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Everything posted by Jasongar8

  1. The Ceiner .22 kit that I have runs great, havent had one problem out of it. He does make a good kit even if he is a nut job....Im sure Joe and the guys will get you squared away with one when they get them in. -Jason G
  2. I enjoyed it. I would love to come home and there be a new Barrett m82 sitting in my living room, but wouldnt want all the problems he had that came with it. Good movie. -Jason G
  3. As long as people continue to pay higher and higher prices for "assault weapons" then they will continue to go up in price. They will go as high as the market will allow. But there will be a point where the normal consumer simply cannot afford to buy any more and thats where they will top out. I go by some advice given to me a long time ago, buy what you can afford because you want it. Dont buy on speculation that you will turn a profit, and dont give in to the panic buying craze because it usually dosent turn out very well for the consumer. -Jason G
  4. You cant carry the shotty on a HCP. Plus that is a AOW class 3 weapon, cant carry it. Plus who wants to have their class 3 stuff tied up in court for years and years. Everyone would be better off sticking to pistols and revolvers. Just my .02. -Jason G
  5. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I lost both my grandparents on the same side within a little over a year of each other. It hurts so bad now, but stay strong and remember the good times and all the things he taught you throughout the years. You are very lucky to have had that extra month with him to get everything out and tell him exactly how you felt, cherish those times you had with him. I am sure he is looking down telling all his buddies how proud he is of you. God bless you, your family, and your Grandfather. -Jason G
  6. With Glocks people either love them or hate them. I think that for the money they are one of the best guns out there. When you buy one it will last you forever. I have a 17C and a 27. I carried the 27 for about a year, and it is a great gun. I want to get a 20 one of these days. -Jason G
  7. Im not really afraid of snakes if i know where they are. If im already on top of one they make me hurt myself trying to get away from them. -Jason G
  8. Not into the barrel at all. I dont see the advantage to it. Also the green stock turns me off. Im sure it is a shooter, just not my cup of tea. I would stick to .308 for long distance stuff. Check out the 700 LTR and the 700 Police too. -Jason G
  9. If I was black I would be happy my ancestors were brought over from Africa to be slaves because if they were left there then that would mean that I would still be over there throwing spears and the others. You have to admit if there wasnt slaves brought over here the blacks would have it MUCH MUCH worse then they do now. Give my a break and lay of the f#$king race card already. -Jason G
  10. Any good match ammo. Federal, Remington, Hornady all make good match stuff. Most guys shoot 168gr. or 175gr. boat tail hollow points for long range stuff. -Jason G
  11. Im on snipershide all the time and they get pretty good reviews over there for the money. I would ditch the stock that come with it and get a McMillan or HS. Other than that here is a pretty good thresd about them from snipershide. http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=992263&Searchpage=4&Main=90492&Words=sps+tactical&Search=true#Post992263 Hope this helps, -Jason G
  12. i would think that you will be ok with either one and long as you shoot good ammo. I you were camping in brown bear country then i would recommend at least a .44 revolver or a 12ga shotty with 00 buck. -Jason G
  13. Dude if you dont want it can I get a shot at it? It is prob the best surplus .308 out there. Thats all I run through my 1919a4 when I can find it. -Jason G
  14. Since the other guys have told you how you can buy from CMP, I will recommend that if you decide to get some guns from them I would go down to the Anniston AL store and actually pick your guns out and either bring them home or have them shipped. We have bought 8 Garands from CMP since Oct. They were all service grade Springfields and HRA's. When you go down there you can actually guage the rifles and hand pick the one you want. There were some service grades that if i got in the mail without seeing them would have disappointed me. There are ruff ones mixed in with the good ones. I think it is worth the drive down to find the exact one you want. -Jason G
  15. I want to get a G20C in 10mm and a G17L. You dont see either one of those too often. -Jason G
  16. Jasongar8


    I love Kahr. My dad bought a MK9 first then I got my brother a CW40. A few months ago dad got the PM45. And I just got a PM40 about 2 months ago. We all carry them every day. I used to carry a Glock 27 but havent even thought about it since I got the PM40. -Jason G
  17. Here is all the info I need about them. They are real POS's, they are against everything we stand for. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brady_Campaign_to_Prevent_Gun_Violence -Jason G
  18. Yup I pretty much agree with everything he said. Too bad there isnt more "celeberities" like him. -Jason G
  19. I dont think there will be a huge difference in quality. If you use mil spec parts and put it together right then it should run no matter what brand it is. Sure someone who has built 20 AR's will know the little tricks to tweek parts to fit better or springs for a better trigger. But your home built Del Ton sould run fine. -Jason G
  20. I understand where you are comming from. But when you ask them for something they dont have in stock what are they supposed to say? I think it is good business for them to offer to order it for you. You have to understand that gun shops are mostly family owned and simply cant afford to stock everything that you see on the internet. They are just trying to help you when they offer to order stuff that they dont have. I totally agree with gun shops helping any and all customers, good customer service means a lot in the gun business. -Jason G
  21. Stag is the only ones i have seen in the left hand model. they seem like good guns for the money. and if your a lefty then they are great. good looking gun. got any plans for accessories for it? -Jason G
  22. Since he started working and G&L it seems like hes got a new gun every week. We went to dinner last week and he had a new Kel-Tec. He had a new Styer last week to now that i think of it. He's a gun whore like me. -Jason G
  23. Since you are in Nashville I would go talk to the recruiters in Rivergate. My buddy has been to all of them and he just told them, "I dont want no BS" and they have treated him good. None of this, "yea sure if you just sign up for the Ranger contract that will automatically make you a Ranger once you get out of basic". They have told him the truth about everything as far as we know. -Jason G
  24. I totally agree, lol. If you put in the right place any hollow point will do massive damage. Ive shot some of the Starfire stuff and it ran fine. -Jason G
  25. I would say just go talk to a recuriter and see whats MOS's are open now if u want to do it soon. I know the SEAL contract is open now because one of my good friends is at MEPS tonight for the Navy. He was going to do Army MP but they told him that he wouldnt leave for basic until at least July, so he moved on to the Navy. I would say there is a big increase in people signing up with the ecomony being bad and a lot of people re-uping for the same reason. You said u were in college are you going to go in and go to OCS to be an officer? -Jason G


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