shoot to me.  I will say there were less DD products out there while others were everywhere, like Walmart.  I rarely saw DD rifles or uppers at a local shop and never at a big box store.     Ultimately, depends on your preference and financial situation.     Here's a link where someone compared DD to DPMS (some differences in age and use on the rifles, carbine vs mid length gas, and rail type, so account for those differences in your situation too):  http://www.survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?t=222444 


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