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Everything posted by Jasongar8

  1. When you guys say RAW, what does that mean? Cool pics by the way, all of them. -Jason G
  2. Academy Sports sells the S&W SW9VE and the SW40VE (Sigma) for $299 new. So that should give you a point to start with. I would say $250-$275 would be a good deal. -Jason G
  3. They are both great guns and I think you will be happy with either one. But my vote is for the Glock simply because I like it more. I have a 27 that I carry quite a bit. Nothing wrong with the Springfield at all, I just like the Glock more. -Jason G
  4. I wish every American could see this. Maybe people then would realize the sacrifice these brave men and women are making for us. I saw this video a few weeks ago but it still gets to me. God bless Sgt. Beale and all the men and women in uniform. -Jason G
  5. Every .50 that I have been around was still loud even with a suppressor. They do help a little, but not enough to shoot very much without hearing protection. Plus .50's are super sonic so you are always going to have the crack of the bullet down range. -Jason G
  6. Is there anything different about the iphone texting plans? On the at&t site it says "iphone text messaging" as a recommended option. Is there any difference in the unlimited text plan I have now and the "iphone unlimited texting plan"? -Jason G
  7. If you like beer the Flying Saucer is the place to go. They have 100+ on tap. -Jason G
  8. Jasongar8


    I think that counter needs to be a little lower, I think its against codes. -Jason G
  9. Jasongar8


    Sweet baby Jesus. I have GOT to start watching Food Network. -Jason G
  10. Ive already got unlimited text and data, I called them and they told me that if I got the iphone it would add $30 a month for the iphone internet. Buk how many GB did you go with? -Jason G
  11. Im looking for a new phone. I am already with AT&T and am pretty happy with the service. I think the only advantage to the iphone is being able to get on the "real" internet and the music, but I already have a Ipod. Its going to cost me $30 more a month for the internet service plus the cost of the phone. So what do you guys with iphones think? Should I go for it? Are they worth the extra cost? -Jason G
  12. Some SEALs carry the HK MK23 in .45. But some do carry Sigs in 9mm (P228, M11). Weapons & Demo | NavySEALs.com - Experience the SEAL Edge -Jason G
  13. Its not worth it man, that is just too dangerous. -Jason G
  14. Dude why would you endanger yourself like that? You must have a death wish. -Jason G
  15. This is UFC fighter BJ Penn. -Jason G
  16. Ok who wants to let me shoot them with a 9mm and a .45. Which ever one you say hurts the most will win. :) Guys cant you just agree to disagree? -Jason G
  17. Hey guys I went on vacation last week down in Gulf Shores, AL. I went over to NAS Pensacola on Tuesday to see the Blue Angels practice. The weather started out beautiful but it clouded up during the practice. I have seen them over 10 times from Florida to Alaska but I'm still in awe everytime I see them fly. Pics arnt the greatest but best I could do with my Sony point and shoot. If you are close to Pensacola, FL they usually practice on Tues. and Wed. at 8:30 at NAS Pensacola. -Jason G
  18. They are not manufactured for civilians, they havent been since May 1986. -Jason G
  19. What kind of ammo are you looking for? There might be somwhere else that may have what you are looking for. It depends if you are looking for some hunting ammo then yeah Bass Pro is the place, but if you are looking for a case of 7.62x39 the I would go somewhere else. -Jason G
  20. To everyone that was ever killed with a 9mm, "I command you to raise up! you're not dead! You were shot with a useless cartridge". -Jason G
  21. I would guess because the manufacture of new full auto weapons for civilians was banned by the feds in 1986 but the Firearm Owners Protection Act. Firearm Owners Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Where suppressors, sbr's, sbs's, and aow's have been regulated by the National Firearms Act since 1934. But no further regulations have been put on them as far as new manufacture either by a company or a individual (by doing a form 1). -Jason G
  22. Sounds like good advice to me. This really sounds like you might have a case against Ruger for a defective gun. Im playing dont get your panties in a bunch. -Jason G
  23. "They didnt have guns back then" lol that cracked me up. I would buy from him. -Jason G
  24. If he/she is still trying to do bodily harm why dont you shoot his ass again? I agree .380 isnt the best defensive round but if one dosent do it 2, 3, or 4 rounds might work. -Jason G


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