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Everything posted by BIG ROB

  1. I don't think we would reach it if he does. Sully will bring a second instructor if the student to instructor ratio becomes lop sided.
  2. I play off and on. My name is Cerifiednut Hook up if you see me online. I will let you ride my steel.
  3. That should be enough. It is not so much about being a permit holder as it is not being a mad bomber, Haji, drug dealer, or murder. You will be fine. Let me know if you need anything else. Love to see you there!!
  4. Great Bob, love to have you in the class. Let me know if you have any trouble or need anything. BTW, you should have or will be getting a letter confirming the CPA. Or at least that's what I was told.
  5. It is open to anyone. We are don't discriminate seriously, we would love to have you.
  6. AR-15 / M-16 / M-4 ARMORING COURSE "OPEN ENROLLMENT" My Sheriff's Office is hosting this class. If you are interested in attending follow the directions below. Let me know if you have any questions. When: March 9-10, 2010 (March 11, 2010 Law Enforcement Shotgun Armorer Course which is also Open Enrollment) Where: Waverly Tennessee Cost: $350 (Register Through his Website) Defensive Edge SLR15 Rifles - (763) 712-0123 - Home SLR15 Rifles has been featured in SWAT Magazine, Guns & Ammo Magazine Tactical Guns & Gear Annual, Shooting Times, Gun Digest, Guns & Weapons For Law Enforcement Magazine, and Precision Rifle Magazine. Our Armoring Course has been taught for a decade all over the country, and was reviewed in SWAT Magazine. This course covers all variants of the AR-15/M16/M-4 weapons system with 2-days of hands on training which goes far beyond basic disassembly & reassembly. Here is a brief overview of what is covered: History of the Weapon Cycles of Function General Disassembly & Assembly Identification of Common Problems and Parts Nomenclature Identification of Group Components Semi, Burst, and Full Auto Parts and Conversions Complete Armoring Disassembly / Assembly Barrel Replacement Cleaning and Maintenance Sight and Distance Considerations Ballistic Issues Barrel Twist, Length, and Choices Gas System Parts Interchangability, including Brands Headspace Firing Pin Protrusion Trigger Jobs Chamber Inspection and Polishing Accessories and Customizing Tool Options and Selection Iron Sights (A1/A2/A3) Disassembly/Reassembly Optics SOP/MOD Accessories and Additions Etc All tools, manuals, and anything else that is necessary is supplied. We will provide rifles with prior arrangements so we know how many to bring. We prefer that students bring their own weapon systems to get familiar with their own configuration and modifications, plus this allows the time for a good thorough cleaning and inspection, plus we can replace and repair any parts necessary. This is a very intensive course that we cover in 2-days, so be prepared to get a lot of hands on knowledge.
  7. That is a great article. Thanks for the share!
  8. While I too am apprehensive of our new coaches abilities to succeed at Tennessee, I don't thinks it fair to call his past teams talentless. The definition is: devoid of talent; not gifted. To say an NCAA Division 1 athlete is talentless is absurd. Saying he does not have the equal quality of athletes is a tad bit better way of saying it. Not really busting balls but more just taking up for these guys who work their tail off on the gridiron. It is hard work and takes talent to compete on that level. I listen to a l;ot of sports talk radio and I get upset when talentless get said about NFL, NCAA, MLB athletes and such. I was hoping for a bigger name to salvage the recruiting class we had. The first test for DD is to retain as many of Kiffin's class as possible. Let signing day hurry up and get here!!!
  9. I know a lot of people who swear by the MTAC. I am more of a Comp Tac C Tac kind of guy. It is less bulky. I have been wearing it daily for about two years with no issues. Very nice and well made. It is comfortable and easy to conceal. You should give it a look.
  10. I think you need something like this. I can't say anything as to quality. This will mount the sight forward of the carry handle. Command Arms Carry Handle Rail - CHMF
  11. I agree 100% with Todd. This seemed to be written by someone with some sort of agenda or bias. It is an interesting read, It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that a Barrett .50 is a fine weapon for shooting Haji in the face. The M4 has performed well for way too many people to say its not good. Is their better? Absolutely! Is it a failure, no way!
  12. I am hosting an 2 day AR-15/M4 platform plus a one day Shotgun armorers class in early March. It looks like the 9th will be the first day. This will be through my department, Humphreys Co Sheriff's Office (Waverly). Citizens are welcome. I will have firm dates and cost in the coming week. Shoot me a PM if you are looking for either of those classes.
  13. I took a little of what Fallguy pointed out from another thread and updated my editorial. It was published in the paper today. http://media.iadsnetwork.com/quickpagepdf/pdfs/125000/125292.pdf The News-Democrat Thanks for the support!
  14. I think I found the setting this time. Thanks for letting me know it is not working
  15. try it now... if not, I will post the text
  16. I am a city council member for New Johnsonville, TN. We are having the battle for the right to carry in the parks. It is a close fight that may come down to the mayor. I have wrote a small letter on my facebook. Direct any of your friends to this if they live in the area. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=134501987221 Thanks
  17. Would you have expected anything different?
  18. I disagree and in good conscience cannot use that as a stop. I don't think that is the intent of the law. In fact the state has went to lengths to make the plate reflective to be more visible at night. I like to push the envelope and aggressive law enforcement. Looking at legislative intent below: Every registration plate shall at all times be securely fastened in a horizontal position to the vehicle for which it is issued so to prevent the plate from swinging and at a height of not less that twelve inches (12") from the ground, measuring from the bottom of such plate, in a place and position to be clearly visible and shall be maintained free from foreign materials and in a condition to be clearly legible. I don't see where illumination is listed anywhere. I think if this case was pressed it would be over turned but what do I know, I am just a dumb cop. It surprises me that our extremely liberal court of criminal appeals made that decision. That is an interesting case as well. I have not seen it before. Thanks for sharing!!
  19. You are correct, that is what I meant. At times I type faster than I think.
  20. The short answer is no. A stop is based on reasonable suspicion or probable cause. An officer must be able to articulate why he stopped you, to a judge if it ever went that far. In other words if I clock you speeding 75/55. I have the right to stop, search for, and seize the violator. When I say search, at this point, I am looking for the driver. I can write him a ticket or send him on his/her way. I can ask for consent to search for other items that are illegal but short of probable cause, asking is all I can do. Someone brought up a dog going outside the car. You can do that so long as you don't delay the stop any longer than it takes to write a citation, verify information, check for warrants and such. Unless you can articulate reasonable suspicion that something else is going on. The fact that you decline a search is not reasonable suspicion or probable cause of anything what so ever. That is one of those urban legends kinda like driving barefoot being illegal. An example of a reasonable suspicion stop is a s follows. I am dispatched to an alarm call at the local pharmacy. As I approach, I see a vehicle leaving the parking lot. I turn into the parking lot and see the widow is busted out. I notify other units of the vehicle that left and the broken window. A stop is made on the car to investigate if they had anything to do with it. It would only be reasonable to believe that they had anything to do with it. It would be possible that the car simply pulled into the parking lot looking for a coke machine or something. Then they heard the alarm and got the hell out of dodge. The real culprit could still be inside. We would be derelict in our duty as LE not to at least investigate the possibility of the vehicle and it's occupants. I really hope this helps.
  21. Yep, that is just about right. But it is not all as black and white as this reads. Too many variables that may come in to play for it to be that simple.
  22. Yeah, that will work;) The best thing to do is be polite and either decline or consent. The choice is yours unless the officer has probable cause or at least reasonable suspicion to "frisk" the area of immediate control of a potential suspect with a weapon. This "frisk" would only be in areas that it would be likely to contain a weapon. In other words, you wouldn't be looking in a cigarette pack for a gun. The part of the reasonable amount of time and locking the door and such. If I have probable cause to search your vehicle, your locked doors and rolled up windows will only cause them to get broke. They will not prevent a search of the vehicle. Again, the best thing to do is be polite and either comply or consent. Trying to play Johnny Cochran on the side of the road wont help you one bit. That's what you pay lawyers for in court. On the side of the road, the officer is going to run the show.
  23. What a thread! I have read a lot of information that is just absolutely 100% incorrect. I have also read some that is correct. To search anything you have to have two things. One, probably cause. Two, consent from a person in control or with the authority to grant consent. The one exception to a warrant, is if you can articulate exigent circumstances that the evidence of a crime is likely to be destroyed in the time it would take to obtain a warrant. You still have to prove that you had probably cause to justify the search. You simply must prove the exigency as well. The license plate light law. ahhhh this is a fabulous topic. I have challenged many, many, many people to show me the TCA that states you must have one. If someone knows it, please pass it on so I stand corrected. I don't know your son. I don't know the officer in question. I know to most fathers, there children are the apple of their eye and they can do NO wrong. Not saying that here, just saying. I also know that there are TON of crappy police out there. I would gues about 5% or better. That all boils down to leadership within the city/county and the administration. Numerous times smaller departments don't have the luxury of supurbly trained officers. In fact most, not just small, places don't have enough training. There is a reason why the number one reason departments get sued is "lack of training". With that said, IF the officer told your son that he would get a ticket if he did not allow him to search, then that officer has coerced the consent and it would not matter if he was smuggling 1000 pounds of weed. That search would have been kicked. But in all reality I don't think it would have made it passed the stop. I am sorry but I will not get into the time issue. Too many variables could come into play to say if they took too long or not. The fact is if they consented to the search then your son dictates the time. At the point he is ready to go, the officers either need reasonable suspicion to continue the stop or let him go. Too many officers of today rely on COPS (tv show) as a training tool. Different states have different laws and you must know YOUR states laws to do your job correctly if you are going to enforce it. At any rate, please look at the big picture. Check out your sons friends. They may be the ones that the different officers may be keying on. Thing about small towns is we all know each other one way or another. Reputations are key! If you really think that something wrong has happened, then please go talk to the officers supervisor. Don't go and be rude or anything. Just simply ask for an explination of why the things happened the way they did. Make sure your son or his friend were nice. Ask if there was a video tape that you could see for yourself. As a law enforcement supervisor, I welcome that. It does not bother me one bit. Things like this may allow me to open parents eyes or find an issue that needs to be addressed to make our area law enforment better. Good luck, hope I helped some.
  24. Once I am given the permit, I usually ask if they are currently carrying. You probably wouldn't be surprised at how many say no. But if they are then the next question is where is the weapon. It usually doesn't go past that. A few months ago a guy had a really nice kimber. He let me finger it a bit. I told him if he ever got ready to part with it to give me a call. It was a very nice weapon. I do the training for my department and we discuss permit carriers and how to handle them. You would be surprised at how little most places train on the subject. We also teach the carry permit class a couple times per month. This has been outstanding for our community. I tell the students the same thing I said here. Identify yourself is IMO the best response but it's up to them.


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