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Everything posted by Jasongar8

  1. I'm bet'n it will show up on Friday. Tyhen you will have all weekend to play with it. I am waiting as well, mine hasnt even went pending yet. Hopefully soon though. Good luck. -Jason G
  2. Hey guys I was thinking about this and wanted to see what yall thought. What are the 5 guns every "gun person" should own at least once in their lifetime? My list: 1. M1 Garand-One of the cheapest pieces of history you can own. 2.Any 1911-Dont need any other reason than its a 1911. 3.AR-15-You can do so much with them, plus you can get them in all kinds of cailbers. 4.Ruger 10-22- I love these little guns, its what I learned to shoot on. 5.Remington 870-Tons of these made, you can hunt/sport shoot with them and they will never let you down. So this should be fun, lets hear what you have to say and give your own list. If you dont agree with mine let me know why. Let the debate begin. -Jason G
  3. Hey guys the pic is from subguns, a class 3 board. The guns are class 3 dealer post samples that are used for rentals. I think it was made at Knob Creek. So you dont have to worrry, the anti-gunners didnt make it. There is no telling what this old truck would be worth if they were transferable mg's. I think that is a M79 40mm right beside the right fender well. -Jason G
  4. That cool the other one is mine anyway. Look close toward the right side you can see the power supply cord and the spade grips and the back of the rotor. -Jason G
  5. They are not mine but oh how I wish they were. What all can you name from the pic? -Jason G
  6. The cowards who did this should be expelled from breathing. I bet they wouldnt have done it if he was standing there. I am sure they wouldnt have called him a murder if they need to be patched up after an accident. This just makes me sick. -Jason G
  7. Thanks for all the info guys. I think I have decided that the Dan Wesson 10mm will be my next pistol. Ive got a class 3 purchase I will probably do first but i def want the DW 10mm. -Jason G
  8. Ive got a Remington Model 700 BDL-SS in .338 Remington Ultra Mag. It is a vey nice rifle. When I got it I just wanted a .338 for some reason? Will it ever see a hunting trip to Alaska? One day if I win the lottery, but other than that its a safe queen. I bought it, put a Leupold VX-III on it and dialed it in, which was brutal, lol. I shoot it every once and a while just to do it. The Ultra Mag is a bad dude, I take recoil pretty well and I dont want to shoot it more than 10 times per range trip. If you do get any .338 dont skimp on the optics, these rifles will beat a cheap scope to death.
  9. Its these kind of stuff that gives us hunters a bad name. These people who call theirseves hunters never deserve to hunt in TN or anywhere ever again. -Jason G
  10. God speed sir. Words cannot express the thanks you deserve for your service to our country. My deepest condolences to your family. -Jason G
  11. This is from the interview they did with Obama, they interviewed both him and Mr. McCain. I guess he dosent know about all the people who teach their kids to shoot with and AR or the guys that praire dog hunt with them. You know its funny, my AK has never killed anyone???? If he wins we are in trouble. -Jason G LICATA: You mentioned common-sense gun legislation. Would you consider the assault weapons ban and registration of guns to fall into that category of common-sense gun control? SENATOR OBAMA: I think those are two separate issues. I think that when it comes to the assault weapons ban, the answer is yes. I think AK-47s generally are not used for hunting. AK-47s or vest-piercing bullets are generally used to hurt people. And I think that it's legitimate for us to say military-style weapons that aren't traditionally used for purposes other than killing people, we've got to be careful about. But I'll be honest with you. I'm more interested in enforcing the laws that we do have-for example, tracing guns that are used in crimes back to people who have been using them. I don't anticipate that there's going to be a whole slew of efforts at the federal level when it comes to gun control. But I think that strong background checks; making sure that we're dealing with the gun-show loophole, which I think has been a problem; allowing us to trace guns that are used in crimes back to where they were purchased--those are the kinds of initiatives that I think pose no threat whatsoever to law-abiding gun owners.
  12. Congrats!! This has been a great week for you. Just curious since I am waiting on a form 1 myself, how long was the turn around time for you? I heard that ATF has slowed down to about 2 months for the form 1's, so I just want to see how your went? What did u "make"? AR I assume? Congrats again. -Jason G
  13. They use .308, the M40's and M24's, and the accurized M14 are all chambered in .308/7.62x51 NATO. There are some accurized M16's that shoot the .223. I think that the designated marksman have these. The .50 Barrett is the M107/M82A1. These are S.A.S.R. or Special Application Scoped Rifles and I dont think they are supposed to use them against human targets, but I am sure some have. Please chime in if I have missed anything or gotten anything wrong. Thanks, -Jason G
  14. Jasongar8

    Would you trade?

    My .02 cents is that for the money the 3 watches have more value. BUT I would ask myself, "self, is HK bringing any more of these gun into the country?" The answer is no they are not. Just look at the 90 series guns have done in the last few years. Just think how much they will cost in 5 or ten years. You will be able to buy 5 watches with what it will be worth. Just my .02. -Jason G
  15. Jasongar8

    any H&k guys?

    Yea Ill admit it Im a Koch lover, lol. I dont really know what attracted me to the Hk family of weapons, I guess because an MP5 was the first machine gun I ever shot. The only pistols that turn me on are the USP Tacticals and the Mark 23, man would I love to have a MK23. I have a MP5 clone that is getting the SBR treatmant in Oct., I have a Centme .308, I guess you could call it a wanna be 91, and I have a HK 51k, its a MP5K sized .308, 4 inch barrel. I know I'm sick, lol. -Jason G
  16. Hey guys I played with a Dan Wesson Classic Bobtail 1911 the other day in 10mm and I really fell in love with it. I dont know much about Dan Wesson's guns at all besides they were bought out by CZ USA. So what do you guys think about them? Anyone had much experience with them? Anyone ever owned/shot the 10mm Bobtail? Thanks, -Jason G
  17. Jasongar8

    First AR-15 M4

    Hey man, congrats on the new AR. Once you get your first one its like a sickness, you have to have another and another and another... you get the point, lol. You can get the 40mm, but like others have said the 37mm is a lot less pricey. A 40mm will run you between $3000-$4000, and it is class 3 (little more paper work). Enjoy the new gun! Thanks, -Jason G
  18. +1 For Bakers in Goodlettsville, I usuallt eat there once a week. Real good food. -Jason G
  19. Yea i dont want the 340PD cause it is .357, i like it cause it is so light. I have a few buddies that have shot .357's threw their 340PD's and they said it hurt like hell. The 642 is a great gun but i think saving the extra weight is worth the money to me. -Jason G
  20. Just wondering why did u decide on the one without a lock? These are new to me, ive never seen one. How long have they been out? I havent heard of any problems on the 642's with the locks, are there? What advantages are there to the "lockless" 642. Im in the market for a 340pd so just trying to learn a little about Smiths little snubs. -Jason G
  21. In my opinion South African is the best surplus .308 out there. I have never heard of anyone having problems with it. I have shot 10,000+ rounds of it threw 1919a4's in about 3 years and havent had ANY problems. In 2006 we were buying it for $180 per 1250 rounds but now those days are gone, expect to pay .50 cents per round and higher for any surplus .308. -Jason G
  22. I dont have a bolt action .50 but I have a belt-fed, does that count? My dad has a M2HB ground gun and and M3AC aircraft gun. Me and my brother both have M2HB ground guns. We reload for the .50's but when our components run out they wont get shot nearly as much. We have been buying bullets 10,000 at a time and powder 100 pounds at a time, but when you reload the .50 100 pounds dosent last too long. The most expensive thing now is brass and primers. These guns are fun to shoot, we take them and set them up and usually let little kids shoot them if them come up to look at them, they are usually amazed because the gun is bigger then they are, these guns are locked down on tripods, so no comments about the recoil on little kids,lol. -Jason G
  23. I like the "hell-fire trigger system" on his fully automatic AK foutay seben, he's a real pro. -Jason G
  24. Dang I didnt know both my bros were on here. I didnt know yall surfed the gun boards, lol. -Jason G


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