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Everything posted by BIG ROB

  1. He will be able to accomodate up to 20 with instructors if needed. 
  2. The Humphreys County (TN) Sheriff’s Office is proud to host Dark Angel Medical for its comprehensive two day medical class.  Please read below for a more detailed explanation of the course.  You owe it to your partners to be able to help them in their time of need.  This class will give you the skills necessary to save a life!   January 25-26 2014   Class is hosted at :      Humphreys County Sheriff’s Office - Training Center           2123 Scepter Rd           Waverly, TN 37185           Dark Angel Medical, LLC www.darkangelmedical.com   The course is 2 days in length with a total of 16 hours of classroom work to include slide presentations, videos, question and answer sessions and hands-on practical skills application. ***There are no prerequisites for this class*** A manual and all training aids will be provided. A D.A.R.K. will also be provided to each student as part of the tuition. Cost of the course (2 days instruction plus the D.A.R.K.—a $159.95 value) is $450.00 per person. The course covers the following: Physiological and Psychological reactions to environmental stress The importance of having the proper Combat Mindset Basic Anatomy and Physiology of life-sustaining systems H, A, B, C’s—Hemorrhage, Airway, Breathing and Circulation Breakdown and usage of Individual Med Kit components Proper stowage and employment of the IMK Hands-on application of the IMK Basic and Advanced Airway management -treating and monitoring tension pneumothorax, sucking chest wound and flail chest Airway adjunct device placement-Nasopharyngeal Airway Basic First Aid and Advanced wound care Application of Bandages and Hemostatic Agents Application of tourniquets Recognition and Treatment of various injuries (Gunshot, Laceration, Burn, Airway, Head, Orthopedic, Environmental) Recognition and treatment of hypovolemic (hemorrhagic) shock Moving and positioning victims with various injuries Response to active shooter situation Proper use of cover and cover vs. concealment Casualty recovery in an Active Shooter situation Mass casualty triage procedure Emergency Medical Dialect/Lingo (911 protocol, cooperation with LE, Fire and EMS and First Responders)   Hardware/Kit Note pad and pen/pencil/Sharpie Individual First Aid Kit—If you choose to. All training materials are provided. An open mind
  3. You beat me to this Mike.  Thanks for posting.  If anyone has any questions please feel free to let me know.
  4. The Humphreys County Sheriff's Office is hosting this class! PAT MCNAMARA 2 DAY T.A.P.S. PISTOL CARBINE 08-09 SEPTEMBER 2012 - WAVERLY, TN TAPS delivers a comprehensive, systematic, progressive shooting program focused on fundamental mastery and built for Law Enforcement officers, military operators, and qualified civilians. The approach to instruction is through coaching and mentor-ship and both demonstrates and transfers a training method that is safe, effective, combat relevant, and encourages a continuous thought process that demands accountability. Training is conducted on the range and focuses on advanced refinement of the basic fundamentals of marksmanship as applied to the primary and secondary weapons systems. Utilizing a building block learning model, TAPS combines the pressures and dynamics of competitive shooting and tactical application. While course of instruction is on the firing range, the TAPS training approach also translates into training venues outside the range. Course Outline: - Lecture on proper weapons handling and safety - Refresh the fundamentals and grouping exercises - Conduct a diagnostic course of fire - Conduct a discussion on the importance of performing a focal shift during training and avoiding mundane drills that do not encourage a thought process - Other topics covered and practiced are; grouping exercises with both primary and secondary weapon systems, target discrimination, use of barricades, movement, close quarter battle techniques, immediate action drills, ballistics 101, transitions, magazine changes - Escalation of training and intensity will vary depending on number of students and their skill level though the core of the course will always remain the same - This course is marksmanship intensive. Course Objectives: - Know how to adapt an expeditionary mindset so that they are better prepared to handle conflict on short notice - Understand how to effectively maximize available use of shooting time and space. - Operate as a safer, more confident, more lethal operator who can decisively and precisely act under pressure. - Acquire an alternative training approach which translates to other training venues outside of the firing range and be able to transfer this approach to other operators using the equipment available to them. To Register: http://store.greygro....S.-185011.html
  5. This class is getting close if anyone is interested.
  6. Gref, I teach the permit class for the Humphreys County Sheriff's Office. Our new range is located between New Johnsonville and Waverly which is about a 45 minute drive for you. You may sign up by calling Brandy Burns at 931-296-2301 We hold one to two per month and the cost is only $50. Upcoming dates are April 30 May 21 June 18 July 23 All of these classes are on Saturdays and we will schedule private classes for 10 or more students.
  7. The Humphreys County Sheriff’s Office is hosting an AR-15 / M-16 / M-4 ARMORER & ADVANCED ARMORER COURSES. *** This class is open to the public *** Dates: May 31st & June 1st Basic June 2nd & 3rd Advanced Cost: (Register at www.SLR15.com) $350 Armorer $350 Advanced Armorer $650 Armorer & Advanced Armorer Courses Combined Location: Humphreys County Sheriff’s Office - Training Center 2123 Scepter Rd Waverly, TN Department Contact: Lt. Rob Edwards 931-209-0855 cell 931-535-2182 training center Here is a brief overview of what is covered in the Armorer Course and I can tell you it is a very busy hands on full 2-days of Armoring: History of the Weapon Cycles of Function General Disassembly & Assembly Identification of Common Problems and Parts Nomenclature Identification of Group Components Semi, Burst, and Full Auto Parts and Conversions Complete Armoring Disassembly / Assembly Barrel Replacement Cleaning and Maintenance Sight and Distance Considerations Ballistic Issues Barrel Twist, Length, and Choices Gas System Parts Interchangability, including Brands Headspace Firing Pin Protrusion Trigger Jobs Chamber Inspection Accessories and Customizing Tool Options and Selection Iron Sights (A1/A2/A3) Disassembly/Reassembly Optics SOP/MOD Accessories and Additions Etc The Advanced AR15/M16 Armorers Course takes the Armorer to a whole new level of knowledge and skill. During this 2-day (16 hour) course the Armorer will get exposed to an extensive hands on curriculum. The Advanced Armorer Course covers: Cycles of Function & Diagnosis of Issues Complete Disassembly / Assembly Identification of Common & Uncommon Problems and Parts Identification of Group Components & Rare Parts/Configurations Chamber Reaming & Polishing Accessories & Upgrades Barrel Replacement & Modifications Internal Barrel & Chamber Inspections Feed Ramps Crown Repair Detailed Maintenance Sight and Distance Considerations Ballistic Issues Headspacing & Inspections Trigger Jobs Detailed Trouble Shooting & Repair M16 & Burst Conversions & Problems Association Free Float Barrels / Foreends and Modifications Gas Blocks & Front Sight Base (Pinning) Flash Suppressors/Muzzle Brakes/Comps/Mounts Tuning, Harmonics & Customizing Custom Tools & Fixtures All tools, manuals, and anything else that is necessary is supplied. We will provide rifles with prior arrangements so we know how many to bring. We prefer that students bring their own weapon systems to get familiar with their own configuration and modifications, plus this allows the time for a good thorough cleaning and inspection, plus we can replace and repair any parts necessary. This is a very intensive course that we cover in 2-days, so be prepared to get a lot of hands on knowledge.
  8. That is true everywhere BUT!!!! You better have everything in order and not be doing anything wrong. There are people I don't like or respect. Just like some do with LEO's. I just don't show hatefulness and willingly start a fight that I may lose. As far as passing LEO's. If I am driving slow it is for a reason and I would rather you pass me and get out of my way. Driving fast means I have somewhere to be. Driving slow means I am looking for something. The only time I will stop anyone for passing me is if I am doing the speed limit or a little over and get passed. Now that just don't look good.
  9. I hope so too. I really think that it would be a good way to raise money for the campaign. It is a win - win for anyone in the area that wants to support Stephen and get some quality firearms training. I will do as many of these as we can as long as people want to come.
  10. www.stephenfincher.com
  11. I am trying to put together a training event for potential donors to Stephen's campaign. I don't have a hard date set yet but I do know it will be on a Saturday in July. Tuition for the class will be $200 (more if you like) and you will get one day of solid training. It will be modeled after the LMS Defense one day course, which I teach. This is not an LMS Defense class and I will not be able to award you a certificate of completion from the company. What you do get it one day of awesome pistol training and get to contribute to a conservative candidate that is very pro gun. I hope it is ok to post this as I am not profiting from this class. ALL MONIES GO TO CAMPAIGN. Let me know if you are interested and I will put you on a mailing list. I am trying to secure a range somewhere mid-district (Madison, Gibson, Haywood, or Crockett Co. for the class. This is in it's infancy but wanted to give everyone a heads up do to the timing. I hope to have details worked out this week. Let me know if you have any questions! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Equipment Needed: Handgun and 3 magazines or two speed loaders / Speed Strips Belt mounted holster and magazine pouches 500 rounds of handgun ammunition Water and a sack lunch Weather appropriate clothing Pen and Notepad Eye and ear protection This fun and informative course is designed for novice and regular shooters. A professional and comfortable learning environment will enable you to quickly learn handgun safety, core fundamentals and shooting dynamics, weapons handling, effective handgun engagement techniques, and holster use. You will also take home techniques and skills to train correctly on your own. This is a great course for new gun owners and recreational shooters to take the plunge into getting professional instruction without a large financial and time commitment. We strive to teach these low stress courses locally and often.
  12. I am trying to put together a training event for potential donors to Stephen's campaign. I don't have a hard date set yet but I do know it will be on a Saturday in July. Tuition for the class will be $200 (more if you like) and you will get one day of solid training. It will be modeled after the LMS Defense one day course, which I teach. This is not an LMS Defense class and I will not be able to award you a certificate of completion from the company. What you do get it one day of awesome pistol training and get to contribute to a conservative candidate that is very pro gun. I hope it is ok to post this as I am not profiting from this class. ALL MONIES GO TO CAMPAIGN. Let me know if you are interested and I will put you on a mailing list. I am trying to secure a range somewhere mid-district (Madison, Gibson, Haywood, or Crockett Co. for the class. This is in it's infancy but wanted to give everyone a heads up do to the timing. I hope to have details worked out this week. Let me know if you have any questions! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Equipment Needed: Handgun and 3 magazines or two speed loaders / Speed Strips Belt mounted holster and magazine pouches 500 rounds of handgun ammunition Water and a sack lunch Weather appropriate clothing Pen and Notepad Eye and ear protection This fun and informative course is designed for novice and regular shooters. A professional and comfortable learning environment will enable you to quickly learn handgun safety, core fundamentals and shooting dynamics, weapons handling, effective handgun engagement techniques, and holster use. You will also take home techniques and skills to train correctly on your own. This is a great course for new gun owners and recreational shooters to take the plunge into getting professional instruction without a large financial and time commitment. We strive to teach these low stress courses locally and often.
  13. I like that a lot... I will have to use it sometime.
  14. Just wait till it finally goes to trial and someone on the jury thought he didn't mean to do it. Because that is the story the defense attorney paints. Low and behold you he gets off scott free. Happens all the time!
  15. I WOULD love it. Lights are a big part of my life.
  16. Yeah I use a TLR1 on my duty weapon. I love the light. I also have a Insight XTI Procyon on my off duty weapon. I run one of those on one of my rifles as well. I too run a Fenix. This little jewel is 225 lumens and works flawlessly. I bought the rechargeable battery for it and I must say I am very pleased with it. I have a ton of Streamlights, surefires and a couple of Gladius lights as well but the TK11 is my favorite light.
  17. Like the other have said, I use both. One problem that most have with a weapon light is not fully understanding its usefulness. Now when I say that I am not trying to belittle anyone. I am simply going off my experience and training. A weapon mounted light is for controlling a situation/suspect/bad guy whatever your mission dictates. For instance, you have identified a threat and you need to power that threat up for identification purposes or controlling his movements. For searching you should use a quality combat light coupled with good tactics and your weapon platform. It is hard to believe all the issues that come to play with using a light in conjunction with your firearm. Force on Force testing will show you where your tactics are valid or deadly for you. Don't get me wrong, I am a very strong advocate of a weaponlight but training to search and shoot with a hand held light is foremost. The weapon light is secondary. I have a weaponlight on EVERY gun I own for defensive purposes. Just like all my cars have headlights on them. I have worked nights 15 out of my 17 years in law enforcement and I always have plenty of light around. I like to dominate the night! Good luck and let me know if you need anything else!
  18. Worriedman, I am a Bells native... I don't know why I am posting that but just thought I would share I guess.
  19. Good information so far. I planned to discuss the disarming but that is a fine line. While I rarely disarm someone there are times which I do. The permit holder may never fully understand why I did what I did. It works best if I explain the reasoning after the stop is over but that is not always possible. Please keep it up. I really would like to have information from permit holder to pass on. I will way the good and bad and express it to the students. If you had an officer handle the stop professional, safely for everyone and it was a positive encounter I am particularly interested. Thanks again
  20. I am currently writing a lesson plan for Law Enforcement encounters with HCP holders. This is for Law Enforcement officers who contact permit holders for various types of activities whether criminal or non-criminal. I have my own thoughts but I would like to hear from those on the other side of the coin. Granted I cant necessarily tailor the tactics to please everyone but I would like your encounter with LE to be as plesant as it can be. I have been invited to teach this at a few different places that will impact a vast amount of officers. Please do not turn this into a thread bashing cops. I welcome all advise or experiences that you can bring to the table. I would even like some stories whether positive or not so positive. Feel free to PM if you would rather discuss this in private.
  21. No it is our company logo. Please take time to get to know him.
  22. If you live in the 8th Congressional District of Tennessee, which includes roughly the northwestern part of the state, you need to get to know who he is. You may visit www.stephenfincher.org to find out more. First let me tell you about myself. I am a 17 year law enforcement officer, city councilman, and firearms instructor for a national training company. I got into politics the last couple years because I got tired of complaining about the direction my city was headed in. I decided I would run for office and stay true to my conservative values. I think that I have done that. While I don’t consider myself a politician, I do claim to be a doer. I want things done and done correctly. Stephen is of similar mindset. He stepped up to fight for our freedoms that are constantly being eroded by big government. He is simply a family man, farmer, conservative, and a man of God. He is one of us! Please visit his website for more information. If anyone has any questions, I will do what I can to help. If you are near one of his rallies, go see him. He will be conducting a bus tour next week to all the county seats in the district. See his website for the schedule. Ask him questions and learn what kind of man he is. Make him earn your vote! I am in Humphreys County. If you are in Humphreys, Dickson, Benton, Houston, Stewart, or Henry please let me know if you are interested in signs or hosting an event. I will do whatever I can to make it happen. PM me or call the mobile number listed in my signature line. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
  23. Last few days before the class. If anyone is wanting to sign up late, let me know!!


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