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Everything posted by Jasongar8

  1. Dude, I'm glad you got these up. I thought TGODavid was going to have to rough you up. Very nice gun by the way. -Jason G
  2. I think you may have gotten some wrong information. I bought a MP5 clone as a pistol, marked pistol, and 4473 was done as a pistol. I did my form 1 and got my stamp and made it into a SBR. My good friend did the exact same thing with a GSG-5 pistol. I have also seen Glocks the were converted to SBR's by adding a shoulder stock that was made to go on a Glock 18. Why? I dont know but they did. -Jason G
  3. Great job! Sounds good too. What are you going to coat/paint/park/blue it with? I am also intrested in what kind of baffle system you are running and is it a sealed can or can you take it apart to clean? -Jason G
  4. I carry my Kahr PM40 in a DeSantis Nemesis inside the pocket holster. It has worked very well for me. Commerce Storefront B2C -Jason G
  5. Yea you are good to go as long as they are just temporary. -Jason G
  6. Since changing uppers isnt a permanent change of caliber you are good to go. Guys switch from 5.56 to .22 all the time. The 9mm isnt so easy since you have to put the mag block in it. -Jason G
  7. Of course he is going to push the Glock, he is a spokesperson for them. He is always at their SHOT Show booth signing autographs. -Jason G
  8. Capbyrd, there is nothing wrong with your gun. It is working exactly how it was designed to. To load it, lock the slide back, load the magazine, put it into the gun, pull back on the slide and let it go. The slide will fall and chamber a round. When you shoot all the bullets out of the magazine the slide will lock back, Repeat this process as many times as desired. Oh yea take a look at that little book that came with the gun when you bought it. -Jason G
  9. Prayers outbound. -Jason G
  10. What an idiot, I mean seriously how freaking stupid can you get? We would have been better off if he had put it too his head. Prob. not work/children safe. LiveLeak.com - drunk guy shoots himself on purpose! -Jason G
  11. I agree with 56FordGuy. Im not a fan of the 6.0, but hey it could be worse and have the V10 in it. I just loved the 7.3, I have worked on many of them. They are/were a great motor. Anyway great looking truck Mike. -Jason G
  12. The DMV doesnt print for NFA paperwork. Are you sure your not talking about a HCP? -Jason G
  13. Thats so homosexual. -Jason G
  14. Tell me more about the green 10/22. From what I can see that thing looks awesome . Maybe we could get a pic? -Jason G
  15. Is it a gas burner or the 6.0? -Jason G
  16. If something does happen to him, and I truely hope it dosent, the **** will hit the fan. It will make the LA riots look like playtime and it will be nationwide. All I can say is if it does happen you better be ready to defend you and yours. -Jason G
  17. I'm boring as far as what what I carry. I carry a Kahr PM40 with night sights in a DeSantis Nemesis 80% of the time. When the Kahr isnt with me I've got a Glock 27 with night sights in a Blackhawk serpa. Not much variety but I trust them and I know if I ever have to use them they will work. -Jason G
  18. Im a fan of SOA, but I like Rescue Me more. It is about the only show out that that actually makes me laugh. -Jason G
  19. I edited my orginal post so maybe you can figure it out now. -Jason G
  20. I would still be cleaning the ***** out of my underpants. Since the embed was blocked click at the top of the screen where it says "YouTube - Bear Attack Easton Bowhunting TV". YouTube - Bear Attack Easton Bowhunting TV -Jason G
  21. When are you headed out? -Jason G
  22. Build your own AR, I would do a 5.56. This way you can build it exactly the way you want it. You wont have to take stuff off you dont like and replace them whit what you do. Just build it how you want it from the ground up. Plus in the end you wont have a pile of parts just collecting dust. -Jason G
  23. Jasongar8

    The Judge

    Whats it supposed to be? Some kind of choke system? Could you post a link to the original thread on the other forum? I would like to read more about what it is. -Jason G
  24. I'm I the only one who dosent see where the OP is going with this thread? Kinda seems like rambling to me? -Jason G
  25. Looking good! Sights would be my next purchase. GI sights are just too small for a carry pistol. Personally I like Novak night sights on a 1911. -Jason G


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