Thanks for the welcoming attitudes and all.
@Schadenfreude: I have not been to Lido bar that I can recall but when I am in Beijing I am usually pretty drunk, and I've eaten more than my fair share of Beijing Duck which is some of the best duck I've had.
I do a lot of business at Tea Houses so I have seen quite a few and most are pretty intense; and no "Maobama" T-shirts most the average joe's people love him most of the businessmen hate him and call him protectionist because of all kinds of new tariffs on export goods to the US from here.
@Ohshoot, a few hundred grand here may not be as much as your hoping for once you exchange it.
@Garufa, simply, No. no guns for any reason. Since I stepped off the plane in China six months ago, I have not seen one firearm. At all. The police do not carry any weapons, no baton, nightstick, anything. The army trolls around now and then but they don't ever have any weapons... Brake the rules and the consequences are very stiff, so no one breaks the rules.
@TripleDigitRide, My wife's father has worked over here for about 10 years, he used to be work in the Indy coal area but they pay good money over here, so I guess my answer was money, also I am still a young guy and climbing the ladder takes a while, but you can skip a few rungs if you run off to China for a bit. Did I mention money?
I'd say the worst part is there is no Chewing Tobacco in the whole country...
I'd say the best part is, since there is no chew, its good smokes are like 50 cents a pack.
sorry for the novel.
and sorry but my posts will always be at bad times, I am like +11 or 12 hours off you guys.